
The Bizarre Love Game Where Everyone's a Yandere

The protagonist, Elias, inadvertently enters the second iteration of the game world known as "Yandere". Due to his neglect of emotional connections with female characters in the first round, this oversight becomes extremely dangerous in this real-world iteration. The fictional heroines now exist in reality, transformed into dangerous and unstable "Yanderes". Elias's survival hinges on his ability to forge emotional bonds and the system's limited capacity to restart. His journey is a blend of dark adventure and inner growth, fighting alongside captured allies to unravel the secrets of the game world. Tags # Yandere # Weak to Strong # Apocalypse # Harem # No NTR # No Yuri # May Contain R18 Content (Chapters will be marked)

BlazeMaddox · ファンタジー
355 Chs

Chapter 25: Weariness After the Intense Battle

It was two in the morning.

The night sky was pitch-black, devoid of stars, the moon veiled by thick clouds.

On the balcony, Elias gazed into the nearly dead-black night. Nights in the City of Saint Rose always went this way; the haze of the industrial age dulled any interest in star-gazing.

Of course, he wasn't in the mood for stars. He was scouring the darkness for a trace of Luna.

After searching for what felt like an eternity, he finally exhaled a sigh of relief.

 Luna had truly vanished, steering clear of the old mansion's vicinity.

 Still, she might be lurking not too far away, hiding in the shadows, secretly watching the house ablaze with lights in the dead of night.

 But tonight, it seemed, there would be no trouble, given Luna's grave injuries.

 Even with her regenerative abilities, a full recovery was far off.

 With this thought, Elias, clutching his throbbing right arm, collapsed onto the floor.

 The wound he had sawed open himself no longer bled, but it was still a ghastly sight.


Isabella handed him a strip of bandage.

 Elias looked up into her restored deep-green eyes and smiled a thank you.

Isabella shook her head, glanced around, and sat down on the cold floor.

 The reason she sat there was simple...

 The entire second floor of the old mansion looked like it had been ransacked, with furniture and chairs long gone...

 Surveying the aftermath that resembled a scene post-earthquake.

 Elias and Isabella exchanged a helpless smile.

 "I remember your family being quite wealthy, no? Maybe it's time for a renovation," Isabella joked. "But don't ask me for compensation; I'm broke."

 Elias shook his head. "You saved my life, Isabella. I wouldn't dream of asking you for money."

 "Besides... you seem to have misunderstood something. My family isn't wealthy. This mansion's all that's left, and it's deceivingly grand..."

 The protagonist's parents had passed away long ago, leaving behind just this property. The rest of the inheritance was non-existent.

Now, Elias's entire fortune was this mansion-turned-shelter and his alchemy materials.

"Really? A fallen fortune, then..."

Isabella muttered to herself as she began tending to her wounds.

 Elias watched her; though Isabella was covered in blood and looked frightening, her injuries were minor.

She just wrapped a bandage around her right arm, trying to stabilize the dislocated joint.

 "You still claim you don't know magic," Elias said, pointing at her wounds. "A normal person would've died several times over with those fatal injuries."

 Yet, there was Isabella, lively as ever, even regrowing organs – a healing ability that defied nature.

 "I never lie," Isabella glanced at him. "When I say no magic, I mean it."

 "Is it a genetic gift then?" Elias asked, curious.

 If she wasn't a human with extraordinary powers, then she must be a being like Luna, a supernatural creature.

 In this world, such beings were called "Otherkind," seen as malevolent entities, hunted by the military and the church.

Isabella paused, her eyes narrowing into a smile. "A secret."


 Her response was almost an admission. Elias decided not to pry further.

 After such an intense battle, both were weary, sitting on the floor.

 "I never expected this, you know," Isabella said with a chuckle. "Elias, your 'home visit' is unlike any I've seen in my years. You've really opened my eyes."

 Elias sighed deeply, gazing out into the night. The once romance game seemed to have turned into a kind of horror game, with obsessive love taking a gruesomely suffocating turn.

His story with Luna was far from over. Until this issue was fully resolved, events like tonight's were likely to recur...

 Elias forced a smile. "You always talk about how many years you've lived... How old are you, really?"

 He looked at her, genuinely curious.

Isabella's expression darkened. "What's it to you? I'm not much older than you!"

"Really?" Elias blinked.

"Of course." Isabella leaned in, poking his chest with her finger. "26 years old, remember that. Your professor is 26 this year!" She emphasized "26" as if to make a point.

"Alright, if you say so," Elias responded with a smile.

Isabella huffed, finally finishing with her bandage. She stood up. "Looks like your monstrous sister won't be coming back tonight."

 "If there's nothing else, I should be going. I have work tomorrow."

 "You're going to work with injuries like that?" Elias was astonished.

"What else can I do?" Isabella sighed, exasperated. "You students don't understand the struggles of working adults. I need to earn a living..."

Elias watched her leave, admiration welling up inside him.

Such dedication to her students, fighting off attackers during a home visit, and insisting on working despite shattered organs... What kind of professional spirit is that?

"I won't see you out then..." Elias looked towards the front door.

"No steam buses to the university at this hour, and it's several miles from West Town to Rose City University. Take your time, try to make it to school by dawn..."

"Such a smart mouth!" Isabella couldn't help but laugh, ruffling Elias's hair playfully.

 "Are you sure you'll be okay alone? What if your monstrous sis sneaks back?"

Isabella looked at him, concern evident in her eyes. "Why not stay at my place? My home's got some perks," she teased with a smile.

 Elias shook his head, declining her kind offer.

 On one hand, he was certain Luna wouldn't return tonight. The old mansion was a sanctuary, a place Luna now feared.

 On the other hand, he had some matters to attend to, things he couldn't let Isabella see.

 "Oh, if you don't trust your professor, then forget it," Isabella pouted, pretending to leave.


 "What now?" Isabella looked at him, puzzled.

 "That is..."

 Elias glanced back; the night was no longer pitch-black but had turned deep blue. Dawn was approaching.

"Get to the point!" Isabella said irritably.

 Elias smiled. "Isabella, I need a few more days off..."

 "Look at the injuries I've got, I can't recover like you do."

 "Two days... no, make it three!"

 So, he wanted a leave of absence. Isabella massaged her forehead, slightly exasperated.

 The student had just resumed his studies and was already asking for time off again. Even with valid reasons, it was a tough sell to the school administration.

But then, seeing Elias, bloodied and pitifully looking at her, she softened.

"Alright, granted."

"Yay!" Elias's smile brightened. "You're the best, professor!"