
The discord server

In a cold dark night of December 2020,a 13 year old girl named Julie, was firmly bored in her room because she had no friends to hang out with, so she decided to make a social media account on discord to make new friends. When she made it she started searching for servers to join, when she caught a glimpse of a server called "Crystal and Zachs server" her curious mind led her to join it without thinking about the consequences of her actions. When she joined it, there was a girl named Crystal who welcomed her it was then when she knew that Crystal was the owner of the server with her boyfriend Zach. At first, Julie decided to read old messages of the server to see if they're a good people or what people liked there, when she scrolled up she found messages from 3 days ago so she started reading them. To her surprise, the people there were terrible, the owners bf (zach) was such a toxic guy who criticized people's passions. All the people in the server were just like Zach and all what they talked about was sexual things which Julie knew nothing about. Julie then decided to leave the server but her weak, affectionate heart who gets attached to people, easily, and how much she worshipped the idea of having friends made her change the idea of leaving,so she decided to change her personality type to fit in that server and make friends. Julie then turned herself from a cute innocent girl to a terrible girl. In 20 December the members of the server were chatting so she decided to join the conversation, she first said "hi" they ignored her, she felt a sharp pain in the heart but then to her delight Zach answered her, they chatted for a bit and Julie showed him the fake personality of her that she created,Zach liked her so much. From that day, Julie was Zachs friend. But little did she know how her joining that server will change her life forever.