
The Birth of the Crown

Many royals aspire to the most powerful crown in the entire kingdoms. But the time came when there was a bloody war between the kingdoms because of the sheer lust for the crown.

White_aneria · ファンタジー
8 Chs


The flowers in this land are bathed in the sunlight's rays. This is the land of Archaia, not a kingdom, but a place where wizards, fairies, elves, and dwarves reside. Butterflies of various colors happily flutter around the area. Fairies play joyfully nearby, close to the flowers. Everyone is happy, some wizards stroll around to observe their surroundings.

Suddenly, a magical mirror appears beside the Sunfire Oak tree. All eyes turn to the magical mirror, Tobias (a battlemage wizard) looks at it with deep curiosity on his face, while looking at it, he came closer to it. After a moment, the mirror speaks and reveals the face of King Everard, everyone bows to him.

The king spoke, "I need your help" he said softly.

Tobias replied, 'How can we serve you, beloved king of Cordelia?"

"Only your powers can help us, our swords are not enough to defeat the monsters of Scoundrel"

Tobias was surprised by the king's words, "Beloved king, it's puzzling, but I closed the gateway of their kingdom after we defeated them in the first war"

"I do not know how one of them managed to escape"

Tobias pondered the king's words,

"Alright, our beloved king, I and my fellow wizards will find a way to protect not only the kingdom of Cordelia but all the kingdoms in this world. We will not allow them to harm innocent people and those with blue blood"

"Thank you very much"

The magical mirror disappeared immediately after the king thanked them.

The look of puzzlement still lingers on Tobias' face because most creatures know that he closed the gateway to the Scoundrel's kingdom, two thousand years ago. He even used his full strength to close that gateway.