

After a long and happy life shared with his family and friends. A man is reborn in one of the anime that he used to enjoy with his grandchildren. But born in a time when what he knew was not useful. Watch him a he goes about to become an man who's name would make nation's tremble in fear

Mkhize · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

The life and death of a family man

Born in the 1980'S Khanya Khoza lived an average life. He was raised by a single mother, worked at school and his hard work showed in his results. Meet the girl of his dreams at university and later got married after five years of completing university. Their were blessed with three children. They had two boys and one beautiful baby girl. In the moment he became a father, he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to provide and protect his family. Years passed and his children had gotten married, his wife had passed away after 30 years of marriage. In this time when he was most lonely, he spent his time with his grandchildren. They brought him the wonders of anime,martial arts and many other intriguing things. In order to have a more fun time with them, he chose to look up these different topics and learn about them. He came to love anime the most and his favorite out of all of them was NARUTO. He loved the story as a whole and the message it sent to whomever watched it. Although he loved it there were some parts he would have love to change but it wasn't his story to change.

On a sunny day when his family came to check on him, they found him asleep with a smile on his face as dozens of manga and anime collections lay on the floor. On this summer day Khanya had passed away.On his will it said " To my family whom I love I leave all my money and saving I have saved over the years and to my grandchildren I leave you with my collection of both anime and manga. It is through this that the last years of my life were enjoyable. " . Those were the last words of Khanya