
The birth of a hero.

Alex was a normal teenager, yes, he had superpowers, but that wasnt so special in this world, afterall a great number of the population had them, the only thing special was his power in itself, it was none other than darkness, it sounds strange, right? well, its easier than it sounds it's all based on his imagination, it can be used as a blade, as to gather information, anything, you can materialize things by making them with darkness, and he can gather information from the shadows, however, he does have a debility, the light, if the place is too bright it can hurt him, so thats why he always roams through the alleyways.

Sadly, if there are powers, there are social groups, and there are renegates Alex was one of them, afterall, there can't be a more villain power, or at least thats what the others tought about his power, and thats the reason why Alex was bullied, or at least they tried to bully him but of course, he isn't an innocent dove and protects himself, and that is another of the reasons why nobody hangs with him, not to mention his stubborn personality, so if you tell him he cant do something, he'll make sure to do it, even if it's just to bother people. And thats the reason he decided he would be a hero, let me set the scene.


"I bet that with you'll become a villain and wont ever be something hero-alike" A random guy said.

Those words made a great impact on him, it slightly enraged him, who was that guy to say something like that to him?!, of course, it wasnt going to end like this.

"Oh, yeah?, well, i'd love to see your face when i start saving people" Alex infuriated said.

***Back in the present***

Alex had tried loads of times, and now he had a better control over his darkness, with the power and in a soul way, and thats how he started working as a hero.