
Chapter 32: GIDEON

To convince your only child, a young beautiful girl, that if she found happiness in life she would perish that. Just…fuck.

So now I'm left with the unenviable task of trying to shock her out of this way of thinking. I was so not looking forward to this shit but she needed a wakeup call and she needed it quick.

"Do you want to have an abortion?" I wanted to burn off my tongue as soon as the words left my mouth.

She jerked as if I'd punched her.

"What, no, what...Gideon...how could you?" She tried to get off my lap but I held her tight.

"Blossom be calm, I don't want you to have one either but if you believe our child will kill you then there's no way I'm going to let that happen."

"But it's just an innocent baby."

"Not if it's going to kill you." Please let this shit work; please don’t let her start thinking of me as the fucking monster.

"But..." She covered herself protectively as tears flowed down her cheeks.