

  "Since you have decided not to move in with me, I might as well just move in with you." Jamal's words echoed in Adele's mind, shattering her brain into a million pieces.

  She looked up at him, utterly confused and alarmed at the same. She did not want to live with him in the same house yet. She wasn't ready.

  Lately, she was starting to notice her feelings for Jamal rekindle and she was still confused whether to accept them or kill them. Jamal coming to stay with her was going to make the latter option impossible which she did not want!

  "No! No Jamal, please no! You can't move in with me."

  "Yes, I can. Adele I don't want us living apart. For the past two nights, I haven't had any nightmares while sleeping and unfortunately, I have gotten comfortable with not having nightmares. I don't want to go back there. Please."