

  Adele and Jamal fought almost all day, but still stayed together in that same ward. The nurses and doctors checked on Adele from time to time as per Jamal’s instructions and it was finally evening.

  "Doctor, are you sure she is strong enough to go home? Don't you think she should stay the night so she can be monitored?" Asked Jamal as the doctor took out the cannula from Adele's hand. Her drip was finished and the other nurses had already helped her put on her own clothes

  "What?" She asked aghast, giving Jamal a fierce gaze. "What did you just say?"

  "I was talking to the doctor, not you, Adele."

  "But you were most definitely talking about me and that's a cause for concern!" She scolded and the doctor looked at her in awe. He was petrified at the fact that she was raising her voice at Jamal.

  He was her boss!

  "Doctor, I asked you a question." Jamal turned back to the doctor who swallowed hard before looking at him.