

  Adele left straight to their Grandmother's room to talk to her. All what Jamal just told her a while ago was taking a toll on her and she didn’t know what to think or do.

  Everything had been planned from the start without her knowledge and her Grandmother whom she trusted very much had been an accomplice.

  "Grandma, is it true?" She asked the moment she opened the door and saw her grandmother lying on the bed.

  "Adele." Grandma Devon called as she quickly stepped down from the bed and walked over to Adele who had now closed the door and was standing at the center of the bedroom. "Why are you in tears, what happened?" Grandma Devon panicked and Adele kept looking at her in awe.

  She had known everything.

  From coming back home, to getting a job, the mysterious phone which she had encouraged her to use when she hesitated and then the sudden marriage. Jamal had been the brain behind all of that and she had known, but she decided to hide it from her.