
Heart broken

The events proceeded according to plan without anyone being disturbed. The dance began with Melody and Damian taking the first before all others followed. After the first dance, as Melody had promised, she danced with Pearl who seemed over the moon dancing with all the people watching her.

The many eyes that stared at her didn't seem to bother her and she had all the fun she wanted. She felt tired, she stopped and curtsied.

"Thank you, for that dance," she said and Melody, following her lead, also curtsied, earning a smile from her.

"Was it fun?" Melody asked and she nodded her head. "This great, now go and meet your dad, I owe someone else a dance," she looked at Diana who was staring at her after he danced with Ezekiel and Damian.

Melody sighed knowing Diana wouldn't be the only one who was left, many more would come asking her for a dance. The first three were already taken which she was grateful for because she enjoyed those.