

Enemies to Lovers Albert Anastasia is known for being nothing but ruthless. He is feared by all in the Italian mafia. He kills on site and fears no one. He has reclaimed his throne and is hungry for revenge. Greta Marino will do anything to protect her best friend. She just wants Alice to stay happy like she promised. She will never break her promise, even if it breaks her. What will happen when Greta is thrown in an arranged marriage with Albert? Will there ever be peace between these two who just can't seem to get along? Will she manage to keep her promise or will he eventually break her? *SLOWBURN* *MATURE* This book contains sex scenes, some inappropriate language, physical and verbal abuse which may be triggering for some readers. Please read at one's own risk as a trigger warning will not be designated at each chapter.

Rachelwrites · ファンタジー
14 Chs



Just go your home as your husband has requested. Dad's words repeated in my mind over and over as I sat in the back seat of this black Range Rover.

My home? My husband?Those were new to me. What home? What husband? Just yesterday my home was my father's house and I was single.

Now I have a husband and a home with him. I looked outside the window as we stopped by a security booth.

An armed man came out and Luca nodded his head to me. The man stuck his head through the window and looked at me. I trembled in my seat.

He pulled out his head and nodded to Luca before we drove off. I looked back as we drove further into the property.

There was a security booth at the entrance of his house? Who the hell does this man think he is? The president? Just when I thought things couldn't get crazier, I looked out through the windshield and saw the largest mansion I have ever seen standing right in front of us.

My jaw dropped. I'm going to live here? "This is ridiculous," I whispered under my breath as I got out of the car after Luca opened the door for me.

In front of me stood a white and grey luxurious mansion. It was huge. It was twice the size of dad's mansion and quadruple the size of our house back in America.

No wonder this man needed dad's deeds so bad. How the hell did he pay for this? At the side were smaller buildings, I guess to store the multiple cars which were randomly parked to the side.

Located in the center was a huge water fountain and then a pathway which led to the well taken garden.

I looked across to see Luca heading towards the wooden double doors which granted entrance to the mansion.

This man didn't even give me a chance to look around properly.

I held up the gigantic dress which was still on me and tried to catch up.

When we entered, there stood a team of people dressed in black suits.

A woman stepped forward. She looked like she was in her mid fifties give or take.

"Welcome home Mrs. Anastasia," she asked and everyone behind her bowed.

What is with the bowing? "Thank you," I said nervously since I was not used to all this.

"I know you have had a long day but Mr. Anastasia has instructed that you get the full house tour before you retire for the night."

"Look Ms..." I started, "Ms. Rossi," she helped.

"Ms. Rossi, I'm very tired, my feet are hurting and I just want to come out of this dress. I'm sure Albert will understand."

Right now I just wanted to drop on that bed and sleep forever. I know this sleep is going to hit.

She looked at the others and then to Luca. I looked to Luca as well but he looked straight in front him as usual.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Anastasia but I cannot disobey Mr. Anastasia's instructions."

"He doesn't have to know. I won't tell him and if he finds out, I will handle whatever punishment he gives you guys."

She stayed quiet for a while before turning to one of the men behind her.

"Robert, please take Mrs. Mariano's bags to her room."

I smiled hoping she agreed with me but then she looked back at me.

"Mrs. Anastasia, let us begin our tour."

I frowned as I kicked off these ridiculous heels.

She showed me the ground floor which consisted of the kitchen, dining room, living room, his office, the laundry room, a few closets and two bathrooms.

"What does Albert do to you guys that make you so afraid of him?" I asked her as we walked up the stairs but she stayed quiet. "Is he mean all the time? Do you think he will be mean to me all the time? Did he have a wife before?"

She stopped walking in the middle of the stairway and I started to fall back from her sudden halt but Luca was right behind me to save me. He is already saving my life.

"Mrs. Anastasia, I cannot answer any of your questions. You should save those questions for Mr. Sebastian. He will determine if those questions should be answered or not.

She started walking again. I was so full of questions that I couldn't help it. Who wouldn't want to learn information about the stranger they just married?

"I'm sorry but who is Mr. Sebastian?" I asked.

"You'll know when you meet him," she said with a bit of annoyance so I just stayed quiet.

We finally reached to the top of the stairs where she showed me five bedrooms, two more bathrooms, another living room and a gym. By this time, my feet where exhausted.

"This here is Mr. Anastasia's actual office," she said.

"He has two?"

She nodded. "The one downstairs is for meetings only."

I nodded before stretching my hand to open the door when she quickly stopped me.

"You cannot enter. This room is off access to everyone except Mr. Anastasia."

I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm his wife," I said before grabbing the doorknob to enter but it was locked.

"Only he has the key," she informed. "Let's move on to your bedroom."

She turned the corner and there was only one room at this section.

I smiled as I realized I would be cut off from everyone.

His office was a bit close but at least his room is nowhere close to mine.

We walked down the long hallway before she opened the door.

The both of us walked in while Luca stood at the side.

"That is Mr. Luca's post. He will remain there whenever you are in here," she explained to me.

I looked around and smiled. This room was huge. Although I didn't like the grey walls which looked depressing.

The bed was king sized and had navy blue sheets.

I pointed at a white door. "What's that?" She smiled. "A bathroom."

"And that?" I pointed at another white door.

"Your closet."

"It's a walk-in closet?" I asked eagerly and she smiled.

I quickly ran over to it with a smile and opened the door. I was already planning on filling it with all the dresses in the world.

My smile immediately dropped when I saw the suits and ties which occupied one half.

"Why the hell are his clothes in here?"

She laughed. "You are sharing this room so it makes sense that you share a closet."

"Sharing a what!?" I shouted.

She looked at her watch. "Alright Mrs. Anastasia, it's getting late. I will leave you," she said before walking off.

She turned back. "Oh wait, I forgot to take it at the door. Your phone please."

"You can't take my phone."

"It is for security purposes, ma'am. You are new here so your phone needs to be reviewed. You will get it back as soon as Mr. Mariano has approved."

I laughed. "This has to be a joke."

Her face was dead serious.

I sighed before handing her my phone. "Alright."

She smiled. "Sweet dreams, ma'am. Once again, welcome home!"

She then walked out and closed the doors behind her.

I plopped myself down on the bed as I let everything soak in.

Why the hell does he want me in the same bedroom as me?

I couldn't help but think it was for negative possibilities.

I struggled to unlace my dress and then took a shower.

After that, I wore my two piece pajamas. I laid on the bed and listened to the clock tick.

About an hour passed before the door opened.

"Go home, Luca," he muttered as he closed the door behind him.

I quickly sat up as he dragged himself into the room.

He looked at me before walking right past

me into the bathroom. I heard the sink started to run so I got up and went to where he was standing.

"How could you just leave your own wedding like that? Do you know how

embarrassed I was?"

He stayed quiet and when I looked down, my heart skipped a beat.

He was washing blood off his hands. He looked down on me before slamming the door in my face.

I stayed quiet before running back to bed and turning my face into the pillow.

A couple minutes later, I heard the door open and his footsteps went to the other side of the bed.

We didn't say a word to each other after that.

I felt scared and uncomfortable laying next to him. I didn't know who's blood that was but I knew there was nothing good that made it happen.

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to stop myself from shivering as I forced myself to sleep because I knew this was going to be my new normal.