

In the morning, when I woke up, I went straight to Jack's room to explain everything, but unfortunately, to my bad luck, he wasn't in his room.

From the servant, I got to know about his business trip to the USA, where he left early in the morning.

I threw a glass of water on the ground in frustration; it was beside me on the table.

I am pissed off at all these things that are happening around and over me.

I am a human being, and I have the right to live a good life with my loved ones.

Initially I wanted to talk to Jack, but later an idea struck in my head. My mind was telling me to call the police and escape from everything, but I reconciled what that man said to me-that man who bought me in the auction for Jack.

What if the police are really working with the Russian mafia and they will not take any action regarding my complaint due to it? I wanted to disclose everything to the police, but I was frightened to do so.

Suddenly an idea struck my mind.

I remembered my neighbor's phone number, and I thought, why not call her? I have this great opportunity as Jack is not at home and there is no one to stop me.

I called a servant and asked him for a mobile phone.

He immediately brought me a mobile phone.

I close the door after the servant leaves and dial up the number.

At first, no one picked up the phone, but later, my neighbour picked up the call.

Hey aunt I wanted to ask about my brother, Sam. Last time I left him with you, Can you give your phone to him for a minute?

I begged.

Oh Elizabeth, where are you, dear? From the past 5 days, you haven't come. I was very worried about you.

Aunt said.

And can you please give your phone to Sam? I want to talk to him. Please give him the phone. Is he with you or is he in school?

I asked.

Elizabeth dear I don't know what you will feel like, but I want to tell you some bad news about Sam.

aunt said in a melancholy tone.

What happened, aunt? Where is Sam, and what are you talking about?

I asked curiously.

Dear Sam, from the night of your non-appearance here, there was a lot of tennis about you. In the morning, he went to the police station to file a complaint regarding your disappearance. The entire day used to be spent going to the police station to trace your whereabouts.

One day, when he was coming from the police station itself, he met with an accident, and unfortunately, he died on the spot.

aunt said in a sorrowful tone.

What!!!! I exclaimed while disbelieving the answer.

Yes, dear, he met with an accident and was taken to the hospital immediately, but doctors said that he is already dead. I searched a lot about your whereabouts but got no trace, so me and my husband did Sam's funeral alone.

Aunt said.

I was taken aback by what she said just now.

My eyes were flooded with tears, and my heart skipped a beat.

I cut the phone, and I fell to my knees as I heard something happen that was totally unexpected.

My entire face has been smudged with tears and mascara.

It has been 5 days since I haven't met my brother, and now I get to know about his death. It has been the most painful news I've ever heard.

I was hurt to the core of my being. I felt like fainting.

I had only one person in my entire life to call family, and those two got snatched away from me.

It's not fine; that's why God has stuffed all pain in my life only. Now I am completely alone in this entire world, plus I am trapped in the racket of the Russian mafia.

This is a vicious cycle from which coming out is impossible.

I thought that my entire life was smudged in pain and sorrow, as I was not going to be ever out of this cycle.

I am done living with psychopaths who buy humans in the auction.

I am done with all this and want to go away from everything. I want to start a new life.

I want to forget some things that are always going to be inside my heart.

For him, I am going to live a beautiful life away from all this.

For him, I am going to live a remarkable life. He always wanted to see me happy, and I am going to fulfil his wish at any cost.

So I decided to escape from this place, but that too needs money, as without it I won't be able to survive in any new country. Yes, escaping from Russian mafia is going to be fulfilled only when I leave this country. Many Russians of you have contacts throughout the world, but they won't make much effort to find a single girl who has escaped to a different country.

So I decided to save money or to rob money from Jack as much as possible so that I could escape from this place easily and survive in another country.

I also decided to start my studies, which I left in 10th grade due to a shortage of money.


For that, I wanted to ask James, but I knew he would say no right away, so far that too I decided to save money.

Now I am determined to escape from this disgusting muddy pit where I am stuck.

Suddenly I remember that Jack has gone just for a half day to his business trip and he would be coming any time here, so I called the servant again and gave him the phone. I told him not to tell anyone that I asked him for a phone.

After the servant, I closed the door, and after that, I did nothing but cry.

My only member of the family too is snatched by God. I have many decrees from God.

I have been crying for hours, and there is no one to stop me, as my only friend and only family member have been snatched. I didn't even get the opportunity to bid him goodbye for the last time. I didn't get even one chance to see him last time.

It is very painful, as I didn't even attend his funeral. I wanted to meet him and wanted to talk a lot about our lives, but everything got snatched from me.

I wiped my tears away and decided to take a bath to refresh myself. My brother is dead now, and now I am on my own. I have no one now.

I want to divert my mind from all this and run away.

I recently made a plan for an initiation, which requires money that I will arrange from Jack without letting him know anything.

I was pretty unsure whether Jack had brought me for my entire life or for a particular span of time, as I don't want to go back to the mafia as it will ruin my entire plan to escape from them.

I know he will not tell me anything about this; he is a mean guy. You always care about yourself. He needs no one in his life and wanted to die alone, I guess.

Who cares about him when you are escaping and have a beautiful life ahead?

I just have to be focused on my money collection from James and find a proper place to run. So I took up my clothes from the wardrobe I reach in the shower, and after placing my clothes on the hanger, I turned on the shower.

My face was still smudged with mascara and tears, so to clean it, I turned the shower sprinkles on my face.

It is soothing and very peaceful.

The sprinkles on my head were making me feel so good.

I feel like I am on Fifth Avenue, or can we call it "paradise"?

But it wasn't that calming, as the memories of me and my brother destroyed all of it.

It struck in my mind like an electric current, and my eyes started flooding with tears again.

I can forget everything, but the memories aren't anything to forget.

It is something that you cannot forget so easily.

After thinking and sobbing for an hour, I turned the shower button off, and after wearing my clothes, I came out of the shower.

I started doing my makeup. But the tears weren't stopping.

It was only him; there was only one good friend in my entire life, and it was Sam, who too died.

Now I am left with nothing but to lament my fate.

I don't know why only I have this vulgar and disgusting fate.

Why God has sent me only to struggle in life

Why am I only chosen to suffer?

I, too, wanted a good life where I could have a family with children and a husband.

I, too, wanted to have parents and siblings.

Why only my closed ones are dying? Has I done any mistake in my past for which I am suffering here now?

No, I never did anything wrong in my entire life. I only thought it was good for everyone. I never read it to anyone suffering as badly as I am.

I too have the right to live in a perfect family, but here, my family died, and now I am sold to a rude and egoistic person who cares about no one.

I must tell you that I hate him more than he hates me.

I want to tell him how much I hate him and what a disgusting person he is.

I want to tell him why no one comes into his life. for a simple reason: just because he is rude and arrogant and never treats anyone rightly.

Jack has no one in his life just because he is a spoilt man who cares about no one.

Because of him, my brother died. Just because of these kinds of rich people who buy humans as slaves, people suffer.

They buy people for sex to torture them and for their own fun, and that is the reality of society.

Some people kill humans to torture them, and some kill humans to eat them. Yes, some people even eat human flesh.

I am lucky that I am not sold to a person who is a human eater.

At least I am not dying; I just have to be a sex slave for this rude and arrogant businessman.

I just have to serve him my body, and that is less torturous than everything else I have heard.

I want to talk to him once about letting me escape, but what if he gets a hint about my runaway?

I know you will say no, but I want his help, as you can help me arrange money.

But what if he gets an idea about my escape and tells the Russian mafia about it? It's going to be dangerous for me. So I thought after a lot of deliberating, I decided to ask him in a different way, and after

Preparing myself with makeup and a new dress, I decided to make food for Jack by myself, and when he is at the dinner table, I will ask him.

I am determined that I have to escape from this place at any cost.

I have decided that one day I will see a beautiful sunrise, and I am going to accomplish that goal.