
How Long have You Been ...?

It was a windy evening and the clouds were dark. One would think it was night time. It was about raining. Many were rushing home after the long day's work just to avoid the heavy rain pour. Baby was already catching cold and she had to put on a cardigan to cover her chest from the cold. She took a cab that took her to the Jerns estate. That was where Dane Dana's sister lived. A beautiful place as well but not close to Smiles. She had to obey Dane Dana and went there to get the "package" for her. Right in Christina's home, something else happened.

"Good day ma'am"

Baby greeted Christina immediately she saw her alighting from the cab that dropped her. She didn't respond to Baby and just ordered her to go get the so-called package from a room. Baby obediently walked into the room and someone came in and hugged her from behind. And before she knew it, she was already on a big bed. She knew at that moment that something was not right.

"Hi, Baby!" (•̀ᴗ•́)و