
A 28 Years Old Virgin

It was one bright Friday morning and the real beauty of the Smiles neighborhood was exposed. It was indeed a beautiful place. It was almost 8:00 am in the morning and Diam and Baby were still in bed. The position they were in at that very moment was far worse than the position they had taken before that deep sleep. This time, they both snuggled right there on the bed, with their lips pressed together. It was one hot night!

In no time, they had switched positions. Baby placed her head right on Diam's chest and hugged him tightly. And then again, they went back to sealing their soft lips together. All through the night, what Baby didn't know was that the man was busy kissing her, every one hour.

He would wake up and kiss her for five minutes flat before shutting his eyes again.

After an hour, he would wake up again and kiss her hard. He continuously did that until 4:22 am in the morning and then he stopped and slept off for real.

Baby was not a light sleeper so she hardly knew what was going on around her during her sleeping time. While they were still glued together right there on the bed, Diam's cousin who was more like a direct sister to him, opened his door and then walked in to find that very hot scene right there in front of her.

She froze right there. She could not believe that her brother had graduated to bringing "his women" into their main house. She was always called his little sister because she had lived with them for a long time, since the death of her parents. His father's brother and his wife. It was a horrible accident that took their lives in one day. They were on their way for a business trip in Japan when their plane crashed.


Diam used women to quench the heat in his body each time. But what they didn't know was that he never had s*x with them. He would only ask them to strip, touch themselves and after getting his feel, they would leave and then, he would relieve himself by himself!

Baby was the very first girl he had ever been that close with. The true fact is that he was a 28 years old virgin, who had never penetrated anyone or anything before. Baby was the only girl he had truly wanted to do those naughty things with. Of course, people did not know that. They always call him the TBW! His special initial for "Top Billionaire Womanizer"

Disim looked at the two people on the bed and her blood started boiling and she screamed at once.


What are you doing?!!"

They both woke up immediately and saw the girl shooting daggers at them. Diam gave her a deadly glare and shouted at her in his hoarse voice.


What the hell?!!

Why did you scream like that and who the hell gave you permission to enter my room?!!"

Disim felt unhappy because of the way Diam had spoken to her.


But I always enter your room before knocking…

Why must you scream at me now...?"

"And why are you here this early?!

I thought you all were supposed to be in the UK for three months.

Why are you here now?!"

Diam did not like them returning before the due date. His family had gone for a three months vacation in the UK. And then suddenly, they returned before the third month. He wasn't happy at all because he knew how his family could be.

"Are you angry we came back this early because you want to continue bringing those pr**titutes here!"

"Will you shut that dirty mouth of yours before I help you!!"

Diam barked at her and she jerked.

"You just wait! I will go tell mother right now of the cheap sl*t you brought into our home!?"

"Are you still talking?!!"

As soon as Disim saw Diam walking towards her direction while frowning, she knew it was time to flee!






Disim ran downstairs immediately to go report to her mother. She had known Diam's parents like her own and never for once did anyone make her feel lonely. She almost forgot she had parents before joining the Dane family. They didn't want to leave her alone and helped her all through the years.

Diam did not bother chasing after her and just locked the door instead. He turned around and saw how shaky Baby was.

"Don't bother too much about her. There is nothing they can do to you with me around, alright?!"

"Yes...sir Diam"

"I'm pretty late already. Go fix the water and let's bathe together. We have a lot to do today!"

Baby did not move nor respond. Diam understood the reason for that and he immediately hit the nail on the head.

"I already told you last night that I would let you be just for that night! What I hate more than anything, is repeating myself!

You should even be grateful that I let you be last night!"

Baby glanced at the man and that was all. She was too embarrassed to look at his face.

"In fact, let's go use the shower instead! There is no time to soak"


Diam took her hand and then he walked into the bathroom with her. Baby's heart began to beat fast. She didn't know what to do.

While in the bathroom, Diam started peeling off his clothes from his body. He looked at the girl who was doing nothing more than fiddling with her fingers and said…

"What are you doing?

Take off your clothes while I do the same. We don't have time for this!"

"Sir...sir Diam?"

"What is it this time?!"

He got angry.

"I...I will stain you…"


He could not make anything of what she had just said to him. He looked at her and then asked her…

"What do you mean by that?

I don't get you"

"I...umm...you see, you know...that thing…"


Diam sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. He stared at the girl who could not make a simple sentence and wondered what the big deal was. He knew he was in for another one that morning. He had to ask the shy girl real fast because his patience had become thin.


"Yes...sir... Diam"

"Can you please speak up for crying out loud! I don't have time for this!"

"I am...sorry, sir Diam. This thing is...I'm seeing my... monthly flow"

"What flow, baby?!

Speak in a plain language please!"

He felt really tired.

"I'm...on my period. I mean…I'm menstruating…"

"Oh! That!"


And right there, Diam knew he would have to suffer a little longer. He looked at the shy girl and asked an unusual question. He was even surprised by his question. He didn't believe he could ask about something like that.

"Are you ok?

I mean, I heard that it's not a good time for women.

Do you feel pain anywhere?"

Baby lifted her head up and looked at the fine man in front of her and felt something in her heart. She didn't think that she would hear that from someone else aside from her father.

"Thank you very much for your concern sir. I will be fine"

"You will be and not you are fine?

It means you feel pain there.

Are you feeling pain in your lower region?

Or where exactly do you women feel the pain?"

Baby nodded her head in response to his questions. She was indeed feeling pains in her lower abdomen. Immediately they woke up, that was when she started feeling pains down there.

"Sorry Baby"

"Thank you, sir Diam"

"You don't need to thank me.

What do you use to lessen the pain down there?"