
The Billionaire's Fashion Designer

In a world where fairness should reign, injustice often holds sway. It's a place where the innocent suffer, where hard work doesn't always lead to success, and where privilege trumps merit. It's a world that can break hearts, crush dreams, and leave scars that never fully heal. Yet, amidst the darkness, there's still hope – hope for change, for empathy, and for a future where fairness isn't just a distant ideal, but a lived reality for all. But maybe that's not for me. After exchanging the rings I heaved a sigh of relief thinking that could be true, maybe there's truly hope somewhere. " You may now kiss the bride", the priest permitted. Every step he took towards me made me feel nervous, my heart pounding as fast as it could, and slowly he lifted my veil. I could bet I saw a smile for a second but it was immediately replaced with that of disgust on seeing me and he nearly puked. I thought this would be the beginning of dreams and not a nightmare but this would even be my worst nightmare. Wedding days are supposed to be the happiest days right? But that's not the case for me. Who said this world was ever fair? That was a big lie, if it is, to what extent?

Dammy_Dimples · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter 19: Realizing the truth

Cyrus glanced through the mirror to take a look at his boss when he noticed the disturbed expression on his face.

' why is the boss looking disturbed?', he thought to himself but ingnited the car by pressing the start button.

" Cyrus", Christian suddenly called,

" Yes sir", he answered taking a quick look through the mirror,

" Is it true she might feel lonely and upset that I left?",

" Who?",

"Never mind", he said and looked away leaving Cyrus confused but he shrugged at it and concentrated back on his driving.

" Okay my wife", Christian answered when Cyrus shrugged it off,

" Your.. your wife?", he said and remembered oh yes! The boss is married, I haven't gotten used to that yet', he said in his mind.

" She was sleeping when we arrived at the resort so I couldn't bid her bye before coming to the meeting",

" Was it her honeymoon?",

" Yeah",

"Oh, of course, sir, she would be pissed, she didn't even tell her before leaving her alone in a resort and which husband leaves his wife on her wedding night to go to work ".

Christian glared at him, as much as he was being truthful, he didn't want him to be entirely honest at least to not make the situation worse than he had thought but Cyrus wasn't done.

" It's only a terrible husband that would do that, were you forced to marry her? Well, I can understand but at least you should have informed her, I'm sure if she's not feeling so angry, she'd be feeling so bad and unwanted and lonely....",

" Cyrus!", he called sharply and harshly jotting him back to his senses that he was talking to his boss.

He became nervous that he must have over-spoken and anxious about if he was going to get fired. He has always maintained his well-mannered behavior and has been able to secure his job for a long time. He is a young guy in his middle twenties.

" Just drive ", he said coldly and looked away.

" Yes sir", he said nervously.


Patricia laughed out loud and joined in taking pictures with the groups, she was having a very good time, enjoying herself at the party, it was finally the club members party and so she was all dolled up, looking so gorgeous and the news of her daughter marrying a top billionaire already spread through the group giving her more attention and more people wants to connect with her.

She was giving one of the women her contact when she sighted her friends and excused herself and went and joined their table.

" I am so happy for her, her status in society is going to go higher now and I heard her husband is also working on a project that is worth trillions", Merissa said in amusement, " I envy her so much, she's so lucky ",

" What's so envious about her?", Moraine asked nonchalantly,

" Everything of course, she's so lucky that she has everything working out well for her", Merissa said with her voice sounding jealous,

" I still don't get what's envious about her", Moraine shrugged and sipped her wine,

" C'mon Moraine ", Leila scoffed, " we know you also feel jealous, I mean who wouldn't, among the four of us she's the luckiest, she was able to manage to marry her daughter off to a very wealthy family, think of all the wealth and connections she's enjoying....",

" Hi ladies ", Patricia interrupted Leila as she arrived at their table and they all immediately returned the greeting with smiles and giggles,

" Look who's here, Queen Patricia herself ", Merissa said adoring her,

" Yes..", Patricia turned around slowly showing off her grace while Moraine rolled her eyes,

" I've been asking the secret behind this your glowing skin and you still haven't told me, though you said I'm your friend ", Leila said faking a pout,

Patricia chuckled as she took her seat with her cup of wine,

" I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or if you are honestly curious about my skincare products",

" Are you sure you're glowing because of skin care products or because you're on cloud nine?", Merissa eyed her playfully,

" Ohh, cloud nine?", she laughed, " and who took me there?",

" You look so happy like you're on cloud nine, I'm sure that's what she meant ", Moraine answered,

" Yeah", Merissa nodded in support, " you look so happy and your skin is glowing, of course, it should, congratulations!", she grabbed her hands suddenly startling Patricia for a second, "Congratulations! Heard your daughter married a very wealthy man and I'm so happy for you, even heard that the rumored news about him were all lies",

" Of course ", Patricia grinned floating her hair and composing herself trying to pass a message to them that her level and status are higher than theirs, " We now have more connection and money, if you need any help either your children needs an employment or anything, just let me know, I'll try to help, and I'll also let you meet Sharon soon, you can join her club together with me", she said to Merissa,

" Can I join also?", Laila quickly asked giving her a puppy face,

" I'll discuss it with her, and considering our connection I'm sure she'll allow me to bring two more members ",

" Yes", they jumped and hugged her in excitement but then she noticed Moraine's nonchalant attitude,

" I'll also put in a good word for you, Moraine", she said getting her attention, Moraine was about to talk but she cut her short, "It's nothing you don't have to thank me, but anyways, you're welcome", she said dusting her purse as she made to stand up but Moraine loud laughter stopped her and they all looked at her with a questioning expression.

" You're so funny Patricia", she said and laughed again.

Leila who was sitting close to her tried to pinch her to get her to behave but Moraine moved her.

" Was it really your daughter who got married?", she threw the question at her,

" What do you mean?", Patricia asked frowning,

" I mean, as far as I know, Alice is still single",

" So, have you forgotten I have two daughters?",

" With my knowledge and memory, you only gave birth once",

" I have another daughter, Clarisse, she's my husband's brother's daughter ",

" Oh you mean the one you never treated as a daughter?", she asked and Patricia was quiet for a minute, she was already boiling and felt like shutting Moraine up for good. She never really liked her, she felt Moraine was always acting like she was better than everyone else.

" I don't know what you're talking about, she's my daughter and I treat her like my daughter ",

" Oh that's why she never attended any school nor was ever in any social gathering ", she said looking into Patricia's eyes. Patricia was about to say something but she cut her short, " Also, does she see you as her mother, cause that girl I've seen doesn't see you as even an aunt",

" How do you know when you don't live with us",

" But I've come for a visit quite a few times", she said and sighed, " stop dreaming Patricia, it wasn't your biological daughter, it was as good as getting rid of a girl with no incentives. Don't expect any connection and familiarity from them, you're of no importance and I'm sure she's going to get back at you so I'll advise you to stay away from her", she said and walked away leaving them to the awkward silence.

Leila and Merissa realized and stepped away slowly.

Patricia stood still, boiling and raging inside but also, she realized what she had done to herself, the big mistake she made.

" I shouldn't have ", she said, " But it's never too late".