
The billionaire's comeback

Steven is the only child and heir to the wealth of the Walton family. An unfortunate road accident makes him lose his memory and with no knowledge of his prior identity, he falls in love and marries Amanda, who was a receptionist and as poor as Steven then. He helps her to rise to the position of the secretary of the CEO, putting her interests before his. But what does he get in return; betrayal, heartbreak, insults, scorn, and a divorce letter from his beloved wife and her family? As Steven's world comes crashing down, An unexpected turn of events occurs. The young Master has been found.

Nightwalker_10 · 都市
3 Chs


Steven wiped off the sweat from his forehead as he wrapped up his business, ready to retire for the night.

He brought out his ancient and tired phone, which one look at was enough to tell an onlooker his situation.

He bent his head down to see because the phone had too many cracks on the screen that made it almost impossible for one to see the words on the screen without seeing it up close.

He checked his phone call logs with so much ecstasy but was disappointed, his beloved wife had not yet called.

He called her number, putting the phone in his ear and raising one of his shoulders so that the phone would be trapped between his ear and his shoulder, holding it up while he hurried to close his shop after all he couldn't be late, today was finally the long-awaited night they would celebrate her promotion to the position of the secretary of the CEO of her company.

For this reason, he even worked extra hours to top the money he had set aside for tonight.

Whew, finally he was done with closing his miserable pizza store for the day, he brought out his phone from his ear, he had called her 15 times today, but she had not called him back. This was usually the case. At times, she would say she had a meeting or was discussing with the CEO or her colleagues at work.

But not today, he had all these in mind and started to call her after closing hours.

He remembered asking her repeatedly if she was sure whether there would be any delay in the company that day as this had always been the case on previous days they had set to celebrate her promotion in the past.

Today, Steven was sure and sure indeed come what may things must go as planned.

He made his way to the small gate of her house, which was once theirs, although he did not contribute up to ten per cent of the money used to buy the house.

The house stopped being that of his and his beloved wife when her family packed into the city.

They would often come to the house and stay for some time and leave the same day, but as time passed by the visiting became too frequent that it became bothersome.

And every time they came they always did so much to remind him of his poverty and uselessness, at times crossing the line which had never been there to begin with. Her sister, Emily, would at times leave her baby for him to babysit. After all, he had no use other than to scramble for crumbs in his little shade in front of the house. He would frequently perform different kinds of chores for them. At times, he had had enough of it, but he had decided to take it all in to preserve the marriage.

He entered the house, heading straight to the room he and his wife had once shared, until one day she complained of severe body pain, pressing on Steven to sleep in the sitting room. However, his clothes and belongings were still there.

He hurriedly brought out the cloth he had specially kept aside for today, Amanda had frequently told him of her penchant for men who wear suits. But he was too poor to buy suits. The best he could do was to wash his best jeans and shirt, which, no matter how much he tried to conceal it. A glance would expose its weariness and tiredness, even though it was not threadbare.

He made his way out of the house and started making his way towards her company. She still hadn't called back, at this point Steven was worried. He feared something unfortunate had occurred that made things turn out this way.

He desperately wished to take a taxi but was too poor to afford it as the money he had saved up for today would reduce significantly.

He then decided to pick up the pace until he was finally running. He was panting profusely by the time he reached the company. In a bid to catch his breath, he bent over, placing his two hands on his knee. He prayed desperately to stop sweating, as meeting her while sweating this way would make Amanda angry.

She has warned him against coming to her place of work. She had told him that the reason was to save cost and his strength, which he would exhaust trekking here.

He didn't intend to make her angry, as today was a special day he wanted to spend in happiness.

He entered through the main door, yes it was a big company that could easily centre him out as unfit to be there.

He ignored the numerous stares.

All he wanted was to leave here with his beloved.

He continued taking firm strides towards the elevator.

Upon reaching there, he waited for some time alongside the others for the elevator to open.

Finally, it opened but just as he was about to enter with the others, a big firm hand dragged him back.

Hey what do you think you are doing, Steven immediately fired at the man who he could easily identify as a security officer.

The security officer looked at Steven from head to toe, he was bigger in stature and physique.

Leave here now you are inconveniencing the others.

He said while turning to face a young lady, who was heading towards the exit. It was a lady Steven knew, very well in fact. It was none other than Betty, Amanda's best friend. He always knew she hated him, as she had often picked on him whenever they met and had constantly reminded Amanda of his uselessness.

Steven couldn't understand why Betty had to intervene when she wasn't even taking the elevator. He wondered why she was there and concluded that she must have been trying to stop him from meeting Amanda. As she constantly tries to separate them at any possible time.

But, with this Steven was happy, at least Amanda was safe and in her office, probably Betty delayed her while they gisted.

And most likely Amanda had dropped her phone and forgot to unmute after whatever meeting she must have attended today. Everything made sense now. He was determined to go to see her, come what may.

He then ran towards her and grabbed her hand in an attempt to stop her. But what he received was a dirty slap on his face.

How dare you touch me with those filthy hands, she screamed out loud which attracted an equal amount of attention as people began to direct their stares towards them. Steven could already feel the embarrassment creeping up on him. The security man was already heading towards his side, while Betty kept up the drama. Steven knew he couldn't defeat the security man in any way and previous experiences in different situations had already given him the knowledge that nobody would pay mind to what he would say as they would take him as a beggar trying to steal. As the security man approached nearer, Steven's heart beat loudly as his mind went blank.

Please, Betty, please allow me to see Amanda. Steven squeezed out from his lips as he looked at her desperately in the eye. He could feel her finger twitching and her eyes restless. She was trying so hard to avoid his eyes and the way her eyes became watery convinced Steven that his plan had worked.

But looks like all Stevens had planned was all in vain as Betty let out a loud shriek.

She started to shed tears while screaming, Please take him away from here, he is here to harm me please I'm scared

Steven was shocked to the core, he had always known that he was too poor to properly take care of himself

But he never knew that someone would find him simply disgusting and nothing more.

Did she even take me as a human being, what nonsense had she been telling Amanda?

Is that why Amanda refused to pick up his calls?

All these thoughts raced through Steven's mind as he could only hear his heart beating loudly and the footsteps of the approaching security man. The security man finally reached him and dragged him by his neck, in the process tearing his shirt, which was already weak and begging for rest.

At the sight of this, Steven became furious and began to lash out at the security man.

What have I done to inconvenience anyone here?!

Why can't I just come and go in peace to see someone?!

You want to throw me out because she told you to?!

You call me a beggar, have I begged anyone for anything?!

You call me a thief, have I stolen anyone's thing?

So why the heck can't I stay here?!

Steven's outburst was attracting a large number of people's attention to their side, which he never intended

After all, Amanda wouldn't be happy if she heard of this

One look at the security man's face, and Steven already knew that the man in front of him, boiling in anger would not leave him until he had vented out his anger on someone which most likely will be him

With this Steven took a bolt, ran towards the elevator and opened it

The security man took a while before he started to chase Steven but it was too late as Steven had already closed the elevator

Steven heaved a sigh of relief

Finally, he could meet Amanda

As the elevator door opened, he rushed in only to meet one young lady who was packing her things to leave, she had worked overtime.

He rushed to her desperately hoping she wouldn't degrade him because of his appearance. Luckily for him, she didn't

Please do you know where Amanda is

He asked her while talking so fast that she could barely understand what he said

Ooh, Amanda? Steven was glad that his wife was the only person whose name was Amanda in her department, which saved him the stress of explaining.

But the words he heard next took quite a toll on him that he staggered back.

she has gone off work

She left quite on time today.

He looked towards the direction of the elevator and saw the security man approaching quickly very furious, he knew he was done for this time.

Steven's head hit the wall as the security man threw him so hard that he could feel the blood trickling down his face. His whole body felt sore, his face was swollen, and he had bruises all over his body.

He wanted to stand up so much because the stares directed in his direction made him feel too uncomfortable, but it was too hard for him.

He then gathered little strength that when he stood he had to rest on the wall,

He spit out some blood while cursing the security man who had given him a serious beating.

He then started limping back home. Today was filled with so much pain, but nothing pained him more than the fact that his night with Amanda had been ruined.

As he was limping still on his way home, he looked at the restaurant he had always wanted to take Amanda to, but never had the money to afford a glass of water there, but something caught his attention still, he came closer to see clearly and once he did, he regretted what he saw.

Lo and behold, it was his dearly beloved wife, Amanda. In the company of another man smiling sheepishly while he slid a shiny diamond ring on her finger.