


Without a second to waste I grabbed the phone from Nate and turned it off the speaker. This call was for me and I knew that Drew wouldn't want Nate listening in.

/"There are no words to describe the guilt, Loretta. I know that it may be too late but I don't want to miss this chance in asking for forgiveness. I am so sorry for hurting you and saying the things I did. I wasn't thinking straight and I was blind to not see how good you were to my brother/" Drew spoke as he spoke through the phone with his hoarse voice.

Nate watched me closely as I listened.

/" I can not forgive you yet Drew. You were going to kill me that day, I was never going to come in between you and Nate. I knew that brothers love would take more than a woman to ruin what you had. I can't forgive you yet Drew, you have to earn my respect first before we can even think about forgiveness/" I said to him. I could hear the sighs coming through the phone.