
Chapter 26

'The next test is to return to human form very quickly," Mercedes said.

We are still here today in the woods and I am with Marcus while we are in the form of a werewolf.

*How I'm going to do that?*

I asked Mercedes what kind of werewolf language.

"You have to think about the human body that you have, think about your transformation and force yourself to return to being human," she explained.

Suddenly Marcus moaned and it slowly returned to being human.

I imitated what he did but it didn't work.

*What's the matter? Why don't I pretend to be human?*

"Maybe your mind isn't focused on this rehearsal Drake. Forget things." Marcus said.

I tried again to strain my eyes.

Just a few seconds later I felt a cold feeling all over my body.

I opened my eyes and witnessed the making return of my human form.

"Great Drake, you're learning little by little," Mercedes said, "but we're just starting our training because you're going to have a lot more difficulties," she added.