A deep red private jet with a large LK logo landed on the outskirt of Lagos State, Nigeria, since the owner didn't have a permit and didn't care about getting one. Two dark cars with tainted glasses were waiting already a couple of feets away.
The fast spinning blades stopped after a while, then the door slided up to allow the passengers to come down.
Ludwig Konrad, with the light breeze blowing his wavy hair with the mixture of black and red majestically came down the flight of stairs taking in the sandy floor and burning sunlight.
As always, followed by Loan, his most trusted assistant, and 7 more guards for protection, all dressed in deep red shirts and black pants, with black jackets.
"Fuck this!" Ludwig cursed getting angry at the bright sun, the bulb was going to give him sun burn if care wasn't taken.
He was also angry because if he didn't get the money from the so called Terry from Nigeria, he would have to start selling his properties starting with the private jets and cars, he was fucking frustrated and pissed at everything.
Levi, his own brother and Angela, his ex girlfriend were doing well off, of course they were together in this business, although separately since none of them got along well.
Even Tesla, his half sister was going perfectly.
Ludwig used to be at the top of the game, the biggest Mafia boss in the entire Germany, but now he was going after criminals that has stolen money from him by himself, what a downgrading act to his image.
On a normal day, one snap of a finger and his men would have gotten him Terry's head while selling the rest of his properties because he had stolen from him. But since those men couldn't be paid, he had to make use with other low budget men.
"Fuck!. Fuck everything!" He groaned kicking the sand into the air in frustration while yelling.
Loan and the rest of then men only watched him transfer his burning aggression on the inanimate sand.
Loan in his tailored red and black suit proceeded to open the door for Ludwig.
After he felt okay, he stopped kicking the sand and went into the car, sweaty. Loan followed, the 7 other men went into the other car.
"We have pinned his location and we're heading to his house right now" Loan told him.
"Good. The beer?."
Loan was hesitant, but he knew the consequences of disobeying Ludwig when his mood was on ice, "Here."
Meanwhile, at uncle Terry's mansion, upstairs on his bed, he was naked with his body half covered with a white duvet in the middle of a kind sized bed, he was surrounded by two large sized slut girls having fun with him.
One light skinned with white wig, the other dark skinned, both in the skimpiest sexy cloths laughing like clowns and twisting their bodies like snakes in acts to seduce Terry.
"More money?" Terry laughed and threw cash into the air.
"Chief Terry. Is that all you have?" One of the girls said with a frown.
Terry laughed out loud, his laugh resonating all around the large room, "Play with me and I will give you more. Infact two cars for both of you."
"Really?" Both girls gasped. One of them rubbed his big tummy in excitement while the other rubbed his head. Terry could have passed out in ecstacy.
"You see girls. I just got back from Germany some days ago and I came with cash!. Big heavy cash!. Infact I can buy the entire Nigeria with it."
"Buy us with it instead" the dark girl said rubbing his pot belly.
"Do you hear footsteps?" The light skinned girl with the white wig had barely finished her speech when the door was blown off.
All three including Uncle Terry jumped in fright screaming. The large brown door in front of them had just completed disintegrated, bits of brown wood flying here and there.
"Thieves ooo!" Uncle Terry yelled struggling to find a cloth to cover his nakedness while the girls jumped off the bed making a run for it without remembering their cloths.
A wide smirk speaks across Ludwig's thin lips as he witnessed the situation in the room, he saw the ladies and the naked man.
He allowed the two ladies with run past him while he signaled to his guards to get the man.
Two of the guards went closer to uncle Terry while the rest stayed behind Ludwig in a straight line awaiting instructions.
"Please!" Terry shivered as if he had come face to face with death, and maybe he has, "Please!. I promise, any amount of money you want please!.
Ludwig, holding one half bottle of beer and a gun in the other hand, moved closer to where the men had Terry on his knee, naked in front of his king sized bed, he croached down, his breath filled with alcohol, "Any amount you say?."
"Do you remember me?" He raised Terry's head up with the butt of his gun.
Terry's eyeballs almost popped out of the their socket as he saw Ludwig's face for the first time, he had been too afraid to look up.
"I knew you'd remember me!" Ludwig said with a sarcastic laugh.
"Just give me my money and everything else you got or you and your entire family pay with your lives."
"In...inside ee D...D...D...drawer!."
One of the men went to a wide gray drawer with a dresser and pulled all four compartment open, but he only came back with 10 stacks of Nigeria cash.
"Are you sure?. That's all?" Ludwig turned to Terry, "Where the fuck is the rest of the money?."
"D...D...D...girls!. They took it all!. D...D....D.... all of them...from yesterday....I..."
In anger, Ludwig broke the bottle of beer in his hand on the Terry's head, "you'd better provide the rest of the..."
"Mr Terry!. Mr Terry!."
A feminine voice called. Everyone in the room froze.
With bleeding head, Mr Terry said, "My daughter! Please don't touch her."
"Bring the girl to me right now!" Three men immediately left the room to get the girl.
"Please don't take her!" Terry begged, bloody running from the middle of his head down to his face.
"Uncle Terry?. Leave me alone!. Who are you people?. Unhand me right now!. Uncle Terryyyy!."
"Weird how your daughter calls you uncle!."
"I told her to call me that if ever she sees thieves in the house, so they won't think she's my daughter and kill her" with that Terry passed out, or pretended to.
Tory tried to fight the two hefty men that had suddenly appeared to her at the top of the stairs when had been looking for her uncle to let him know she had come to return some of money she owed him.
"Unhand me now!!. Don't you dare touch me!. Uncle Terryyy!."
Tory stopped struggling as she was brought into a room with no door. The first person she saw made her heart skip two beats.
She knew she was in no situation to fall in love right now but the man standing in front of her with a gun in one hand and a broken bottle in another was enough to make her stare, even if he was going to be the last thing she ever saw.
She was suddenly staring into his dark red eyeballs, his perfect face with sculptured jaw was covered with a mixture of dark and red hair, he was very tall and towering over her, clad in a dark shirt that was clinging to his muscles. The kind of man that was in her fantasies.
"Hello princess!" Ludwig smirked, what a beauty the asshole's daughter was.