
The billionaire's baby

She came to drop some files at my penthouse, I was drunk to stupor, I wasn't thinking straight and we had a one night stand which led to the pregnancy..." Collins Walter is a cold-hearted billionaire who is recognized around the world. As a business freak, he doesn't care about love, marriage or fancy the idea of having babies. Piper Walker is a kind-hearted young lady who is in desperate need of a job. She finally secures one at Walter's Empire. And things take a sullen turn when she had a one night stand with her boss, Collins Walker, in an unimaginable situation and this led to pregnancy. Will he accept the pregnancy? Could there be more to his cold attitude?

DaoistpaI7jP · 都市
49 Chs

Chapter 34

Piper leaned on the wall tiredly. She itched her neck as she stared at her legs that were barefooted already. She has been collecting accounts from each company. In light of the fact that she will have to do a proper account of each Mini Walter company and also from the main Walter Empire. Yet she still has to show and explain everything to Collins.

Walking with heels for such an assignment was so frustrating as she kept staring at her foot. She inhaled and exhaled tiredly. She stood outside of one the department, waiting to collect their account book since she's done collecting it from the mini companies. Seconds later, Nancy came out of the office with a frown.

"What happened??" Piper asked.

"Nothing, just tired" Nancy mumbled, handing her the files.

"You should have a break now, perhaps go home.This is 4 pm already and it's the normal time to leave one's workplace." Piper uttered.

Nancy smiled"Okay ma'am. Thank you so much ma, you should use half of tomorrow to rest, I will handle tomorrow's schedules till you come " Nancy suggested with a soft smile.

"Okay" Piper replied with a wink.

Nancy smiled and hurried off.


9:36pm In the Night


Piper stood up from the chair and arranged her hair.

"Let me freshen up before leaving" she thought and entered her office mini bathroom.

Few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom but had a simple gown on, the gown she took from the bathroom. She walked back to her table and sighed heavily, picking up the files one after the other.

"I can't believe his staff are embezzling his money. Almost all of his staff." Piper thought about opening the door and bumped into Owen who was about to open the door also.

"Miss Walker" Owen gasped, adjusting his tie.

"I'm sorry for my clumsiness," Piper apologized immediately.

"Are you going home already?" Owen asked.

"Not at all. I'm going to Mr Walter's mansion to give him the accounts of his company" Piper replied.

"Oh I'm also going but I think I won't be able to go again" Owen said with a sad face.

"What happened ?" She asked.

"Today is my younger sister's birthday, I couldn't attend it because of today's work. So I wanted to surprise her in bed with a lot of balloons, cake and ice cream" Owen smiled.

"Awwwn that's so lovely and full of affection. Give me the things you want to give him, I will drop everything to him" Piper suggested.

"Oh! That's thoughtful of you. Thanks so much Piper" Owen appreciated.

"Can you give me the address to his mansion ?" Piper asked.

"Oh! Yes, sure" He rushed his words as he opened the address.

"Here take this, This is his penthouse address. Because he called me this morning that he won't be at home but at his penthouse to clear his head. " Owen explained.

"Okay. Piper replied, nodding her head as she collected the address from him.

"You can leave now, I close down the company" Owen said and she nodded walking out of him.

Piper got out of the company and took a taxi to the address.

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She ran the bell thrice but got no response.

"Is he even around?" she thought, looking around.

A security guard came out, looking tiredly,,

"Who are you ?" He asked.

"My name is Piper Aurora Walker. I'm an accountant from the Walter Empire." She responded politely.

"Are you here to drop some files to him?" The security guard asked.

"Yes, I came to drop it for him" she replied and nodded unlocking the gate for her to come in.

Piper walked inside the compound and a "Wow" escaped her mouth.

"Such a comfortable lifestyle." She thought, still looking at the cool garden not far from her. She exhaled and knocked at the glassy door.

"Is he asleep already?" She thought again.

"You don't need to knock, just go in" The security guard half yelled from the gate.

"Okay" she mumbled and opened the door slowly.

Everywhere looks dark and scary" she thought, walking inside the living room.

"How will I get to know where the switch is?" She thought again. A loud clattering of glass could be heard. She gasped and traced the sound from the living room.

By the time she got there, she found the ground covered with broken bottles. Collins stumbled before he turned around and his gaze came in contact with hers.

The wreck odour of the alcohol over shadowed her nose. She wasn't minded by the heavy odour of the alcohol. She dropped her bags quickly and rushed to assist him out of the bar room.

"My heart hurts," Collins whimpered, holding Piper's cloth firmly.

"You are drunk, come on. You need to get hold of yourself" Piper consoled, sitting him down on a seat.

"My heart hurts. It's broken" He uttered.. throwing the empty bottle on the wall which made it shattered into thousands pieces.

Piper sighed deeply and dropped the files on the table.

"Just because she broke your heart doesn't mean you should lose hope by getting yourself drunk to stupor," Piper scolded.

"You broke my heart" He yelled, getting up on his feet.

"What ?" She shuttered, moving my feet backwards.