
Chapter 1


Lucinda was welcomed with a stalk of paper spread across the table. A lawyer sat by the left in a fitting black suit while her husband; was a brooding beauty, gorgeous, certainly, but ruthless too. He occupied the left couch with his new bride Tracy.

The daughter of a billionaire, a million-dollar paid actress of all seasons who makes both genders drool. Her straight tanned legs stretched out from a skimpy skirt, her head resting on his broad shoulders while her left finger purposely caressed his chest only to show off the diamond ring.

Lucinda took a seat facing them all as if she were the defaulter; the one who had been secretly cheating in their marriage of three years.

"What took you so long?"

Christian questioned.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here now."

Lucinda adjusted on the seat, crossing her fair leg on the other.

"Think again Christian, are you really choosing her over me?"

Lucinda asked, batting her long lashes to drive away tears. Three years of her life she had dedicated to him still he wasn't satisfied with the pleasure she gave him.

"Yes. Now sign the damn papers and stop asking me vexatious questions, I have important things to do."

His husky voice jolted Lucinda to act fast.

"Alright. Give me a pen."

Lucinda signed the document. The next page had to do with monthly allowance for the divorced. Lucinda left that part blank. She did not want a dime from him.

"Drop your pride and take the money. The world isn't going to be fair towards a pauper like yourself Lucinda."

Said Tracy rubbing Christian's chest with a hint of mockery in her voice.

"She is right Lucinda, take the money, I do not want you telling it to the media I sent you off without any settlement."

Christian persuaded with pride.

Lucinda let out a long laugh and then tucked a stubborn hair behind her ear.

"Christian, maybe you have forgotten. I was surviving before you met me and I will keep surviving without your help."

Lucinda glared at Christian for the last time. She has been a puzzle that hasn't been solved in three years. Any woman in her shoes would be on their knees crying and begging for a second chance, but definitely not Lucinda. She stood up with her shoulder up high and left the room.


His voice echoed in the mansion. She totally ignored him. He went after her, taking the stairs in twos to catch up. He felt Insulted by her nonchalant attitude.

"Lucinda, I demand an apology right now."

"Or else what?"

Her voice challenged him. Trickling tears she had been holding back were let loose.

"I am disappointed in you Alexander."

"I hate you. I hate myself even more for trusting you."


Christian strongly commanded.

" What else can you do to me? We are divorced."

Christian cut across the room pushing her to the wall. Her face kissed the wall her hands pinned right above her head. Immediately she felt a sick lurch inside her stomach.

What was he going to do now?

" Let me go, you monster."

She struggled for freedom but only ended up feeling the honey bulge inside his trousers. Those nights of epic sex; on the table, his office, car, and the room. sweat dripping from his well-sculpted physique, his thrust feeding her hunger all night.

"I still own you, divorced or not, I still own you, Lucinda. You will not disrespect me."

His warm breath fanned her neck causing her breath to hitch in her burning throat. Her treacherous body was betraying her giving into his kisses; starting from behind her ear, down to the nip of her neck. His hands crawled under her gown feeling the secret surge of moisture between her legs.

"Do you still want me to stop Lucinda?"

He openly mocked.

Of course, she wanted him to stop, to run away from him and never look back. Her soul was screaming for help, yet her body did otherwise. Dancing to the tune of the devil.

He pressed his body closer to hers. Her heart ceased to beat for a minute while a small moan escaped her mouth feeling his hands underneath her breast.

"Now beg me."

His voice filled with authority like he still owned her.

Silence followed.

"No. Get away from me."

Her voice came out flat. Different from what she had planned in her head.

"Your resistance only makes me horny Lucinda."

His belt fell to the floor. The sound of it raised the hair on her neck.

"Is everything alright my love?"

Tracy tried opening the door but it was locked. Christian locked the door without Lucinda even knowing.

"I'm going to scream."

Lucinda threatened.

"You dare not."

He shut her mouth. "I will be down in a minute."

"Okay, my love. You know we have to go shopping for the wedding."

"I know."

Christian sounded agitated. He was about to deal with Lucinda, but she happened to come at the wrong time.

Tracy left the room with a frown. She was piqued by what was going on in there.

"Could he be making out with that pauper?"

She took out her phone and sent a text to an unknown number.

"We are on our way Lady Tracey."

The number responded.

"You're in luck, next time you won't get out so easily from me."

His warm breath fanned the back of her neck sending a tantalizing signal down her spine.

Only when the door shut closed did Lucinda breathe out. She felt stupid for giving in to him.

She must leave before he returns to mock her again.

"This can not happen again, there will be no next time."

Lucinda left the room without packing anything; it would only bring back memories of the ruthless billionaire.

"Mrs Lucinda. I can't believe you are actually leaving."

Lady Victoria, the house nanny cried out. She had gotten so used to Lucinda, she treated her as if she were her own daughter.

"Call me Lucinda, the title of Mrs had been taken away."

"Heaven be with you." The house nanny prayed.

Outside the gates, a black Bentley pulled up right in front of Lucinda. A glaring gray eyes mocked her. It was Christian's mom.

"My son finally borrowed some sense. I have been praying for this day."

"Good luck with your miserable life." She continued and drove past the mansion chuckling.

Immediately a white Range Rover pulled up. The driver, Victor, was in his late twenties looking dashing in a vintage shirt tailored to his muscles.

"What happened little Cousin?" He asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Now is not the time. Take me out of here." Lisa said, holding back the tears in her eyes.