
The Billionaire’s Substitute Bride

[MATURE CONTENT/R18+] “Sis, I can’t marry him! Please help me convince Mom not to marry me off!” Melody cried helplessly in Penelope’s arms. Penelope looked at her younger sister in distraught. She knew how much Melody was in love with her current boyfriend, but it would be difficult to disobey their mother, considering the massive debt their father left behind prior to his death. However, on the day of the wedding day, Melody didn’t show up and ran away with her lover. In order to give her family some face, Penelope Dimitriou had no other choice but to step forward to fill her sister’s role. “Mr. Hendrix, my sister ran away. Do you mind marrying me instead?” The man lifted his dark eyes and stared at her for a long moment before his lips curled into a dashing smile. “Sure,” he said with an amused laugh. “But you better not regret it.” Penelope stiffened under his gaze but kept her expression neutral. Regret? That was the word she was trying to remove from her vocabulary, but if marrying this stranger could spare her sister from trouble, so be it.

anjeeriku · 都市
87 Chs

You Want Me to Sleep with You? (1)

Penelope watched her mother interact with the Montgomery family with a broad smile during the reception as if Melody's absence meant nothing to her. Instead, Roselia looked thrilled that they were finally connected to the Montgomery family through Penelope's marriage to their nephew, Raven Hendrix. 

Penelope sat alone, waiting for the reception to end. Her new husband told her that they would need to discuss their living arrangements and a few rules Penelope had to follow as his wife. As the reception drew close, Penelope felt unease tighten in her stomach. She had married him out of duty and the pressure from her family, not out of love or choice.

The weight of her obligations bore down on her like a heavy cloak she couldn't shake off. 

She braced for what was to come, her mind racing with apprehension. She knew whatever rules Raven imposed upon her might further suffocate her spirit. But she also knew that she had to play the part of the obedient wife, at least for now. 

As the reception ended, Penelope felt uneasy about what Raven had in store for their future together. Priscilla and Clara went to her, sensing her nervousness. Penelope had come to the ceremony as the bride's maid of honor, but no one expected her to become the bride at the end of the day. 

"Don't worry about us, Penny. I'll ask Uncle Henry tomorrow if he can help us locate Melody. It would be best if you focused on yourself, Penny. We don't know what kind of person Mr. Hendrix is. If you think you need help, don't think twice, and give me a call, okay? I'll get you no matter what Mother says." Priscilla hugged Penelope while Clara stood nearby, giving them a worried look. 

They might have avoided the disaster, but they were worried about how this marriage could affect Penelope. Ever since their father died, their mother had become unstable. Only because they had Penelope could her younger sisters feel some semblance of normalcy in their lives. Penelope squeezed Priscilla's hand and smiled at her before turning to Clara. 

"Thank you both," Penelope said softly, her voice tinged with worry. "Please take care of yourselves." 

Clara hugged Penelope tightly, her worry apparent in the tightness of her embrace. 

"We will always be here for you, no matter what," Clara whispered.

As they said their goodbyes, Penelope felt a surge of gratitude for her sisters' unwavering support. She knew she could rely on them, no matter the challenges ahead. 

Walking out of the reception hall on Raven's arm, Penelope glanced at the starry sky above. The night air was cool against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine. Raven remained silent beside her, his grip on her arm tight and possessive. Penelope couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as they approached his sleek black car waiting by the curb. 

As they drove towards Raven's estate, Penelope couldn't shake off the feeling of being led into a gilded cage. The imposing gates loomed ahead, opening slowly to welcome them into the lavish grounds beyond. The manor stood grand and imposing in the moonlight, its windows dark and inscrutable. 

Raven escorted Penelope inside, his demeanor calm and distant. He led her through the opulent halls, stopping before a closed door. With a solemn look, he turned to face her. 

"Ms. Dimitriou – no, you are Mrs. Hendrix now. Please do not forget who you are now. You are my wife, and you mustn't allow anyone to diminish your role in this household. As my wife, you are expected to uphold the honor and reputation of the Hendrix family," Raven stated firmly, his eyes cold and unyielding. 

Penelope felt a chill run down her spine at the coldness in his tone. She nodded silently, her heart heavy with resignation. She understood the importance of her husband's words. 

As Raven opened the door to reveal a lavishly decorated room that would be hers, he spoke again, his words cutting through the silence like a sharp blade. 

"As we've discussed earlier. I expect you to fulfill the roles and duties of my lawfully wedded wife. You will attend events and functions to stand in for me. Your primary duty is to uphold the honor and prestige of our family. Do not disgrace us."

 Penelope entered the room, feeling like a bird trapped in a gilded cage. The luxurious furnishings seemed suffocating rather than inviting, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of being a prisoner in this opulent mansion. She wondered if her marriage was not just a duty but a prison sentence. 

She laughed inwardly, thinking she'd given up her freedom for her sister only to find herself trapped in a different kind of captivity. As Raven closed the door behind her, Penelope realized her life would never be the same. She walked around the room, taking in the extravagance surrounding her, but all she felt was a sense of suffocation.

She followed her new husband until Raven pushed open the door of one of the rooms on the third level. Penelope was met with a luxurious bedroom adorned with rich fabrics and expensive furnishings. The room felt suffocating, starkly contrasting with the simplicity of what she had always known and preferred. 

"This will be your quarters from now on. My room is just down the hall. You know where to reach me if you need anything." Raven said as he removed his bow tie. 

"You aren't going to stay here with me?" Penelope asked in surprise. 

She thought that when Raven told her to fulfill her duties as his wife, Penelope assumed that included her nightly duties. Penelope's face immediately turned red as Raven's gaze remained on her for a moment before a slight smile curled on her lips. 

"You want me to sleep with you?" he asked in a teasing tone. 

Penelope's cheeks burned with embarrassment at Raven's teasing words. She quickly averted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes. Despite her discomfort, she knew that her new husband was not a man to be trifled with. She had heard the rumors about his ruthless nature and the unwavering expectations of those around him.