
The Billionaire’s Sassy Wife

作者: Oni_Kehinde
Contemporary Romance
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What is The Billionaire’s Sassy Wife

WebNovel で公開されている、Oni_Kehinde の作者が書いた The Billionaire’s Sassy Wife の小説を読んでください。Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out gold. Daniel Smith simply had it all, he possessed the refined beauty as powerful as his name, his wealth as of a bil...


Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out gold. Daniel Smith simply had it all, he possessed the refined beauty as powerful as his name, his wealth as of a billionaire and the sophisticated charm of seducing women. He was forced to get rid of his bachelor's status and get married to Regina Green, the sassy and stubborn heiress with innocent looks who would do anything to please her father. He hated her drastic and silly ways, he swore to make her life a living hell. She hated his principles and his unfathomable ego. In a life lasting marriage, many things are bound to happen and nothing can prepare them for the consequences. Would Regina Green endure the ruthless and harsh demeanor of Daniel Mills? Would she remain the Billionaire's Wife?

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The real life history for a loser man

Hi my name is Muhammad Shoaib I am from Pakistan I said some thing like this don't trust any one I was trust my friends my relatives but everyone hurt me by money by trust if u want to become successful in life then trust only one man own because if you trust other person they will hurt you and it's very painful in your life u willnt stand again if someone hurt you it's my life experience I didn't success in my life because I trust my friends my relatives but now I teach a lesson I lost so many money now I am zero but I m happy because I will earn money again but my friends lost my friendship and my life main role is my mother and my wife they was encouraged me when I was lost everything in my life that's why I share with you my own life if you want to become successful in life then do hard work leave everything friends mobiles bad activity and chose one road which one you believe and work and work work then u will success in your life otherwise after 10 years u also think like me why u didn't understanding thats why this is time to do something after spent the time u willnt again in your life this diamond time thanks everyone who teach me this lesson I was visit maleysia Dubai Sri Lanka India but every where same people every one fraud with u they didn't miss the chance to earn money it's fear or not they don't think but I m Muslims and alhumdullillah I want earn money fear because after death I will give answer my ALLAH where I earn money and where you spent if I will fraud and bad earn money then I will failed and I will have punishment that's y I say every one wakeup wake up wake up when u will realize Same like me I m loser in my life but now I will think how I will become successful in my life so of you have any idea then tell me

shoaib_thakur · 現実
1 Chs

Re: Nexus Unleashed

In a multiverse where countless worlds exist, Earth was selected as the chosen ground for an enigmatic purpose. Mysterious rifts began to appear, and from them emerged otherworldly beings who wielded unimaginable power, dominating humanity. Abundant mana enveloped the planet, changing its very essence. Amidst the chaos and struggle for survival, our protagonist, known as Draven, was initially oblivious to the grander scheme of things. His life had always been tough, and he fought to protect his family from the harsh realities of this altered world. As the "Nexus Unleashed" game took the world by storm, Draven was late to join, unaware of the game's connection to the abundant mana and the appearance of these beings. His journey within the game, fueled by sheer determination and a desire to secure a better life for his family, led to an unexpected revelation. He discovered that the game was intricately tied to the abundant mana on Earth. Tragedy struck when Draven lost his beloved sister, Lily, to a mysterious ailment brought about by the overwhelming mana. Her passing shook him to his core, and he vowed never to let another loved one fall victim to the dangers of this changed world. The "Nexus Unleashed" game was no ordinary game. In this tutorial-like virtual realm, death had real-world consequences. Dying too many times within the game meant permanent death in reality. As Draven navigated through its perilous challenges, he became increasingly aware of the stakes and the impending apocalypse that loomed. One day, caught in the midst of an epic battle against the level 1000 Demon King, Draven intervened to protect a fellow player, ultimately sacrificing his own life. Yet, destiny had other plans. He found himself back in the same form, given a second chance to return to a year before the game's launch. Now, with his sister Lily alive, and his knowledge of the abundant mana, Draven embarked on a new journey. His quest was twofold – to protect his family at all costs and to uncover the enigma behind the emergence of multiple worlds and the role of Earth in this grand cosmic design.

Anshay_Singh · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Harem Making System

In the future, Shi Feng became a successful entrepreneur. Unfortunately, this doesn't last long. His wife turned out to have put a green hat on him for a long time. When he found out they're doing it in his home, in his own bed even. He immediately raged and immediately teach him a lesson. Who would've thought that the man was a second-generation rich man and his father is a powerful businessman? Shi Feng immediately went from a rich man to a dirt poor beggar. He can only pick up trash and plastic bottles on the ground to make living. His wife has long run away with the guy when he knew about it. So now he had nothing at all. When he thought his life can't get any worse, the guy came back with a lot of people and started beating him harshly. As he was desperate, Shi Feng immediately felt empty in his head when he heard a mechanical system sound. *Congratulation host, you have been picked as the owner of this system. Namely Harem Making System* After he accept, he immediately found himself returning to when he was still a teenager. Looking at the not so handsome face on the mirror Shi Feng laughed evilly as he started picking up women here and there. Now, he's on his journey to make the biggest harem ever existed. My first ever novel. It's a Basic thing, basic thing. The system, reincarnation, and some of that. But hey, I still want to try it anyway --Art is not mine, It's from @ebkim00 on Twitter. You can check him out. His/Her? art is just godly.

NightyNightyLittle · 都市
5 Chs
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