
Chapter 13

  Sawyer had one amazing night with her boss. Now she was not sure how to take things. She felt awkward around him. She wanted to bring it up but she did not want to bring it up. Oh how to start the convo?

Did he even care? Or was it all one night of great sex? Sawyer was not going to get her hopes up with snagging a sexy billionaire like Donovan. But with past relationships' she had always ended up getting her heart broken in the end for caring FAR too much then she should have in the first place!

Sawyer's phone rang. It was Donovan calling from his office at work.

"Hi there" Sawyer answers on the first ring.

"I will be working late tonight" he sighs. He sounded so tired. Her heart ached for him.

"Oh want me to put a plate of dinner in the microwave for you?" she wonders.

"No, sorry. I am. I wish I was home. Eating dinner. But these papers are piled high waiting for my approval" he grumbles.

"I am sorry Donovan" she says softly.

"Don't be. My life. This is my life" he mutters.

"Sounds like you need some fun" she mentions.

"Fun? Who has time for that?" he remarks bitterly.

"Well I will handle Evan. No worries here" she promises him.

"Thank you. I know I can count on you" he replies.

"Always" says Sawyer before they hang up.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

She did feel badly about all the work he had to do. Everyone wanted billions. No one wanted to do the work for it. And Donovan did work for it. He was a good hard worker. Sawyer admired that in him.

"Mommy! Look I at this!" exclaims Shelly as she comes leaping in the kitchen. She hands Sawyer a piece of paper with a doodle on it.

"What is this?" Sawyer asks smiling.

"I made you a drawing" she says proudly.

"Oh I see. Tell me what did you make?" asks Sawyer.

"This is you. Then me here in the middle" says Shelly. There was a man with them and a dog now.

"So who is this man?" wonders Sawyer.

"That is Mr. Spencer. I mean Donovan" says Shelly. "Look I made Norton to" she says with pride.

As Sawyer looked over the doodle she notices something. Shelly had drawn on the back of something important. Looked like blue prints of some project of Donovan's. Sawyer's heart races faster.

"Shelly tell me something. Where did you get this piece of paper at?" asks Sawyer nervously.

"In Donovan's office. He has a lot of paper there" says Shelly.

"Oh no. Oh no no no" sighs Sawyer. She smacks her forehead with her hand.

"What is wrong mommy?" wonders Shelly. Sawyer grabs the art work.

Turns it around. There were the blue prints for the new apartment building there. Shelly had drawn on the back. Thankfully the front was not ruined.

"Shelly you must ask me or Mr. Spencer before taking ANYTHING even a piece of paper from his office. This was a very important piece of paper you drew on!" she snaps at Shelly losing her cool. Shelly looks up at her with tears forming in her eyes.

"I didn't know. It was just a piece of paper" mutters Shelly.

"Shelly, ask. You don't take something that is Not yours. You know this!" snaps Sawyer with anger.

"You hate my drawing! I never do anything right anymore! You love Evan more than me" declares an upset Shelly.

"No that is not true" sighs a tired Sawyer.

"IT is SO. You never yell at Evan. And yesterday he threw up on your favorite shirt!" snaps Shelly. She rushes out of the room crying her eyes out.

"Just great!" sighs Sawyer. She sets the drawing down. Evan begins to cry waking up hearing the noise.

"I am coming!" calls out Sawyer. She heads over to the play pen to get a fussy Evan. She picks him up.

"I bet one day you two will be doodling on your daddy's blue prints huh little man?" sighs Sawyer as she holds Evan. A nasty smell comes from Evan. He pooed in his britches.

"Come on. Time for a change" mutters Sawyer. She changed Evan. The oven beeped at her letting her know dinner was done. Norton whimpered to go potty. All at once things were going on. Evan begins to fuss. He was hungry.

"One thing at a time everyone!" begs Sawyer. She sets Evan in his little kiddie swing. She gets the food out of the oven. She lets Norton out in the back yard to go potty. Then she makes Evan a bottle.

"Shelly dinner!" calls out Sawyer.

"Not hungry" Shelly calls back.

"Shelly out here right now! Dinner!" snaps Sawyer.

"FINE" Shelly mutters. Sawyer checks the bottle to make sure it was not to hot. Then Norton wanted back in.

"Shelly let Norton in for me" asks Sawyer.

Shelly walks over to the back door letting Norton come in.

"What is for dinner?" wonders Shelly.

"Lasagna" says Sawyer.

"Oh good" says Shelly.

"Garlic bread to" mentions Sawyer.

"How come Evan only eats bottles? Well drinks?" asks Shelly. "Will he eat food like me?"

"One day soon he will start on foods like you did" says Sawyer. "Baby food"

"Think one day you might have a brother or sister for me mom?" wonders Shelly.

"Not any time soon pumpkin" laughs Sawyer.

"How come?" wonders Shelly.

"I have my hands full with you and Evan here" says Sawyer as she smiles. She was glad Shelly was no longer upset with her for yelling about the doodle. She had over reacted.

"How about you go set the table for us for dinner" says Sawyer.

"Sure. Will Donovan join us?" wonders Shelly.

"No he is working late again" says Sawyer.

"He works works works" sighs Shelly.

"Yes he does" laughs Sawyer. She glances over at the kitchen counter. Norton was right on the counter tasting the dinner she made.

"NORTON!" gasps Shelly.

"Norton get down right now!" demands Sawyer as she gets up to shoo him off the table. So much for dinner. It was ruined now. Norton had food all in his beard. Shelly shoos him off the kitchen counter. Now he needed a bath. Badly.

"Bad dog! Bad bad bad!" scolds Shelly as she rushes after Norton.

"Catch that dog! He needs a bath" giggles Sawyer. They rushed a round trying to catch Norton who apparently did not care for the word bath. It was sure one long night for Sawyer. Donovan was not the only one who needed a bit of fun.

"NORTON!" giggles Shelly as she nearly grabs the startled dog.

"Norton get back here now!" demands Sawyer.

"Mommy dinner is ruined. What will we eat?" wonders Shelly.

"Time for pizza I guess" sighs Sawyer.

"YAY! PIZZA" exclaims a happy Shelly. Good thing Donovan was not expecting a hot homemade dinner. It was not happening there tonight.
