
The Big Dreamer

What if, the dreams we experience aren't just fabrications made up inside of our minds, and instead a separate reality where we experience multiple lives at once. Sleep is just a buffer, a loading screen for us to shift between realities. Gray has thought about a concept since he was introduced to lucid dreaming, the thought of expanding your consciousness, and wondered whether or not that reality is something that we create. What if, the present itself, can be changed and shifted to a more ideal life.

ZhongLi · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Stepping into Reality

Moonlight washed over the city, painting it in a silver luminescence that spoke about its tranquility. Cars drifted between lanes, the sounds silent from neighboring houses. The city was known for its peaceful atmosphere, dubbing it as the Silent City. Crime was a rare occurrence, resulting in many freely wandering about the streets at night to calm their senses.

Nearby a main road, situated on the side and neatly nestled on a corner, a small dilapidated house was filled with a weak light. Inside sat a young man, about 18 years in age, a head full of white hair that rested upon his shoulders and a neutral countenance. The room was in shambles, books strewn about the floor and haphazardly flipped open to reveal their contents. With his back against his bed frame, a sigh escaped his lips, his expression turning slightly melancholic as he thought of his financial situation.

Originally he was well off, had a decent source of income, and had nothing to worry about as far as money was concerned. Gray was sure that he would've been able to live peacefully for the next few years, that is until agents from the government, adorned in black suits and matching black glasses knocked upon his door. That day, he was robbed of everything, his family claiming that he stole from them, and due to not having enough social status, his words were neglected. Watching as his savings and everything vanish from his eyes caused him to fall into a depression, unable to solve his situation or have the drive to do anything.

Now, sitting within this house, filled with a scarce amount of food and only two outfits, he didn't know what to do. Gray's life had now consisted of web novels and books, occasionally eating, and sleeping. It was like this for a few weeks, while his body turned progressively more skinnier and malnourished.

Struggling to lift himself off the ground, he sighed heavily, his distant brown eyes slowly losing their focus. Muttering to himself, he said in a soft tone that only he could hear, "I don't want to be here... rotting... slowly chasing after something that doesn't exist. Why.. can't it be easier? Why does life have to take everything away, and throw hurdles in your life when all you have done is be kind. It makes no sense.."

As if waiting for a response, he sat quietly, patiently waiting until something happened. However, nothing did, and as this realization slowly came up, he gnashed his teeth, his hand that held a book clenching, his knuckles turning white. Looking upward he yelled at the top of his lungs, echoing throughout the house and into the silent night. Rage seethed within, his eyes turning bloodshot.

That night, everyone heard his cry, his indignation for this cruel world that looked kind. People nearby scurried out to investigate the commotion, his neighbors hurriedly coming down from their steps to knock upon his door. They yelled at him to keep quiet, or else they would call the cops, while others were simply concerned for his well-being. However, they did nothing, and as his scream died down, so too his breath. Coming to a crawl while the effects of severe starvation caught up with him, Gray blinked, his vision slowly becoming blurry while a tugging sensation similar to vertigo could be felt within his stomach.

Suddenly, he smiled, one that was peaceful and filled with eerie calmness, "Ah, I forgot to eat... huh.."

That night, everyone heard news of him dying, days passed by while news of his family formally burying his body came to light, but nobody showed up for the funeral. It was as if they were waiting for this to happen. Soon enough, this incident was gone, as if it never happened, and slowly everyone ceased to remember his name.


"Ah.. so I forgot to eat. How foolish. I could've went out and asked my neighbor.."

"Wait.. where am I?"

In the ever expanding darkness, a voice spoke out, inaudible to ears but heard within the soul. A blinking light appeared, a formless orb that resembled an atom.

"Am I.. dead? But, how am I here? I shouldn't be capable of thought yet I can freely think."

Gray was confused, convinced that his mind was somehow playing tricks on him. Was he on mushrooms? Did he accidentally take drugs or something? This didn't make any sense. As he kept debating within his soul, a change occurred in the surrounding space, and a flashing light similar to a supernova occurred. Energy spread out in all directions, the heat resembling waves of plasma, yet Gray was somehow calm watching this happen.

Somehow, he felt connected to this energy, as if it was apart of him. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he felt the rush of energy, like prickling needles tickling his skin yet with such intensity that it felt amazing. It was like adrenaline seeping through your body, and you could control it. While basking in the glow, another voice spoke out, instantly freezing his thoughts and only allowing him to observe.

"Gray.. you've finally broken through. Good."

The voice was archaic, filled with a sense of security yet also foreboding. As he glanced around, he spotted a figure that resembled an eye. It was massive, serpentine in structure as it contracted it's slit like pupil to examine him.

Feeling himself being relieved of the pressure, Gray questioned after a short moment, his voice full of curiosity, "...Where am I?"

Gray wanted to know this, and as for the name of this being he just came across, he didn't care. If he was human right now he was sure he would spoil his pants and die due to fear, but somehow he couldn't feel that emotion. It was like it wasn't apart of him anymore.

The eye somehow smiled in response, or that's what Gray imagined, with the pupil suddenly expanding and a happy feeling permeated through the space. "Welcome to the universe, where you're one with me and I am one with you. However, your soul is still young, so in simpler terms, you're now in reality."

Well, I'm sort of winging the introduction. I felt it took forever but I think I'm satisfied with it. If you spot any mistakes feel free to comment, and if you want a faster pace or slower pace, feel free to tell me as well. I'm not new at writing but this would be my first work that I'm gonna be dedicated towards.

Thank you for reading, it would help me a lot if you just add it to your collection, that's all I ask for. Have a good day!

ZhongLicreators' thoughts