

When Ben woke up he found himself in a small cabin made of wood that looked old and primitive but had a charm of its own and made you feel drawn to it, he slowly got off the wooden bed and checked if there were anyone in the room besides himself. Only then did he see that he was wearing different clothes, a few sizes bigger than what he was normally wearing, besides the size, they were made out of something quite coarse and they had been washed too many times resulting in the grey colours. After checking what was in the room he came to the conclusion that either the owner is a giant of a man or he just liked big things because the bed, ceiling, table, chairs etc... were e few sizes bigger than normal and then it hit Ben all of a sudden, he slowly got besides the old wooden bed and sat in it starting to think.

"What if after I fainted the monster took me to ITS house? He changed my clothes and cleaned me of mud, maybe I was not tasty in my old clothes, dirtied by the mud and every...." the conclusion leaves Ben perplexed and scared he tries to think how this all started, the beginning of his journey to become a meal for some kind of smaller Hulk.

"What happened to me? one moment I was inside my room, the small marble glowed, and then Puff a huge green monster is breathing on my neck...-Maybe I am hallucinating, and the rock had some natural gases inside it, that disturbs and toys with the human mind right?"

Ben gets up and tries to inflict self-damage to himself by pinching his arm, trying to wake up or prove that he is just having a nightmare but has little success besides causing himself pain. He sits on the bed again but this time he is paler

"Where I am? all that monsters looked like orcs but orcs should not exist...."

Ben stays petrified for a second and he speaks his thoughts without knowing

"Orcs should not exist, they should not exist on earth so that means...-I am in another world?!"

The conclusion leaves Benjamin speechless and he suddenly remembers the message he got before he fainted, it was like his own thoughts but more subtle speaking in his head, he tries to remember and they appear before him again.

[Crazy Title gained!]

[Crazy Passive gained!]

But this time he also knows what they do almost instinctively, like magic, the way the title and passive affects him appears in his mind and he remains lost for words.

"So the crazy passive just makes people around me more wary of me? What the f**k is this?"

Driven speechless by the newfound knowledge, he does not hear the floor creaking, and somebody approaching him before he hears his voice.

"So you have woken up, crazy human, you owe me, for dragging your sorry ass from the marketplace."

Benjamin quickly recoils and hides behind the bed only leaving his head in the open and looking wide-eyed at the unwelcomed guest. He would be a beast of a man only that he is not human and more closely relates to the fictitious race of orcs, a huge body full of muscle and green but this one apparently also has a white beard being more advanced in age than his peers , he wears baggy clothes , the same like Ben's but they are almost tight on the old orc because of his muscles , his uncovered skin is full of scars that mark his body. Then Ben slowly analyzes the orc's face and is surprised at how humane it looks beside the tusks and greenness of it, but the eyes of the orc, are what makes Ben believe, that he has been a fool to even think that the old orc would eat him.

His eyes are a grey but his pupils are violet, but it is not the colour of the eyes that astonish Ben but his kindness that emanates from them, Ben's musings are interrupted by the orc under scrutiny.

"What are you staring at me for human? I am not some beauty even by my people's standard"

The orc cracks a smile before he continues,

"What is your name, crazy human?"

The orc takes a chair and sits, for the first time since he came to the room he is at eye level with Ben,

"My name is Benjamin Stone and I am not crazy," says Ben wile slowly leaving the cover of the bed.

"Your Title says otherwise and I agree with it, screaming in the middle of the market, running about and then fainting in the mud, what would you be if not a crazy human?"

Ben only hears the first few sentences of the orc and with a frantic look in his eyes he asks,

"You know about Titles? what are they? why do they say I am crazy?"

The orc has an astonished look on his face,

"Human, have you hit your head? Everybody has Titles, even the stupid humans should know this "

Ben starts thinking that maybe he is into a world just as the orc describes it, Full of titles, he looks at the orc and asks with agitation in his voice

" Where are we?"

The orc is still astonished, at how stupid this human in front of him is, but still answers.

"We are outside the village, my house is on a higher level up the mountain than the Uen village, it helps if there are any attacking monsters, from the Namila Forest that surrounds us."

Ben founding the whole geography foreign to him continues

" And further than that? "

"Hmm... The quickest way out of the forest is south, after about 30 km you will reach the Bradum city, the city that made the small colony Uen here on this mountain and later became a full-fledged village on its own, even further than that and you will reach the Narhara mountains and they...."

After a wile, Ben sits on the bed defeated, the whole world was foreign to him, proving that he was on another planet and at the same time finding that this world had a lot of races besides humans and orcs.

"What is your name?"

Ben asks a simple question, trying to keep talking and not stop to ruminate over the fact that he is on another planet.

"My name is Grey, and my Title is -Grey the kind- If you got your bearings, could you tell me what you were doing in a village of orcs? I know that humans and orcs are at peace at the moment but the past is hard to bury, are you here for the dungeon or are you trying to score it big by finding Ukkonenium on the mountain?"

My second chapter was harder to write by a lot, and I mean a lot. IDK maybe because it is over 1000 words, I hope it will not be such a hassle in the future.

Please comment on your likes and dislikes on it, it will help me improve.

Alfwulfcreators' thoughts