
Press Conference - ii

Li jie who was sitting in his place, held the mic and said, "You may start asking your questions now."

when these words came out from his mouth, all the reporters present raised their hands. They were all very eager to get some gossipy news and earn this month's increment.

the bodyguard who was standing with the mic started passing the mic from one end of the seating.

"Hello Mr.Li, I am a reporter from XL1 News." he introduced himself and dove right into the question.

"Is it true that you have children out of wedlock?" - This reporter was clever not using the word illegitimate ?

Smirking at the reporter, Li jie answered , "If you are asking me if I have kids that are not born out of my marriage, Yes , I do have 2 kids of my own." - Li jie, the whipped husband didn't want to let them think he was unmarried, after all it was unfair for his cute little wife.

but he was also careful not to let the cat out of the bag.