
Chapter 17

Caleb guided me up the steps that led to the giant double doors out front. He gave me a sideways glance before opening the doors and allowing me to enter.

I gasped quietly, "Oh my God."

The foyer was massive with a high ceiling and tall walls covered in a smooth eggshell color. The chandelier was wide and hung gracefully from the ceiling. There was a large painting of the entire family that hung on the wall across from the door. It's obvious that they value family. There were beautiful potted plants and flowers in different corners of the room. The most ordinary thing in the whole foyer was the welcome mat that laid beneath our feet. Caleb was staring at my reaction cautiously.

"Relax, it's just a house."

"That is a freaking understatement Caleb." I whispered.

"Come on." Caleb tugged me along the mansion slowly. I can see that this was bringing back memories for him. He looked almost as worried as me. It was hard for me to focus on anything when it's so much to take in. We walked past two long spiral staircases that were at the back of the foyer and made our way to the kitchen. The kitchen was no doubt bigger than my house. The island in the middle of the kitchen was almost majestic. I've never seen a kitchen so bright, but then again, I've never seen so many floor to ceiling windows either. I noticed Mason instantly standing near the fridge drinking a beer. He was wearing a navy-blue suit without a tie, an unbuttoned white shirt underneath and shades over his eyes. He leaned his head back as he drank his beer and it took everything in me to keep my feet in place. Why did he have to be so attractive? Mason looked towards us realizing our presence for the first time.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." Mason said with a small smirk.

Caleb chuckled and moved towards him.


"Caleb." Mason responded.

The brothers grabbed each other’s hand, pulling them into a brotherly hug, it was a warm sight to see. "It's been a while since you've been here." Mason noted.

Caleb shrugged in response. "I didn't realize you had company." Mason said, turning to face me.

"Yea, you remember my assistant I introduced you to a few weeks ago."

"Ahh yes," Mason approached me slowly and I swear my knees started to shake. He removed his shades revealing the depths of his eyes for the first time. "Ava Shawn, right?" He asked.

"Um, yes. It's nice to see you again Mason." I said gently.

"I trust you are in better health since the last time I saw you?" I blushed, "Yes I'm better."

He stared at me curiously as if he was in a museum and I was a priceless artifact. "Can I offer you anything? A drink?" Mason asked.

"No thank you." I replied.

I glanced over to Caleb nervously and Mason noticed the action. "Oh, I'm sorry are you two...." Mason trailed off moving his finger back and forth between Caleb and I.

"No." We said simultaneously.

Caleb walked over to us quickly, "It's not like that Mason. We are here doing some business and we wanted to talk to you."

"Oh, well let's take this to the study." He said.

Mason placed the beer on the countertop and led the way, while Caleb and I followed behind him. "Mom and dad aren't coming home yet are they?" Caleb asked worriedly.

"No, they should be occupied for a little while longer. The party is still going on and I told them I'd be back." Caleb nodded satisfied with his answer.

Mason led us down the long sleek hallway to the first door that was on the left. He opened the door, allowing us to enter first. My eyes widened while taking in the beautiful office. The study room was monochrome and smelled like shoe ink and pages of a book. There was a large desk and chair in the middle of the floor and a tall bookshelf directly behind it. There were more pictures of the family hanging on the walls and a leather couch sat against the wall near the tall window. Everything from the table to the chairs and the bookshelf looked like it was made of glass, fragile. I noticed that Caleb and Mason were both staring at my reaction curiously and their strong resemblance startled me for a moment. I keep forgetting that they're twins.

"Are you okay?" Mason asked.

"Yea, I'm fine." I hadn't realized that my breathing had sped up slightly.

Caleb gave me a sly smirk before shaking his head. "So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Mason asked looking at Caleb.

Caleb held up a hand towards Mason and moved closer to my side. He gave me a look, trying to gauge my emotions no doubt. "Do you want to do this part by yourself?" He asked cautiously.

I nodded, "I think I should."

"You're okay right?"

"Yes." I breathed.

"I'll be right out there okay?" He said.

I nodded slowly and he turned away to look at Mason who was watching our exchange warily. "I think it's best if she explains it. I'll be right out there." He said.

Before Mason could respond, Caleb left the study quietly closing the door behind him. There was an awkward silence that was left behind as Mason and I stared at each other. I can see that he was trying to figure out what was going on and I didn't know how to start.

"Okay out with it. What is so wrong that my brother can't tell me himself?" He asked.

"Well he would but this doesn't really concern your brother. This is between you and I." I whispered.

Mason arched his brow in shock. "How so?" I took a deep breath and willed the words that I was practicing for years to come forward.

"I was the girl that....I was the one who.." I stopped and worked to calm my breathing.

Mason looked concerned and approached me slowly. "Are you having another panic attack? Do you want me to get Caleb?"

"No no, I'm fine, I can do this." I closed my eyes and tried to visualize that I was in my bedroom mirror and not standing before him.

"I was the woman who you were with the night of Masquermania." I held my breath waiting for it to sink in, but I was met with silence. I slowly opened my eyes to chance a glance at him. Mason was staring at me confused.

"Masquermania?" He asked.

"The Halloween party that was at The Reynolds Grand Hotel back in 2016. You were dressed like....I don't know phantom of the opera?"

Realization slowly dawned on him and his mouth fell open slowly. "What?" He said.

"It was me, Mason."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I replied.

"How do I know it was you?"

"I don't know what to tell you because that night was so blurry but, I do remember leaving the penthouse early that morning."

"What was I doing when you left the penthouse?" He asked suspiciously.

"You were in the shower." I said.

His eyes widened in shock. I stared at him nervously as I started to play with my fingers. "Did Caleb put you up to this?"

"What? No." I said confused.

"I know he can be a prankster when he wants to be."

"He did not put me up to anything. I made the connection the first time we met, which is why I panicked." I said.

"Woah." He said.

"Yea..." I responded.

Mason ran his hand across his face trying to process everything. He stared at me closely for a few seconds. "Okay, so why are you telling me this?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean people have one night stands all the time. That can't be the only reason you felt the need to tell me this."

"First of all, I am not the one night stand type." I replied.

"Well that's what they all tend to say." He mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"I just meant that it sounded familiar." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well it is not familiar to me."

"Okay, so why did you come, lady who is not the one night stand type?" He asked.

He crossed his arms across his chest, and it annoyed me a bit. He was being nonchalant, and I didn't like it. "You don't have to be rude." I said.

"Rude? No, rude is you and my brother pulling me out of an important function, only to dance around the reason that you did it. That can't be the only reason." He threw his hands up in frustration.

"Well sorry if we are interrupting your day." I mumbled.

"Don't apologize just tell me what's going on." He demanded.

I remembered then that Caleb said that Mason can be impatient and that I'd have to get to my point quickly. "I'm trying to but you aren't making this easy." I said.

"I'm not making what easy? I'm standing here utterly defenseless."

"You're being hostile." I said annoyed.

"Hostile? How the hell am I being hostile? I'm asking a question, a simple question that you keep dancing around."

"Just forget it okay. Sorry I bothered you."

I turned quickly and made my way to the door before I felt Mason grab my elbow. I tried to ignore the tingling sensation going up my arm as I turned to face him. His dark green eyes were intense, and I can almost feel the frustration radiating from them.

"Where are you going? You came down here to talk to me, right? So, talk." He demanded.

"I just thought you'd like to know that you have kids." I blurted out.

Mason's eyes widened almost comically, and his arms dropped to his sides. He opened and closed his mouth several times looking for words to say. I played with my fingers nervously waiting for his response. God, why did I blurt it out like that? A full minute went by and Mason still didn't respond.

"Are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"What......what did you say?" He whispered in shock.

"Mason, I got pregnant that night." I said.


"They're yours Mason I swear it. You have kids." I said.

Before he could respond there was a loud screech and the study door slammed open.


Mason and I turned to see the woman I recognized as Chasity. She was wearing a too tight purple strapless dress and her hands were in fists at her sides. My heart spiked instantly.

"Mason who the hell is she and what the hell is she talking about?!" She yelled.

Chasity brown eyes were wide and furious. Mason still looked pretty shocked from the news I gave him. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

"Are you just going to stand there?! Answer me?!" She demanded.

The room was filled with tension and I was praying that Caleb would come and take me out of here. Mason was still staring at me in shock. I placed my hand on my chest willing my heart to calm down.

"Mason if you don't answer me right now so help me God." She warned.

Just then Caleb entered behind Chasity looking frantic and I breathed out a sigh of relief. He took in the scene cautiously.

"Chasity." He greeted politely.

"Caleb what the hell is going on? What are you doing here?" Chasity asked.

"I wish I could ask you the same thing." He said.

"Who is this...this girl! and why is she talking to your brother about children?!"

I raised a brow at the word girl because she didn't look that much older than me. "Chasity just calm down." Caleb said.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She yelled.

Mason was still pretty much in shock and I can't believe that her voice alone didn't snap him out of it. "What in the world is going on?" Another voice entered the study and I almost choked.

Caleb's eyes widened as he stared at his mother. She looked even more primed and pressed in person, wearing a long-sleeved red dress with a black belt to accessorize and her hair pinned to the top of her head.

"Mom." Caleb whispered.

"Oh my God, Caleb?" She asked, shocked.

They stared at each other in silence before she slowly reached out her hand towards him, but he stepped out of her reach and I can see that the action hurt her.

"What.....what are you doing here, what is going on?" She asked.

Her eyes went around the room slowly and finally landed on me with confusion on her face. "Ask your son!" Chasity said.

"Mom this conversation was supposed to be between them..." Caleb started.

"Screw that! I want to know what children she's talking about!" She pointed her perfectly manicured finger towards me.

"What children?" Mrs. Reynolds asked.

"Yea! What children?!" Chasity replied.

I looked towards Mason, but he still hadn't moved. What the hell? Did I break him? "What in God's name is all of that yelling?!" I nearly jumped out of my skin as Mr. Reynolds entered the room.

Mr. Reynolds stood tall and his frame screamed 'cut the bullshit'. I was trying my very best not to collapse at that moment. This situation escalated faster than I anticipated. I was never the confrontational type, so this whole thing was making me queasy. One look at his father and Caleb moved to my side immediately. I felt more at ease with his tall frame close by, as if he can shield me from this whole mess.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Caleb.

"Who are you?" His gaze landed on me.

"My....my name is Ava Shawn."

"Well Ms. Shawn, can you explain why you're in my house?"

"Don't talk to her like that." Caleb said.

"Oh, the prodigal son speaks." He replied sarcastically.

"Funny." Caleb mocked.

"I'm trying to find out what is going on too." Chasity crossed her arms over her chest and flung her dark hair to her right shoulder.

"Can someone open their mouth!" Mr. Reynolds said.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as his voice seemed to rattle the walls. At that, Mason snapped out of whatever trance he was in. He finally looked around the room noticing everyone's faces.

"You're all back already?" He asked disoriented.

"Stop dodging the question Mason! Who is this woman and why does she think you and her have kids!" Chasity said.

"What?!" Mr. Reynolds and his wife said at once.

"It's the truth." Caleb said calmly.

"There is no truth in that!" Chasity said.

Mrs. Reynolds held up a hand towards Chasity before turning to me "Why do you think that?" She asked.

I gulped, "Um...Mason and I.....met almost three years ago at your hotel..."

"Oh, so you screwed him years ago and all of sudden he's the father of your kids?!" Chasity was really starting to work on my nerves.

"So, you slept with my son, got pregnant and you're just telling him this now?" Mrs. Reynolds asked.

"It's not like that, I was drunk, and I didn't realize who he was." I said.

"That's a little convenient don't you think?" Mr. Reynolds asked coldly.

"Okay stop dad. This is between Mason and Ava." Caleb said.

"First of all, you have no say with anything pertaining to this family. You come in this house, in my presence after how many years?! You brought with you this person who is trying to pin fatherhood on my son."

"With all due respect, I'm not trying to pin anything on anyone I just thought he deserved to know the truth." I said.

"You were drunk so how can you be so sure what the truth is? Why don't you go find your real 'baby daddy' cause it’s not my son. For all we know you're just trying to get a pay cheque out of this family."

I was stuck between hurt and shock at his words. "Stop it dad." Caleb moved to stand slightly in front of me as if he can protect me from such hateful words.

"He's telling the truth. This isn't the first time someone tried to pin their child on your brother or you. I'm not going to take some stranger's word." Mrs. Reynolds said.

"Thank you." Chasity said curtly.

"I was only trying to be honest. I would never come all this way if it wasn't true. I'm not that kind of person." I said hurt.

"Good for you, now you and my long-lost son can leave." Mr. Reynolds said.

"Cut it out dad. Doesn't anyone care what I think? What if she's telling the truth?" Mason said.

He looked angry and nervous as he stared between us. "She's telling no truth. Your brother obviously has no conscience, bringing this person in here. For all we know she lying to him too." Mr. Reynolds said.

My lips quivered at his cold words and grinded my teeth hard to keep any tears at bay. "She's not like that okay! Mason you know me man and I know her. She's been my assistant for years now and I promise you she is not that kind of woman."

"Oh really? If she's anything like your last assistant..."

"Shut your mouth!" Caleb yelled suddenly pointing at his father.

"You don't tell me what to do in my house!"

"You're not listening! You never do! I've seen these girls with my own eyes and I'm telling you this is the real deal."

"I'm not buying it!" Mr. Reynolds shouted.

His face was turning red before our eyes. "They're girls?" Mason asked suddenly, his eyes searching mines.

I nodded slowly, "Yes twin girls." I mumbled.

"Mason you can't possibly be buying this bullshit! How can you do this to me?!" Chasity yelled.

"I didn't do anything to you! This happened before we even met!" Mason said defensive.

"Yet you're willing to let her come here and spread lies!"

"I'm not lying!" I yelled.

"I wasn't talking to you!" She yelled.

"Can I at least have time to process all of this?! You guys are budding in and not giving us the chance to sort this out!" Mason said.

"Why all the yelling? Oh...what?... well hello Caleb."

We turned to see Caleb's sister Regina entering the room. How many people are in this house??

"Oh God you want to call our grandparents so they can join in on the conversation too!" Caleb said.

"Don't talk to your sister like that." Mrs. Reynolds chastised him.

"Everyone relax, what is going on?" Regina asked worriedly.

"Nothing at all. Your brother and his guest were just leaving." Mr. Reynolds said.

"The hell we are, we came to talk to Mason alone." Caleb said.

"Quite frankly I don't care! You're done disrespecting me in my house! I raised you better than that."

"You were being disrespectful the entire time and we must suck it up and take it?!" Caleb was vibrating by my side.

"Hey! Calm down please. What about a DNA test?" Mrs. Reynolds asked.

It's clear that seeing her husband and son at each other's throats was making her nervous.

"DNA? Oh boy, this just got good." Regina chuckled.

"Is everything a joke for you?" Mason glared at Regina who simply shrugged in return.

"DNA for what? To prove what we already know?! My boyfriend is not the father of her spawn!"

At that my back stiffened instantly. I moved from behind Caleb and stared down the members of his family.

"Say whatever you want about me. I don't care, but when you want to talk about my children, I draw the line! Now I came here because I wanted to do the right thing. I wanted him to know that he has kids and before you can insult me any further, yes they are his!" I was beyond furious and as everyone stood slightly shocked, I took that as my que to continue. "Since this is everyone's business, Mason and I slept together October 28th 2016."

"It's unlikely that you'd get pregnant from one encounter." Mr. Reynolds said angrily.

"Oh well since you're such an expert, tell me how unlikely that will be without any form of contraceptive?" I said.

"You did what?" Mrs. Reynolds looked towards Mason disappointed.

Mason looked lost for words and he stared into the eyes of his mother. "So, you slept with him in the hopes of becoming pregnant." Mr. Reynolds accused.

"I did no such thing!"

"Then why didn't you take plan B or terminate the pregnancy since it was from a complete stranger?"

"I took the morning after pill which clearly didn't work. I wasn't about to harm my babies because of my stupid mistake. This family may take abortion lightly but I sure as hell don't. My daughters were born into this world prematurely on June 8th! I looked for him, I did and I didn't expect that he was the one I was with but he was! You don't believe me? Okay, you think I'm lying and just want money? I don't give a damn, but you will not open your mouth and insult my children. I made a lot of mistakes, but they're not one of them." I said.

I stormed passed the family and out the room. I was so pissed that I was pretty sure I was going in the wrong direction, I didn't care though. How dare they? I can understand having doubt and being suspicious but bluntly insulting me and my children was not necessary. I was beyond done with this shit. Some way, somehow, I was able to find my way outside and it was then that I realized Caleb was right behind me.

"I'm sorry Ava, I'm so sorry." Caleb said.

He placed his hands on my shoulders as we reached the steps outside. He came to stand in front me and I can see the remorse in his eyes. This wasn't his fault.

I was still fuming, "I want to leave."

"Of course." He said.

Caleb dashed ahead of me to get the jeep. I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him to pull up when I felt a hand tugging me to turn around. Mason was standing in front of me looking embarrassed and frazzled.

"I'm sorry about my family. I didn't realize they would be home so soon." He said.

"Not your fault I guess."

"We didn't have time to talk. I understand what you said but how can I be so sure that it was you that night. How can I be so sure that your kids are mine? You're not the first woman to do this to me."

Caleb pulled up in front of us just then and I turned to grab the coat from the back seat. I took a deep breath trying to get confidence, before turning to face Mason slowly. He was standing on the last step so I moved to stand on the step above him, so we were closer in height. Mason watched me curiously as I slowly leaned toward him, he stood still as I came close enough that we were sharing the air between us. I looked into his emerald eyes and willed him to get lost in my blue ones. My heart spiked as I remembered every touch, every kiss and every moment that our bodies danced throughout the night. The air between us changed drastically as recognition flipped in his eyes. He stared at me in awe as his gaze moved from my eyes to my lips. He moved in even closer and I could almost taste his flavor on the tip of my tongue.

"Kitten." He whispered in shock. His hands lifted gently and touched the side of of my cheek lightly.

"Mr. Persistent." I replied with a reluctant smile.

"I can't believe it." He said.

Before my emotions could get the best of me, I took a deep breath and I pulled away from him slowly, breaking the trance. I handed him the coat that I kept for so long and he slowly took it in awe.

"You kept it."

"Yes." I nodded.

"Why?" I shrugged in response.

I wore that coat almost every night when I found out I was pregnant. In an odd way it made him seem more real to me, like my children had a father right by my side. I'd never tell him that though. I left him staring at the coat and I opened the door to the jeep. I was about to hop in when I remembered something. I went into my wallet and pulled out a picture of the girls that was secured in it. I took this picture of them during our New Year’s Eve party. They were standing next to each other with wide smiles on their little faces. I smiled looking at the photo before turning to face Mason again.

"You can have the DNA test if you want. We're staying with Caleb at the hotel."

I handed Mason the photo gently and he took it slowly. I watched as his eyes widened taking in the first picture of his daughters. His eyes didn't leave the picture as I hopped in the jeep. Caleb nodded towards his brother before pulling off quickly leaving him standing there. As we drove away, I felt a little encouraged at the look of awe on Mason's face as he stared at the picture. I stared at the grand mansion in the rear-view mirror, the further we moved away, the faster my interest faded.

"What was that you gave him?" Caleb asked.

"The coat I took from his penthouse when I was there."

"You kept it all this time?"

"Proof." I shrugged.

Caleb sighed, "I'm so sorry that it got out of hand back there, I knew that meeting at that house would be a bad idea. I should've followed my head." He shook his head in disgust.

"It wasn't your fault."

"Still I should share some of the blame."

"Not for the way they acted."

"Which is why I wanted it to stay between you and him. I went to my old bedroom and when I realized the cars parked outside, I ran downstairs."

"It's okay, it's over for now."

I would never hold what his family said against him. In all honesty he did warn me what would happen, I just didn't expect it all at once.

"Not in the slightest." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"Even when you prove that Lily and Peppa are his that doesn't mean things will work out instantly. There's the press that will be jumping to get in your lives, my father is an ass and I don't doubt that he and Chasity will make this a lot more difficult."

He's right, proving that Lily and Peppa are his kids will make things more complicated. It'll be proven that my girls were now a part of their family.

"We'll get through it. Won't we?"

"I'll see to it." He promised.

"What did your father mean about Libby?" I asked.

"Ugh, you got that huh? It's nothing." He said dismissively.

"It didn't sound like nothing Caleb."

"It was a long time ago." He groaned.

"Come on, be honest." I pressed.

Caleb sighed, "Fine. A few years ago, Libby and I had a fling."

I raised my brow, "Really? I didn't peg you for the type."

"What type is that?" Caleb asked confused.

"The guy who mixes business with pleasure." I laughed.

"Well I'm not. It was a slip in my self-control and my father has no problem reminding me even after I told her to resign." He mumbled.

"Wait, you told her to? She said she was leaving because of a better job offer."

"That was partly true. We slept together and she started to give important Intel about Reynolds Publishing to our competition, where she is now working."

"Oh my God, that's horrible. You guys seemed so cool towards each other."

"Well she confessed. She was honest about what she did, and she apologized. She warned me before too much damage could be done. I forgave her, but I told her it was best that she left." He said.

"I had no idea."

"Because it's possible to work through a problem and be mature about it. That's the way adults are supposed to be. Too bad my family is not the same."

"Did you love her?" I asked.

"I could have but no. It wasn't like that between us." He replied.

My hand was positioned under my chin as I stared at him in fascination. Caleb looked towards me curiously before laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"Your life is like a soap opera." I chuckled.

He scoffed, "I'm glad I can entertain you."

"Did you regret it?"

"What is this, twenty questions?" He chuckled.

"I'm curious. I always placed you on this pedestal you know. This great man of professionalism and strong work ethics, I forget that you're still a normal human being." I admitted.

Caleb nodded thoughtfully, "I am human Ava. This is why I tell you to stop being so hard on yourself because of your past. Everything happens for a reason and you can’t let your past get in the way of your present and future. What I did in the past doesn't make me less of a man. I've learned from mistakes."

"I know but guilt isn't something that just goes away overnight." I said.

"Tell me about it." Caleb mumbled.

"So, how did it feel to be a clichè?"

Caleb's brows pulled together in confusion, "Clichè how?"

"Oh, you know, the handsome boss falling for his sexy assistant." I smirked.

Caleb threw his head back and laughed loudly. "Man you are not going to give this up huh?"

"Not a chance." I smirked.

"I did not fall for her, geez, it was a quick fling." He rolled his eyes.


"You know you have a lot of mouth when the fire isn't under your ass."

"I don't know what you mean." I said.

"Sure, you don't." He laughed.

"And the answer is no."

"No what?"

"No, I don't regret it." He shrugged.

The rest of the drive to the hotel was mostly silent. We chatted on and off but we both were distracted by our thoughts. There were so many things that I have to prepare for if Mason decides that he wants to be in the girls' lives. I was relieved when Caleb and I made it back to the hotel. The only thing I wanted to do was take care of my girls and relax my mind. The emotions that were coursing through me was taking me on a rollercoaster.

"Try to get some rest okay? We have the meeting in the morning with our writer and then we can decide what we will do." Caleb said.

I nodded silently while we made our way in the hotel. Caleb and I parted ways to our penthouses, and I couldn't be happier to finally be back with my girls. When I walked in the penthouse, the girls were sitting on the floor by the tv eating potato chips and playing with a few toys. They didn't notice my entrance, so I took a moment to watch them play amongst themselves.

"Oh hey, you're back." Cat said.

She was wearing a robe and her short hair was wet from a shower. "I ordered room service a while ago. The girls and I already ate, I didn't know how long you'd be." She said.

"It's okay, I'm not in the mood to eat." I said.

"Hi mommy."

"Momma." Peppa smiled.

I smiled as the girls noticed my presence. I moved to join them on the floor. Peppa crawled into my lap instantly tugging at my shirt. I sighed and allowed her to nurse while Lily continued eating her chips.

"What happened?" Cat asked as she joined us on the floor.

I didn't respond right away as I ran my fingers through Peppa's curls gently. I was trying not to dwell too much on what happened, but I couldn't help it. Cat touched my arm gently, coaxing me to speak.

"They were horrible." My voice cracked.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry." Cat said.

"They accused me of lying, said that I got pregnant on purpose and told me I only wanted their stupid money." I whispered.

"God, they actually said that?"

I nodded slowly, "Caleb warned me I was walking in the lion's den."

"I can't believe they'd say that, and Mason seemed so mature and kind."

"Mason didn't say those things, only his parents and girlfriend did."

"Well then screw them Ava, you didn't ride them." Cat said.

"It's not that simple."

"Why the hell not? You do realize that if Mason decides he wants to be in their lives there is nothing they can do about it right?"

"So, what happens if they start saying their snide remarks in the presence of my children huh? Caleb made it clear that Mason is his father's bitch and I agree with him. I was only trying to do the right thing for the sake of them and it may all be for nothing." I said.

"That's not true. Ava you have to believe that something led you out here. It was not in vain so trust that it'll work out. You knew what the possibilities were so don't get discouraged because of the outcome."

"I know but it's really hard not to dwell on what was said. They were so cold and rude. I have never seen anything like it."

"Well screw them and the throne they sit on. Why did you even see them, Caleb said it was going to be private?"

"They showed up." I whispered.

"Why didn't he defend you? He just allowed them to take out their frustrations on you?"

"No, Caleb was great Cat. He stood by my side and he defended me I must admit. I was just hoping on a more private conversation and positive outcome."

"Nothing positive can come out of a man like that finding out he has kids. Either way the news would render him a mess." Cat said.

Peppa pulled away from my breast and went to play with Lily while I adjusted my top. "It still fascinates me to see you breastfeeding toddlers." Cat chuckled.

I shrugged, "Cause a lot of women don't normalize it. They believe babies should stop breastfeeding after a few months but I did my research so for now I don't mind. I'm in no rush to see them grow up anyways." I said as I stared at them.

How can anyone take one look at them and not want to be in their lives? My girls capture the hearts of every stranger they've met since they were born. Nobody could resist their innocence and beauty, and I am so proud of that.

"I only wanted them to have a chance to witness what I've seen every day for nearly two years. My smart beautiful little girls."

"And they will." Cat said.

"I wish I was that confident."

Later that night after a nice hot shower, I cuddled in bed with my girls at either side of me. Their faces were buried into my neck and I allowed their light snores to lull me into a somewhat peaceful sleep.