Ruth Anne Valor, is the ugliest girl who happens to be bullied by her classmates and gets constant hatred. In the day light, she is the ugliest and stupidest person, at night, she is dark princess who plays with blood
The rhythmically clicking sounds on the keyboard kept echoing in the walls of this dark, the scent of instant noodles and leftover pizza from yesterday was lazily roaming around the room. Two poly bags filled with trash and a mattress wrapping two pillows was lazily sitting in the corner of the room.
Some flies kept banging their wings in front of the ears which were covered with headphones. The reflection of the light from computer monitor glinted the thick glasses of eyewear.
" Done. You should move backward!"
A whisper escaped as the long fingers tenderly touched the cold can of Apple Juice. Gulping few sips of soda, the can landed on it destined place, into the trashcan.
The corner of the lips raised, a grin illuminated the face which held a mask of exhaustion, the eyebags and dark circles underneath the eyes were too distinct.
" I am done. Send the money in my account!"
Throwing the handphone on the keyboard, fixing the sports underwear, she was wearing, she walked inside the bathroom.
The hair which was tied with a pencil got released, the sweatpants, she was wearing untied, the body with thousands of bruises appeared in the dimlit bathroom.
Moving herself into the bathtub, she released a hiss of pain. The newly done bruises on her back kissed the water, giving her an electric pain through her nerves.
"Fuck! It hurts!"
Still, she scrubbed them with a grit, cleaning her body which she didn't clean for two days.She spent the weekend in her room, not even glancing outside of the door.
" Ruth Anne Valor! It's morning already! When are you heading home?"
A shout from her mother gave her another headache. She had to go outside.
" I... I... I am awake, Momma!"
Her eyes rolled, yet, she talked like a stupid girl who shuddered.
" You better be. I am heading out. So is your father. So prepare your own food. Don't dare to skip classes. I hate when that baldie nags me"
The voice belongs to her step mother who has always controlled her father perfectly. The biological mother who gave birth of her had remarried to another person and left her when she was six.
She is Ruth Anne Valor, a 17 years old highschool girl. An introvert who likes to spend time in her room more than hanging out with friends. Noticeably, Ruth didn't have any friends to hang out either. Because of her ugly appearance, nobody does care about her and deliberately avoid her presence.