
The Beneath.

The First Part of The Odyssey Trilogy; The Beneath. Kicks off when all Xavier's ever known is brutally taken from him in the mass genocide and destruction of his home town, a neutral zone in the Tanggal continent called, 'The Oasis.' Cast out into the unforgiving Outer-lands... and faced with a world wholly different from his own. Can Xavier uncover the secrets that lay behind his home's destruction and survive the outer-lands??

Musa_asuM · ファンタジー
63 Chs

CHAPTER ZERO: Prologue/Fate





Xavier eyes peel open ever so slowly.





It's uncharacteristically warm.




But a gentle breeze still blows…




"What's that sound?"

Xavier thinks




"It's like a leaky faucet…"

He thinks




Xavier strains to look up.

His eyes feel awfully heavy…



Xavier exclaims in pain, squinting his eyes as a sudden surge of pain hits his ribs.

But before he can figure out why…

Something catches his eye.

… "A man?" ...

Hang from the ceiling.

Kept up only by the cuffs on his wrists…



Xavier calls, confused at the silhouette.



He shouts as the man before him becomes recognizable!


The sound of metal being pulled reverberates in the room as Xavier, In a quick jerk reactio is pulled back to the ground!

"wha-what the?!?"

He thinks looking to his feet only to discover he is bound, much like his father who hangs from the ceiling.

But unlike him, Xavier is bound to the floor. Chains around his wrists and ankles.

"I see you're finally awake..."

A familiar voice says, prompting Xavier to turn his head quickly back towards his father where he Is met with a silhouette of a man shivering to hold a smile.


His father calls out to him...

The bloodstained white of his eyes and teeth the only thing visible about him...





Xavier tries to respond to him, but his voice escapes him.

The image that lay bare before him turning him pale and frozen.


"j-just hold on I'll find a way to get us out of here...."

Xavier mumbles disheartened.

Looking away half in belief of what he just said and half trying to piece things together…





His father exclaims trying to force a laugh

"You're more level headed than I thought..."

He says groggily

"Your mom would be--"


Xavier and his father cancel each other out as a deafening silence befalls the room...




"what's going on?"

Xavier thinks puzzled and broken

"Just a second ago I was…"

He thinks trying to remember..

Just then.

The sun peels into the room for the first time.

And the secrets that lay hidden in this room are exposed.

His father...

Or more correctly his father's body.

...From the deep lashes that tattoo his chest and thighs exposing his inner nerves.

To the nauseating bend of his fingers and toes…

And the purple that decorates his swollen joints…


He was tortured.


"Quiet Xavier 'they'll' hear you..."

Xavier is about to call in a shout when he's cut off by his father…

And as panic and adrenaline course through him.

A simple realization dawns on him.

Chains, an empty room housing only the two of them, battered and bruised bodies...

And finally the overwhelming feeling like there's danger lurking around the corner…



Xavier whispers back distraughtly, incapable of meeting eyes with the man who raised him




"Now listen to me Xavi…"

His father begins

"We don't have much time..."

He says as Xavier winces at every word, biting down on his lip to stop himself from shaking.

"There's some stuff you need to know."

His father says

"So if you could just--"


Xavier says cutting him off



He shouts in a shaken fit.





Xavier says softly

"w-why am I chained to the floor?"

He asks sombrely

"a-and what... happened to you?"

Xavier asks breaking into a minor panic attack

"I mean last I remember I was…"

"I was…"





"Where's Lucy?"

Xavier asks sombrely as a single tear begins to slide slowly across his pale face...




"Maybe I gave you too much credit afterall..."

-To Be Continued-

l0_0l. Quick. Quick. Go read the first chapter. Its good I promise!

Add, rate and share if you even mildly enjoyed the prologue and see you in chapter one!!!

Be Seeing Ya!!!

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