
The Beginning & The End

While on one of those Top-Secret ANBU missions nobody's supposed to know about, Shikako dies. It was really rather upsetting, too. Everything she's ever done - the things she's changed for the better, her mistakes, the people she's met, her family...all of it over because of an enemy genin's particularly lucky shot. They managed to hit the experimental seal work her target had been working on (it was very interesting). The kunai must have been made of chakra conductive metal, too, since the seal blew up on her and everything. There was no time for her to escape. She's more than likely dead right now. But if that's the case, why is she still breathing?

Megan_Beard_9873 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The End (prt 2)

It really does figure that seals and explosions were how she went out though. Hawk-taicho...she knows he's going to blame himself for a long time. Kakashi-sensei would figure it out; Yamato and Sai are ANBU themselves, and it wouldn't surprise her if they did too. Everyone else won't be allowed to know how she died; even in death, ANBU identities are of the most guarded secrets shinobi villages have. Naruto would have a few choice words about that, not to mention Shika. He's going to be really mad. He was always going on about how reckless she was with her life.

Guess he was right.

But it's not like she's not upset about it. Everything she's ever done - the things she's changed, her mistakes, the people she's met, her family and friends...all of it over because of an enemy genin's particularly lucky shot.

And doesn't that just rankle- she's going to be leaving it all behind again.

Yet, she's still not sure how the afterlife works after all this time. Will she join the others of this world in their afterlife? Will she float in the void for eternity? Will she move on to a new life in another body? Is she going to forget everything if she does reincarnate? Does she even want to live with the knowledge she could never reach her people again? Is she going to stay in this world? Is there a possibility she'll move to a new one? Does this mean she has to relearn the basics? Man, puberty was pretty bad the second time around, but a third time?

Needless to say, she doesn't want to do this again - and she doesn't want to forget even more than that.

But being dead is a pretty permanent status effect. She's just going to have to deal with it. 

However, if that was the case, why is she still breathing?