
Love Problems

"Boys would be boys." Lin'marie said.

"You don't understand mother. James, I found him in with Lisa." Mary said as she exclaims.

"Who exactly is Lisa? Your bestie?" Lin'marie asked and Mary nodded.

"She's no friend. She used you to get, in bed with him. James, is your boyfriend." Lin'marie said.

"More alike ex-fiancé. Okaasan...I'm..." Mary said and hesitates.

Lin'marie gasped even hugged her.

"Mom, otosan wants to talk with you." Jack said as he stands at the door.

Lin'marie nodded and walked to their bed chamber and Jack, escorts his first baby sister to her room but in their parents' room Mari and Lin'marie; are talking.

"Lin, Mary has disguised this family!" Mari yelled.

"Mari, her bestie used her to have sex with James, her ex-fiancé. Plus Mary is pregnant!" Lin'marie said and yelled.

Mari went quiet with the stunned expression on his face, but around the corner in the hallway Marie and Maria; are trying not to laugh until Jack their older brother spotted him.

"What are 'we' doing?" Jack asked with a curious look.

"Onii-chan...w-we...we're...just..." Marie hesitates.

"Eavesdropping? Which is rude and disrespectful. Even forbidden, stop it." Jack said and asked as he walks to his room.

Marie and Maria headed to their own rooms, opposite the glass windows.

Maria's Room

Maria opens the door and closed it behind her, and walked over to her desk.

"Who's this?" Maria asked as she picks the phone off her desk and looks.

Maria answers the phone "Hello?"

"Stuff you too then." Maria said as she hangs it up, and puts it on the desk as she heads to the walk-in wardrobe and same in Marie's room; and they are getting a jacket from the jacket hanger and put it on with high heels boots even opened, the windows and climbed down the rope and got on two bikes hidden in trees even drove somewhere.

Royal Study of Fate

Mari reads the confirmation of Mary's pregnancy test, and gets a urge to kill her ex-fiancé even when Lin'marie entered the study; and see him squeezing the desk.

"Mari-chan. What is it? You never have that look." Lin'marie asked and said as she walked over to him, even stood next to him with a worried expression.

"Rinmari, I love you but I can't stand seeing Mary upset." Mari said as he bangs the desk.

"How about talking to his father instead of going off half-cocked killing someone?! You are loyal to the king, of devils! Are you really going to risk being put, to death?! Or are you going to use your brain instead of your biseps?!" Lin'marie questioned and said angrily.


"Well, you are certainly not acting like one! It's either, you start now or I walk! You chose." Lin'marie said angrily before she left the study and slammed; the doors behind her and Mari pushes even destroys the mirror as he, exhales and grunts.

Meanwhile an update of cases comes over the tv.

"Good afternoon. The latest update from CDC of pandemic cases, 200 new cases in the kingdoms: devils, vampires, humans, angels, wizardry and supernatural alliance with 17 deaths. A curfew, is in affect at midnight tonight: please stay at home in your kingdoms unnecessary travel, will be fined $400. You must keep 2 metres from others. I'm Sally Williams, goodnight." news anchor said.

As day breaks vampires went to sleep and the kingdom of humans wakes up, along with devils, angels and wizardry.

Kingdom of devils

The crown prince of devils is speed walking up and down, the throne room and the guard sees him.

"Reruma-sama, can you please stop doing that? You're going to wear out the floor." guard asked and said respectfully.

"James, I can't stand being away from Ritsula and William." crown prince of devils Relma replied.

"This is ridiculous." guard said.

But, not long after a guard entered with a man.

"My lord, this man is from the supernatural alliance palace." guard 2 said.

"Dr Jax, welcome." Relma said as he hand shakes.

"gam-sa-ham-inda. I have bad news, your ap-pa (dad) is dead. We are still trying to figure out what, this disease is." Dr Jax said.

Relma grunts as he crunches his hands into fists against, the window seal and exhales sharply.

"Is there another heir to the throne?" Dr Jax asked and Relma turned even sees a smirk on his face, but before he could use his powers he is up against the window as it begins to break.

"W-who...are...you...? Put...me...down...now!" crown devil prince asked and ordered as he, is being choked.

"Why would I do that? I mean, I have come home after 317 years of being marooned, on that pathetic mainland of mortals! And this is the thanks I get? No welcome home? Or welcome back sire!" man questioned and said angrily as he used his powers; and killed the guards in the throne room.

"Who are you?" crown devil prince questioned sharply with one breath.

The man chuckles as he looks at him.

"Hey, nephew. I'm back." man replied and the crown devil prince has a surprised look; as the man manically laughs.

"Why did you pretend to be a doctor? Pathetic!" crown devil prince asked and said so coldly and the, man looked as he stopped laughing.

"I have my reasons. Same with your father." man replied.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Relma asked confusedly.

The man didn't reply and left but not long after, Relma fell from the window exclaims "oh, shit!" before the guards entered; and helps him up.

But, at the supernatural alliance palace Dr Williams vaccines, everyone on the supernatural alliance mainland expect one small problem they didn't; realise that the forbidden island became active after so long.

Royal manor of Fate

Jack is standing next to the window doors in the dark, as he quietly watches his two younger sisters whom sneaked out.

"Had fun?" Jack asked.

Before they turned on the light their mouths were, covered and they hear arguing from their father's study.

Royal manor study

"Mari, why can't you get it through your head? Marie, went shopping for her sisters!" Lin'marie asked and said angrily.

"Because I know that you are covering for them! Further more, they sneaked out at 10pm! It's blood what? 3am! Those girls are grounded! No withs or buts 'bout it!" Mari yelled.

Not before Lin'marie slapped him across the face, and walking out then Mari exhales as he hears a voice.

"Oh! Get over it! You got bitch slapped, so what! Take it like a man!"

Mari looked around but sees on one in the study expect, him that is until he said to himself "I must be imaging it. I must be paranoid." as he sat down on the chair.

But, at the kingdom of vampires Vassila is dealing with affairs for the kingdom which is giving her a headache.

Kingdom of vampires

"Everyone is getting better. In other words, zero cases and deaths milady." doctor said and Vassila dismissed them.

Until Azura entered the throne room, with a file and hand the file to Vassila.

"What do you want me to do with this? Wipe my arse on it?" Vassila asked as looks up at her with her, hand on the throne chair's arm rest.

"Uh, no. It's a report file from the scholar academy. Apparently, William knocked up a 16 year girl." Azura replied but Vassila doesn't believe a word.

"William, never does that. That is how I raised him, a respectable gentleman. Not going around like Tom, Dick and Harry knocking girls up! I want you to investigate this, leave no rock unturned." Vassila said and ordered.

Azura nods as she leaves and heads to the shoulder academy, while Vassila opens the file and beings to reads it but as she gets to where Azura said on the report an as she even throws it and rips; curtains off the curtain poles.

"This boy! Swear!" Vassila angrily.

To be continued