
The Beggars Rise

Spartacus Fan Fiction, Warning!!! R-18 is in this book--- A soul who was thrown into Spartacus but with only one fighting ability the rest are all lifestyle type magic wishes. Follow as he decides what to do with his new life. Will he join Spartacus? Or will he create his own legacy in this strange but new world? I own nothing but my own Ideas and OC everything is to the respected creator of the show.

BloodyEat_Delight · テレビ
9 Chs

Ch8: Rain! Rain! (2)

Julius made it back without anyone seeing him, though looking at the edge of the training field he could see Spartacus and Varro standing and talking about something. Aurelius was also walking out of his room as he was making his way over, "Now why do you look like you are sneaking from somewhere?" he asked with a sly smile on his face.

"Maybe because I am. Not all of us have to be confined by these walls, though don't ask for me to help you escape, I can only get myself out unseen more people would ruin it." Julius said with a smile as the two made their way over to Spartacus and Varro the rain masked their steps as they drew closer.

"Oh and what did you do this night?" He asked while smirking since he could probably already guess what Julius had been doing.

"Seeing the goddess that walks this earth, what else is there to do?" Julius replied with a smirk.

Aurelius shook his head, "That woman really will be the death of you won't she, by the gods, she must have one fantastic cunt or you are going to die a foolish man."

"Well I can with full confidence now say that her cunt is all I have ever imagined and more so there is no doubt there." Julius said with a smile while just thinking about the amazing taste he had in his mouth just hours ago. He was kind of glad for his harsh training since even after a full night of being up he wasn't all that sleepy, well that wasn't fully true since he did maybe get an hour or two while he was holding Ilithyia last night.

"How long do you think before batiatus Would allow me to buy our freedom? How many years will she be condemned to bow and scrape?" They heard Spartacus say as they walked up to the two men.

"Death the alternative? You move to escape beyond these walls, And that is surely what you'll find." Varro said but he seemed to have caught them from the corner of his eye but Spartacus didn't seem to notice as he went on to speak.

"Has no one ever attempted such a thing? " Spartacus asked but seemed to notice Julius and Aurelius were now standing with them, he looked tense realizing that they overheard everything that he was talking about.

"Why do you not speak further?" Julius asked with a smile while clapping a hand on Aurelius's shoulder, "Aurelius here longs for freedom too, to see his wife and daughter back home in Greece waiting for his return. Not to mention you don't need to worry about me, if I wanted to leave here none could stop me, but I stay for purposes that you don't need to know."

Aurelius rolled his eyes but he couldn't deny what Julius said was true, if Julius could get them out without them being hunted then he would already have the man bring him back to his family, but Julius already explained t him why he couldn't which was why he was waiting for his chance to come. Spartacus looked between the two of them before speaking slowly, "You truly believe that you can get out of here without notice? Won't the guards just stop you as you try and flee?"

Julius and Aurelius laughed out loud while Varro and Spartacus looked at them as if they were crazy, when they finally calmed down Aurelius spoke for him, "Where do you think he comes from now, he was out all night getting his cock pleased by his woman, none even knew but me and the gods. How I wish he could bring me out with him, alas we must wait here until the time is permitted for us to leave."

"You could truly get me out of here?" Spartacus ask hope in his voice.

Julius shook his head, "Get the Champion of Capua out of here? You must have gone mad when Theokoles hit you in the head, how would I get you out without Batiatus sending the whole Ludus to track you down and bring you back? You truly have great ambition."

Varro spoke up when Spartacus froze, "This fool still hasn't realized that, he believes the gods favor him enough that they would see him and his wife safely out of here after he attacks the guards. As if he would make it out of the city before they were both killed by the guards roaming it."

"Haha! It is fine, but seeing as you trust me with your secrets I will trust you with my own. Of course no one would even believe you if you told them how I am able to leave. So do let me know if there is anything that you need, I could get it for you." Julius said, while thinking if it was food or anything that he could get from his Garden Land then he would just act as if he bought it from the outside while pocketing the coin.

Varro looked the most excited by this, "Truly you can get anything, even better then the gruel that they are feeding us here."

"That is easy for him, trust me I haven't had that mess in months since he has been feeding me." Aurelius answered while nodding his head.

The food that they were receiving wasn't enough to actually keep them healthy, Julius knew this that is why he was always giving Aurelius food, seeing as he was his only friend he didn't want to see the man die from malnutrition or something similar. Also since they have survived a lot together they were close enough to call one another brother, which is why Julius didn't hesitate to give the man anything to keep him alive so that he could get back to his family.

He was already planning to follow Aurelius back to see his family, not that he would stay since Ilithyia is in Rome, but he was going to meet his friends daughter and wife, someone who Aurelius said he should count as family since he didn't have one of his own out there for him. Julius just nodded while agreeing, when the blood bath came he wasn't going to let Aurelius get caught up in being stuck in Rome, he was going to see his friend safely back, making sure that his mark was gone too so that he wouldn't be caught later in life.

"Julius! Spartacus! The Dominus has requested the two of you to join him in the Ludus." Oenomaus said as he walked to them a cloak covering his head looking between the four. Julius knew that the man still didn't trust Spartacus all the way, even with the killing of Theokoles it still wasn't enough to prove that he was loyal to the house of Batiatus which Oenomaus was even going far enough to send himself to the pits after the house was taken down.


At the moment Julius, Ashur, Spartacus, Oenomaus, and Batiatus were all looking at the new armor that was being bought for Spartacus, with his win against Theokoles the house of Batiatus was flushed with coin at the moment, and they needed to show off the new champion. Julius though wasn't really paying attention to it though, instead he was looking at Ashur who was being shifty, he didn't know why but he knew that Ashur was planning something that would impact him so he was keeping a close eye on the guy.

Ashur noticed his look and raised a brow, "What is it?" the smile on his face as he looked at Julius just made Julius more cautious of the guy, there was no way he was not making a plan to do something now.

"Nothing, you are just smiling an awfully lot there, something you would like to share with me Ashur." Julius said with a smile but the smile on his face promised that bad things were to come his way if he didn't like the answer that Ashur spoke.

"Ahh nothing just thinking that it has been cooler lately in the city. So many people celebrating ever since the rain come, I think it would be a good idea for the Dominus to give the men a little fun for tonight." Ashur said his smile still easy.

Julius just looked at him for a moment before looking away, "Magistrate Calavius!" Their Dominus said bringing his attention to the two people who just walked inside which was the Magistrate and his son, who was looking at Spartacus with a sparkle in his eye.

Julius half paid attention as they talked about the Thracian dagger that the kid owned, he was thinking of how he could slip away to see the man who took care of the kid for him, he needed to take care of the man before someone actually looked into this. With Barca telling him about Ashur overhearing his conversation with Pietros he could tell that the man was planning something, he needed to get ahead of everything before the man could kill off him and Barca, he had no doubt he would be included.

When the mention of training the Magistrate's son came up he could only roll his eyes, he knew that Spartacus was planning something the moment he set his hands on the dagger, that guy was always trying to find the easy way to get ahead in his plans, which would fail. Julius was just a little upset that he didn't remember this show that much, with him crossing plus it being years since he watched it he vaguely remembered season 1 while the rest was a total blank honestly besides them becoming a huge slave army.

Other then that there were giant blanks in his memory for the show, not that he really cared he was still planning to do his own thing after season one, once it was over though he still needed a plan to reach the top quickly so that he could be with Ilithyia in public. He knew that he would need to start in the shadows before he could be in the open with everything, when he created a business empire then he would move to get the attention of the Senator in public not caring what anyone else thought.

"Fuck apologies! Shrewd maneuvering, if ever I saw it! I'll make a roman of you yet!" Dominus said happily while clapping Spartacus on the shoulder since he was able to get the Magistrate to bring his son to the Ludus. Even after killing the mans cousin he was still trying to use the man to climb the ladder and become a man of power, which might not actually work seeing as no one really respected him.

They left soon after getting Spartacus's armor with them moving down the street, he saw his chance to break away when Spartacus started talking, "I ask not for me, but for the men. Wine and women, in celebration of my victory."

"A noble gesture one they would appreciate." Their Dominus said not catching on that Spartacus was trying to get them drunk and hung over for his plan, he could on shake his head. Oenomaus was also looking at Spartacus in a skeptical light, it was Ashur who moved forward to speak.

"Ah, Marcellus is of sound choice towards the vice. Shall I make arrangement?" Ashur said most likely that he was also trying to get away to so that he could start his own plan.

Their Dominus nodded, "Julius accompany Ashur to purchase this so that no one gets any ideas about stealing his coin, and Ashur, See that there is ample remainder."

Julius could tell that Ashur was trying to hold back a scowl the best he could, it seemed that the man was really planning something after all, he was most likely hoping to be alone so that he could set it up without anyone knowing about it. "Dominus." The two of the said before walking away from the market heading to the shadier part of town.

"I saw that look Ashur, so I will give you a chance here. I am going to handle some business of my own and let you go do you work in the shadows. Enjoy." Julius said leaving the man gawking at him but all he did was smirk before walking away from him without looking back. He already knew that Ashur would take this chance rather then trying to follow him to see what he was going to do, not that he could since he basically disappeared into the crowd around him.

It didn't take long before Julius was at the house of the man they left the boy with, without even stopping he went to the back and went through a window, he could see the man smiling as he was sipping wine while sitting at a table. Julius brought out a dagger, with a flick of his wrist the man that was sitting in front of his target hit the table dead, the man was drunk so he wasn't in the right mind just thinking that his drinking buddy was passed out from the excess of alcohol.

Julius moved behind his target while holding the dagger at his neck, "What happen to the boy brought to you by those two men?"

The man was trembling feeling the cold steel against his neck, "I k-k-k-killed h-him, th-they paid me good money for it! Please don't kill me, I was only doing what I was paid to do. I can tell you what the men looked like, it will be easy to find them."

Julius could tell that the effect of the wine along with being scared of death let him know that the man was telling the truth, but hearing what he said made Julius know that he couldn't trust this man alive, or someone else might find out about it one day. Without hesitation he slashed the mans throat before taking the left over oil he found pouring it on the bodies that were in the house, the rain would take out the fire later.

After burning the bodies he left the house the same way, by the time he was done the street he saw that the house was on fire, though the rain was keeping it contained to that one area rather then spreading to the houses next to it, which was good cause there was a lot of straw there. Moving through the shadier places again he came across Ashur who was handing someone a bag of coins at the moment, he didn't know who the guy was but he could tell that he was important enough to hand that much money to.

It wasn't Marcellus since Julius has seen him before so no doubt it was someone who was helping with his plan, Julius didn't do anything though but waited until the man walked away before he walked over and patted Ashur on the shoulder making the man jump. Seeing that it was Julius his eyes went wide for a moment, "Why are you just standing here in the rain? Are you ready to go, I have been looking everywhere for you."

Ashur seemed to calm down hearing his words before nodding, "Yes let's get out of here."

When they got back to the Ludus Julius walked away form him, he didn't see any reason to stay with him while he went to report to Dominus that he was able to get the wine and women for tonight's party that was happening. Julius hung out with Aurelius and Varro who were laughing and comparing the life of married men, he explained them about tonight which made Varro shake his head, but Aurelius was interested since his wife wasn't anywhere near here like Varro's was.

Hours later the party was in full swing while looking at everyone dancing and fucking he caught sight of Barca, moving over to him he leaned down to talk in his ear as everyone was being really loud, "Talk to Pietros and make sure he tells Dominus that we killed the boy. Ashur made moves in the shadow so there is no doubt he will strike tonight after what I heard from Spartacus say that the Magistrates cousins boy has been found."

Barca stiffened hearing that before nodding, "I will make sure he knows what to say."

Nodding Julius walked away since Pietros was coming back, he nodded at the man before moving back to Varro and Aurelius, it seemed that Spartacus has wandered off somewhere, he didn't bother with the man letting him do what he wanted to do. Taking their cups he filled it with some of his wine and they all smiled, he had let Varro and Spartacus in on what he could do, well some of it since he knew that the two could be trusted, otherwise he would have been killed for people knowing about his escape.

"What not sneaking off to see your woman tonight Julius?" Aurelius asked while Varro chuckled some.

"Not tonight. I am staying in since I am sure that---" He didn't get to finish as a guard walked over to him tapping his shoulder.

"Dominus wants to see you." The guard said while waiting for him to stand and walk over to where Pietros was also waiting with another guard getting ready to head somewhere.

Nodding he stood and walked over to them, this was another reason he didn't leave since he thought it would go one of two ways, either they would bring him with Pietros, or they would kill him when they killed Barca. Seeing that he was being taken back with Pietros he had his answer, it seemed that his word still carried a little weight with their Dominus.

They walked in silence, he could see that Pietros was a little nervous but he was able to keep himself in check, he nodded to himself impressed that the guy could actually keep it all together. Though seeing as their necks were on the line then he knew that Pietros would try his hardest, without Julius and Barca living then his life would be hell later on if they couldn't get passed this.

"Ahh Julius, Pietros, come in please," Their Dominus said while holding a cup of something Julius smiled the entire time while looking at the man, "I am going to make this quick since I know you would rather get back to the party. Julius I heard that you and Barca didn't kill the boy, it was told to Pietros here that the boy still lives."

Julius could see Ashur smiling as he hid a little in the back, "No Dominus the boy is dead. I cut his throat with my own dagger and watched the body burn."

"Is that what you heard Pietros?" Their Dominus asked looking at the more timid of the two hoping that he would spill.

"Yes Dominus, it took some convincing the next morning but I got Barca to tell me the truth since I knew that he was hiding something from me. He told me how he saw the boy die." Pietros said with a broken expression on his face.

Their Dominus looked shocked while looking between the two before turning to look at Julius again, "Then why are the bones not matching, someone was able to tell what are suppose to be child bones are actually rearranged men bones."

"Ahh, that is my fault Dominus. With the guilt over killing the child I figured the least I should do is bury him to show some respect and atone for killing a sin free person." Julius said playing it up when he actually didn't feel anything from killing the kid at all, mainly cause he wasn't the one to do it. Though he did feel it weighing on him sometimes that he ordered for the boy to be killed.

"Where is he buried?" Their Dominus asked quickly.

Julius stared at Ashur and didn't say anything he didn't want this snake to be able to do something before they found the body, seeing that their Dominus wasn't going to have the man leave he leaned to his ear so only he could hear, "I do not trust Ashur, I fear he is trying to have me and Barca killed over loses he owes. If you are going to look for the boy send someone else or he will manipulate it in his favor, but if you must know he is buried at the red barn at the edge of the city right next to the cow pin."

When he pulled back they looked at one another before his Dominus nodded, it seemed like he was going to be given one chance to prove it true, seeing that he didn't immediately tell Ashur to go look for it and all. "Alright, go enjoy your night I will look into this. Ashur you join them I will send Oenomaus to look into this for me."

"Dominus." They all said before leaving, though he could see that Ashur was upset by the outcome which made him smirk at the man. He might think that he had the upper hand but since Julius knew how to counter his tricks then it wasn't going to be easy if he wanted to kill him and Barca.

As they entered back where everyone was partying he followed Pietros back to Barca, "I plan to beat the shit out of Ashur tonight, care to join me?" He asked while taking an empty cup and filling it up while looking around the party, he was actually staring at Ashur who was walking slowly around looking for a chance to slip out.

"When?" Barca asked looking a little eager.

"Now." Julius said while following Ashur who was sneaking out the side, he could hear that Barca was following him after saying something to Pietros who agreed to letting him go.

As they followed the man they saw him complaining to someone in a hood, no one else was around at the moment and his back was turned to them so he didn't even see them approach him. Julius smiled rushing the two, he it the other guy though letting Barca deal with Ashur who he heard yell out in pain, since this other man helped him Julius didn't hold back either.

They both kept kicking and punching until both were bloody and on the ground, Barca picked up the coin that was being traded between the two, "Well looks like you had my coin after all Ashur, we can now say your debt is clear and I don't need to remove your cock from your body."

"T-That is the Dominus coin." Ashur struggled to say while coughing up some blood.

"Ahh yes but who is going to tell him that I took it, cause if you do then won't you need to explain why you still had it." Barca said with a blood thirsty expression on his face seeing that Ashur looked down not being able to say anything to that.

"Alright let's head back. I feel better now that I have beat the shit out of him." Julius said with a wide smile, Barca nodded in agreement with them both turning to leave not bothering to help the two men on the ground who were bleeding and in pain.

For the rest of the night they partied while Julius rolled his eyes seeing Spartacus come from Oenomaus's room, the man didn't drink but it seemed that Spartacus was trying to get him drunk so that his plan would work tomorrow. Rolling his eyes he sat with Varro since Aurelius went over to fuck some girl, he could only shake his head seeing that while laughing it up for the night.

Come the next morning they all stood silent as Spartacus wept over his dying wife who arrived, the man looked so strong before but now he was broken. Julius couldn't say anything since he knew it would happen, this was something that would make Spartacus stay in the Ludus earning Batiatus lots of coin, he would never get the happy ending with his wife.