
The Beggars Rise

Spartacus Fan Fiction, Warning!!! R-18 is in this book--- A soul who was thrown into Spartacus but with only one fighting ability the rest are all lifestyle type magic wishes. Follow as he decides what to do with his new life. Will he join Spartacus? Or will he create his own legacy in this strange but new world? I own nothing but my own Ideas and OC everything is to the respected creator of the show.

BloodyEat_Delight · テレビ
9 Chs

Ch2: Arrival

(AN: I know a lot of people hate NTR, but Ilithyia is literally the only girl that I want my character with sooo... yeah.)


Two weeks that is the amount of time that has passed since Julius came to this world, this horror of a place that he somehow adjusted to. It was also the amount of time it took before he no longer needed to fight in The Pit, he was undefeated and his Dominus stopped making money so he stopped going.

His Dominus played with the idea of making him take a dive but Julius convinced him he was ready to be a real Gladiator so he got a chance to live, he sighed in relief when he heard his words. Julius was also closer to Aurelius now, the two were as close as Spartacus and Varro would be, Julius also gave him wine which he made Aurelius actually able to keep it secret.

Since the two weeks he was able to come back to his standing they trained together, the others thought he was a fool but seeing that Julius was getting better they calmed down some. Though Crixus still thought that it would do him no good, Julius didn't let it get to him though but went through his daily life of training, he actually had a match tonight.

They all heard of Thracian's and what happened to them, Julius knew that this was going to be the time when Spartacus would come into the place now. He still didn't know if he was going to follow him though, sure he hated Batiatus as much as the next guy but he didn't know about joining an army that would fall later.

He put it to the back of his mind and got ready for the fight he was having later, "It is going to be tricky in there, three on one. The odds won't be in your favor like always, I am starting to think you were cursed while in your mothers cunt." Aurelius said while laughing their swords swung and clashed with each others.

"I am sure that the gods bless me or why else would I come back from the brink every time to your ugly mug... wait you might be right I could be cursed." Julius laughed while dodging a blow that was going for his head, the two were a little away from everyone else.

Tonight it was Julius and two other people going to fight, Crixus and Barca were being saved for the party that was happening later that night, Julius didn't mind though. He had seen enough and caused enough deaths now that he was a little numb to it, sure he was a little haunted but he pushed past those thoughts and worked harder.

Oenomaus didn't think he was a gladiator but a creature that was good at avoiding death, he wanted to prove today though that he was someone who could outlive death himself and be a Gladiator.

"Well make sure you go out there and show them what you really are. Fight for the honor of the Dominus but also show them that you can stand on this ground with equal footing." Aurelius said showing some seriousness while pointing his sword over at Crixus and the rest.

Julius nodded and got back into the fight he needed to get his experience matching with what he knew, he might get instant mastery but his body still lagged behind not able to follow the moves. Slowly he was getting it over the weeks but it was still a slow progress, he became attached to daggers but Batiatus refused to pay for custom ones so he was stuck with a short sword.

He was going to prove something today though, he was hoping to fight enough to actually show that he should spend the money to get him what he wanted like he did with Spartacus. Though he didn't want to stand out a lot he was going to do enough for that to happen for him, he was going to be like a shadow that stood behind but was still deadly.

Julius had also said screw it to the debtors, at the moment they couldn't reach him so he didn't need to worry about them and even if they came for him he would kill them where they stood. "You are right, I don't need to be the best but I at least want a little acknowledgement from them." Which was half true since he did like Crixus character but since he was an outcast they didn't speak.

"That is the spirit, now get ready it appears it is time." He said stopping his sword as Oenomaus was collecting the others who were fighting tonight, they were still some extra's he didn't know the names of, "Julius let's go, the Dominus wants everything perfect for today so we can't be late."

"Yes Doctore." Julius had long grown custom to calling them by their titles it was only in his head really when he called them by their names, he didn't need to be whipped for doing something wrong.

The four left with a group of guards heading for the Capua Arena, they were chained as they were taken down to the holdings kept in their own private area since they belonged to Batiatus. He could see some more though not to far away warming up, about three people were using spears and two using nets that had spikes on them.

The roar from the crowd shook the place, right above them the boards creaked and groaned as they stomped around, Julius tried to tune them out and get in the zone for his fight. He tied his hair up deciding it was close to the time, he refused to cut it just because this was apart of his ritual, anyone in sports is familiar with this any he was breaking it.

He didn't believe in the gods but he did believe in this, you don't mess with a ritual especially if it is one that has kept you alive all this time.

Soon it was his turn, he went out there in what he was going to claim as his trade mark well for now at least, it was just some leather arm with no helmet and a short sword. Moving up to the arena he let out a deep breath, the sound of cheering got louder as he made his way out there, when he came out he was finally calm strangely from the shouts.

Though he hasn't been in a long time to the Pit he could remember the shouts there which calmed him down, he was now in the mindset again that if he didn't win he would die. His fight was a no mercy one this time, all the fights were since it was a gift to Albinius who was visiting and spending time in Capua at the moment.

Julius circled around a small smile on his face but unless you were right next to him you wouldn't even notice, stopping he turned to look where his Dominus was at the top. He took his sword by the hit and pointed it down while patting his chest and slightly bowing to the man, it was always good to show some respect to him before his fights.

When he looked back up he froze, his heart might have even stopped for a moment as he saw what appeared to be a goddess, he wasn't entirely sure but he felt that she was one. Long golden hair that was draped over her shoulder and her blue eyes seemed to shine even from the distance, she took his breath away in that golden dress that was showing a good amount of cleavage.

She seemed to notice his stare as a playful smile took over her face, though she made sure to make sure the man next to her didn't see, her looked seemed thoughtful a moment. Seeing that he didn't notice she looked back to Julius and gave a unnoticeable hardly there wave before giggling a little, the man next to her seemed not to have noticed.

Julius knew her, not personally but from the show it was Ilithyia, though she looked like the actress she was slightly better looking then the person who played her. He knew that he was hit hard looking at her and groaned, yes he had seen some of the slaves back at the Ludus, hell even Mira was there but she didn't make him this way like Ilithyia did.

At that moment he already made up his mind, he was going to win her heart no matter what it took, he would also make sure she didn't die. Even thinking of the way she went out has his pissed, but he soon calmed down the images were blurry so he at best only remembered a little of it but he knew how to stop it all.

First he need to win her hear before any of it though, once that happened he would change her fate, that was going to take some time though.

Julius was brought from his staring when he heard the sound of the gate open behind him, looking over he saw his three opponents, in his side eye he could see Ilithyia move a little closer. Cracking his neck he was going to drag this out, one to get the crowd pumped and put on a good show and two because he knew it would attract her more.

She had a wild side to her that came with the fascination she got from watching Gladiators, it was something that he also found extremely hot about he but he couldn't think about that now. The guys he were facing were circling him, two with swords and shields while the last had a spear.

He didn't think twice before rushing the man with the spear, this was the only medium ranged fighter so he would be a tough opponent, he planned to end him fast. When he was in the range of the spear the man thrust it at him, moving his sword he put all his power behind it brushing it away, with a quick flick of hist wrist his sword went to the mans throat.

There was no time to react and combined with him trying to gain his footing from the brush off, he didn't have time to stop the sword from going through one side to the other. Julius also didn't have time to get his sword back, instead he too the spear while rolling, he narrowly avoided being impaled by a sword that was right where his back use to be.

Getting back to his feet he was able to see where Ilithyia was sitting, she was watching with high interest while biting her finger, she didn't even bother to hide it. Not like her husband was paying attention he was to busy talking to her father who was sipping something in a cup, Julius didn't have time to rest and admire her before getting back into the fight.

This was actually his first time using a spear but thanks to his power he didn't need to worry, he was planning in his head what to do next, it would be a whole lot easier if it was his sword. Like his first ever fight in the Pit it was behind the enemy though, but it would be easier then before since he was more experienced in fights he didn't panic as much.

"Kill Him!!!" The crowd roared, apparently they had already decided to side with the other two seeing him as disposable.

He wasn't shaken though as he threw the spear at the one to the left, since he was distracted he had time to rush the first, he had to dodge the sword and grab the mans wrist. This all lead to a shield bashing to the jaw but he had taken worse, using his own strength against him he turned the sword through the bottom of his jaw.

And another one bites the dust.

Julius wasn't fast enough this time to dodge a cut to the side but he was able to use the sword from his opponent and brush it away from going into his chest. Ignoring the pain he spun around using the hilt of the sword to connect with the other guy helmet.

He made sure to put enough strength into it to make his ears ring, the guy was disoriented enough for his head to be cut off, the crowd screaming in joy seeing the bloodshed. Julius let out a breath and looked at the sky, thirteen was now his kill count, he had been keeping track but didn't know why he was.

Getting back to himself he looked back to the top seating where his Dominus was, they were all clapping at his win, he nodded to his Dominus but his sole attention was on Ilithyia. She was grinning like a wild woman while clapping modestly for him, seeing him look over her grin stretched out wider while she waved at him again.

At that moment he felt as though he was on cloud nine, winking at her and hoping no one would notice he back away and walked back into the holdings while handing his equipment to a guard. He got an approving nod from Oenomaus as he went to take a seat, they still had the double fight from the house of Batiatus so he needed to wait for the outcome.

Leaning against the wall he sat there as a medic came over to bandage him up, he already removed his leather armor, he was just glad it was the one and he wouldn't need to sit out to much training. He watched from the side as the other two went into the arena, they were chained at the ankle the same as the other two people who were out there.

Their fight was a little interesting for him as he watched them duke it out, one of them ended up dying though and the last guy was able to pull a miracle out of his ass and live. Julius nodded in approval the guy had a giant cut on his arm and a lot on his body, he was losing blood but at least he could get stitched up and make it back.

Since there was no more fights for them they were planning to leave, that was until the Dominus sent down word for them to stay a little longer, apparently it was to watch the Thracian fight. Claudius Glaber stood and announced the fight, Julius got his first look at Spartacus who was looking around curiously before his eyes settled on Claudius.

"Watch this desperate man fight," Oenomaus said while looking out there, "He angered someone with more power and now his life is in the hands of the gods, only they will say whether he will live or die."

Right as he finished speaking five men walked out of the other side, they were more walking out really cocky like since they thought it was an easy kill for them wanting more coin in their purses. It was brutal at first just like the show, he was giving up on life and was willing to die by their hands, that was until he started to fight back.

Actually Julius was somewhat confused since this was suppose to happen after the party but the party was still tonight while they were fighting now. He shrugged it off though since he knew that this world wasn't going to be one hundred percent the same as in the actual show.

Since everything was over it was time to go back to the Ludus, Julius knew that Spartacus would be joining since Batiatus had already pleaded for his life. When they did make it back it was already night time, he was wrong the party that was for that night was just a private showing it wasn't the one they had the night before.

Julius nodded to Aurelius who was training, he got a few claps on the back from some people as he made his was to wash himself, he saw them carrying Spartacus into the Ludus. He knew that they were now broke because of this purchase but didn't say anything himself, it wasn't his coin after all he got his money not matter what.

He always bets on himself with his own coin.

After washing he moved out to the training grounds, Aurelius walked over a big grin on his face, "I see the gods still do not take you, it seems that you are still the bastard who defies them." He said clapping his shoulder.

"Yes at this point I am sure they are cursing my name as I piss on their wishes." He laughed while walking over to the pillars, the others were going to shower but he stayed out he didn't want to see naked men. It was a reason he showered after everyone else or before.

While everyone else made their way to shower he saw his Dominus standing at the top of the Ludus, he was frowning slightly while saying something to his wife who walked up behind him. He couldn't remember it all but he thought about what was going to happen soon and couldn't think of anything other then Glaber coming to visit, shrugging he went inside for sleep.

The next morning saw his standing with the others as the new men walked out, him and Aurelius were standing off to the side, he was excited to actually see this part play out in real life. The dialogue was the same with Oenomaus asking them what was beneath their feet, "Crixus, what is beneath your feet!"

"Sacred ground Doctore! Watered with the tears of blood!" Crixus said walking out while his sole focus was on Spartacus the entire time he said it.

"Your tears. Your blood. Your pathetic lives, forged into something of worth. Listen. Learn. And perhaps, live. As gladiators. Now, attend your master!" Oenomaus said while waving his hand out for the Dominus to come out and speak even if he was taking his sweet time to come and say something.

Julius was having a hard time rolling his eyes listening to his speech but he did yell when they did, he knew it was better to follow them then it was to stand out and be and outcast. He laughed out a little when Oenomaus hit the guy in the balls, he did like that part showed the guy had a little sense of humor, or at least could make others laugh.

"The Thracian Disagrees, A demonstration, perhaps? Crixus! Practice swords." The Doctore said.

"I don't think he is worth the effort, give him to Julius. He is the weakest here if this Thracian can't even handle him then he shouldn't come for me." Crixus said while smirking, everyone around joining in.

Julius sighed but when they looked to him he walked forward while getting the practice sword from Pietros, he stood there waiting to see if Spartacus would pick it up or not. When he didn't he got the whip going for him, grabbing it he glared, "That is not my name." He didn't last a second, wanting to show defiance he kicked the sword away.

When the Doctore turned his back and was telling him to be sent to the mine Crixus moved before Julius could, their fight went like the show Crixus getting the practice sword from Julius. He didn't mind though he was healed up but he was still a little sore from the previous day so he didn't even really want to fight.

Spartacus of course lost the fight, he threw the sword too which resulted in killing one of the new men, that ended things right there for him though Crixus wasn't done. And saved by the bell, he was so close to having his head bashed in, shaking his head he moved to get practice swords so he could train with Aurelius, the show officially started.

The sun was beating down on them as the two traded blows, Julius and Aurelius both getting better considering that one was a master and the other had more experience. They were both growing at alarming rates, even if it was just practice but they were still far away from being the main event in any games, which was something Julius was thankful for.

Eventually it was time for lunch, Julius was glad all his food was odorless cause what they were serving was not what he wanted to eat at the moment. Shaking his head he took the bowl and used his cleaning which got rid of it all before replacing it with rice and beef, it looked almost the same as what he just had in the bowl.

As for drink he had a cup of water, his water, before going over to his table where Aurelius already was, he was a little slow leaving the grounds today so he didn't come at the same time. He sighed while sitting down, he needed some rest he was adapting but it didn't mean that he still didn't get tired from everything.

"What do you think of the Thracian?" Aurelius asked as he sat down on the opposite side, Spartacus was a little away from them.

"Stubborn. He will have it hard here until he learns to fall in line, If he keeps pressing the Dominus then he will see himself in the mines where he will surely die." Julius answered while taking a bite of his food, he would give Aurelius some but that would expose things and he didn't fully trust the man yet.

"Haha true. He could also be someone who will make the house rise again." He said while taking another bite of his food grinning.

They went back to training shortly after, when there were no games it seemed as though the days passed slower, though Julius didn't mind much his past life was just as boring. When night fell he found himself in a new cell, thanks to his winning streak he no longer had to share with someone, his Dominus thinking that he was going to help turn things.

While he would but that was only to help himself, he had twenty coin saved as a slave he could only bet one on himself. Falling asleep he smile seeing Ilithyia in his mind, he went to sleep imagining many things he wished to do to her but waited patiently.

The next morning he walked into the 'mess hall' and was about to grab his cover food but Barca dumped it all on the ground laughing at Spartacus who was trying to eat. "Really Barca, I come slightly late and you fuck me out of food to mess with this Thracian." Looking at the grain on the ground I rubbed my face, I was just acting rather then being really mad.

"Next time you will show up sooner then." He said before him and Crixus went back to laughing.

All Julius did was roll his eyes before walking away, he found Ashur watching Spartacus at the moment but stopped him before he could walk over to him. "Ashur get me something from the outside." Julius said while blocking his path.

"Ahh finally willing to spend coin huh? Then tell me what is it you want." He said with a trade mark smile like a greedy merchant.

"Get me bread as much as you can with 5 coin, no more. If my money isn't given to me in full when the time comes then you will see you head removed from your body." Julius said before walking away leaving the threat.

He sat down next to Aurelius who handed him a piece of bread, again he traded it out with something better, the one he ate tasted as the Hawaiian bread that he use to eat. Finally it was time for them to get to train, moving outside they stopped a moment watching as Spartacus was taken away, ignoring it they went to train.

Ten minutes into the training Julius could feel eyes on himself, looking over he saw her, Ilithyia, she was standing there smiling at him her eyes looking at him deeply. Julius was just as entranced seeing her in her blue dress she looked stunning, he forgot that she was even coming today the show was becoming a distant memory, instead it was just his life.

Time seemed to slow as they watched each other, Aurelius seemed to notice that he paused and looked to see what he was looking at, Julius missed the smile on his face. The two were in their own world watch each other though she did answer when Lucretia said words to her, but it must have been with half a heart since she kept her eyes on him.

They were finally broken from it when her husband came telling her it was time to leave, she pouted and he could see her mouth move asking to stay but it was rejected. She turned back and gave him a small smile before turning to leave with him.

"You really love playing with the gods huh?? That woman has more power then our own Dominus and yet you look at her such a way, not that say it is a bad thing since she seems to return said interest in you. Be careful though sticking your cock in the wrong thing can make you end up in the underworld faster then you plan." Aurelius said but he didn't judge just giving some advice.

Julius smirked turning to him, "Don't worry, before she has a taste of me I will make sure that her husband and the gods are watching. The time she is under me moaning in pleasure she will believe that I am her new god."

Aurelius just laughed before they went back to training, he vaguely caught the fight with Spartacus out the side of his eye but he was actually ignoring it at the moment. This wasn't just a show to him anymore, instead this was his life and if he didn't work his hardest he would end up dead before he could make it to the end of season one.

As the night came he walked back to have dinner, this time getting a bowl before doing his routine, as he took a seat Ashur walked over passing him a small bag of bread. Nodding he ignored the man who looked ready to say something, Ashur only said things to further his cause and most of it was crap in the first place so he didn't care.

"Ten coin says the criminal there is the first to go." Aurelius says while pointing his spoon at the bald guy who had fugitive tattooed across his head.

"Ha that is obvious, most of them won't even make it past the test. I believe it will only be the blonde Varro and Spartacus, they will be the only two to make it until we get enough coin for more Slaves." Julius said while washing down the rest of his meal with some wine.

"We will see tonight then." Aurelius said smiling.

An hour later everyone was setting up the stage for the test, Aurelius, Barca, and Crixus already knew that they were fighting tonight, thankfully he didn't have to. Although he didn't mind the killing didn't mean he was going to take someones life just for a test, standing off to the side he watched as Aurelius was fighting the guy with Fugitive on his head.

Of course he killed the guy, he then laughed while walking over to Julius after he got down, "Told you he would be the first to go."

"Ahh put a cock in your mouth so that I don't need to hear you speak. That was a no contest and we both know it, the moment you were his opponent of course he was dead." Julius said swatting his arm away he he tried to pat him on the shoulder.

The fights kept going until Spartacus and Crixus fought, this was the main thing that was staying the same from the show. It seemed that as long as Spartacus was in the scene then everything thing would stay the same for him, Julius didn't care though his life changed some things.

But he knew one thing if Spartacus still ended up sleeping with Ilithyia then he was a dead man, money maker or not he wouldn't allow that to happen.

Updates are slow because I write a lot in one Chapter I am not a fast typer and make them 4 to 5,000 words so it is a lot for me. I will put out as much as I can over in a week it could be 1chapter it could be three who knows.

BloodyEat_Delightcreators' thoughts