
The Beauty in Dark Places

With a past filled with betrayals and unresolved hatred and a present threatened by greed filled schemes can our main characters overcome all that stands between them and their goals? *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* “People fear two things esteemed lordling. The unknown and what they cannot control. Two things in life which more often than not come in the same care package” _Madame Portia Vivienne Araneae.

Mai_Beth · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Once upon a time in a kingdom of gods and monsters there existed a group of people. A caste if you would have it, made up of people who held power to revel the gods and tame monsters, Witches. These people walked amongst the "normals," and by keeping to themselves they thrived in the shadows, aiming to maintain harmony in the world of mortals for years and hence existed in only fairytales. Peace reigned and all was well, but one day a great disaster came knocking.

One witch, a naive and greedy fool felt she was greater than the limitations placed by the ancestors.

Why should we live in the shadows? She thought. There is so much wonder we could bring to the world from the light.

Why do we sit back and watch them flounder in ignorance?

Why must we hide our uniqueness?

Why must we shut away our truth and burry ourselves for fear that they know the wonder that is us?

Why why why why why she kept asking. And one day she put a plan in motion to this end. Our naive little witchlette attempted to harness power far beyond the limits set by the ancestors for the sake of assisting her "normal" friend.

Now this was forbidden magic for a reason. That reason being it was too difficult to harness and the reparations were far too great to risk it. In the end the "normals" were put at risk and alerted of the existence of this mysterious caste.

People tend to fear the unknown and this was no exception.

The "normals" had never encountered power of this magnitude and using the excuse of this incident putting them at risk a hunt commenced. Hundreds were killed and hundreds more damaged in mind and soul beyond recognition, driven deeper into hiding never to show even an inkling of their existence ever again.

It was a tragedy through and through. One so great no one was getting over it before at least a millennium has gone by.

Now said millennium later, witches are no longer being hunted and in some places the average normal could swear upon their faith and life they do not exist. So why in the name of the wise ancestors' beard is the actual duke of house Lupus sitting in the VIP room of this particular witch's club asking for a witch of all things to serve him?

Well if I knew I wouldn't be asking right?

Welcome to the wonderful world of Portia Vivianne Araneae! I hope with all my heart that you come to love her as much as I do! Mua!

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