
Wild Fantasy

Nana exhales as she tries to recall the last part of the dream but when nothing came to her mind, she turns to face Jasmine.... "I don't believe so...


"Charles's brain exploded... the kind of explosion that contains more possibilities than he can comprehend... but there were hundreds of ideas in that buzz of energy... he could feel it.

It was a foretaste of upcoming wild sex, of kisses waiting to be snatched from his lips. Whatever lay ahead could be difficult, and there could be some challenges..., but it was his adventure to take.

It had only been a day since he went after Mamila, and now he has gone back in search of her.

He drove steadily until he finally arrived at the exact flat he had entered with John the day before, he packed his car, came down and opened the backseat to pick up the flower he had bought for her on his way...., when he took a step, that same thought that had bothered him all night came vividly into his head again, the thought of her being married, the thought of her husband replacing her....

He stood there contemplating whether or not to enter....  " Fuck it,"   He said and went to the gate, he couldn't drive all this way for her and then leave without seeing her because of his fears, but as soon as he knocked on the gate, he heard something fall down behind him.

He quickly spun around to see what it was, he lowered his eyes only to see an empty vinamilk can, enraged by the distraction, he raised his gaze and almost wanted to knock on the gate again, but instead diverted his attention to the madman.

As the madman stooped in front of him, chills ran down his spine. He would have fled if the gateman hadn't quickly opened the gate, assuring him that he could withstand any violence. that may come from the mentally unstable man.

"Deep, dark hole..." . As he paced around in front of him, the madman said.....

Charles hissed and shifted his gaze to the gatekeeper.....

“Water...” This time, the madman added, his voice was loud.... Charles didn't want to look his way, but the madman's stench was enough to enrage him.

"Get out of here..." . The gatekeeper yelled at the mentally unstable man. Charles took a breath and refocused his gaze on the gateman as the madman laughed and turned to walk away...

"You'll be eaten by the fish..." The lunatic went on to say that he turned to face him.... "I told you to leave..."

As he stepped out from inside to pursue the lunatic, the gatekeeper grumbled...   The madman laughed and moved away from them before yelling, "

Blood, blood, I see blood all over..."“Nonsense....” Charles chided himself as he watched the insane man flee far away from him....., he inhaled softly before returning his gaze to the gateman....

"Is she in...?"The gatekeeper, who quickly realized who he was asking, smiled..." Yes, I saw her not long ago..." "Many thanks..." Charles tapped the gateman on the shoulder haphazardly.

He walks quickly towards the second flat, holding the flower in his hands.When he got to the door, he smiled..., the thought of her husband opening the door entered his mind once more.

He messed up, he could have asked the gateman if she was married...., he heaved a deep sigh and proceeded to knock on the door, but before he could, the door cranks, then it opens, and there she was......a beauty in all effects.

Charles' mouth dropped for a moment before snapping out of his wild fantasy....  With a smile, he said... Her frown was a warning, a warning that she wasn't pleased with the unexpected visit.

But it wasn't something new to him... most of the girls he'd slept with had started that way as well...

"I know you still remember me," Charles said... "That dude from yesterday." He stated.

"The one who refused to let me leave..." Mamila replied, her frown still visible on her face.... His face was adorned with a half-smile....

"Yes..." Charles says ."How did you get here... "I followed you..." He jumped right in. "I told you I couldn't leave such a beauty out in the sun....., I was just making sure you got home safely..." She smiles... " Mmm... That's nice, but I don't like strangers showing up on my doorstep...""I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop thinking about you..., you did something to me yesterday...he said. 

"Do you even know who I am...?" she said 

"You're the most beautiful and stunning woman I've ever seen..." Taking out the flower, Charles said.....

"And even if I die and return to life...., I'll still want you...., you're a goddess."

"you are right, I'm a goddess," She jumps right in.

"Then, my lovely goddess, I'd like to serve you..." Charles said. 

 She looks him in the eyes and points to the flowers..."Are those for me...?" Charles gave a warm grin... "They're for the most beautiful girl on the planet, who happens to be standing right in front of me right now..."

"You've got a lot of nerves coming here...what if I'm married..."The news nearly brought a grin to Charles' face....... she is really not married......

"Then I'm willing to risk your husband's wrath, and if looking into the eyes of a beauty is a sin, then let me be severely punished for my transgressions..."

She guffawed... " You're a moron." "My goddess, only for you......""Thank you very much..." She said and took the flowers from him..."I'll buy all the flowers in the world for you..." She laughs.... "It's time for you to go home, dude."

"Can't you let me in...?" "No..."  She said this before entering the house. Charles didn't want to push it, so he simply asked..."When am I going to see you again...?" " I'll give you a call." "How..." she said as she shut the door. Charles exclaimed... "You don't have my phone number..." Charles waited for a response, but when he didn't get one, he realized that was it.

He sighed, unsure whether to knock again or just leave...., he didn't come all this way to stand outside her door..., he wanted to knock and that's when he heard voices from inside the house, though he couldn't understand what they were saying but he knew she wasn't the only one inside. "I'll see you again, princess," he muttered to himself as he stepped away from her door.


She pays attention to his words on the phone as if they're gold, some elixir she's been waiting to hear for days..., When the network warned him of his remaining balance, John smiled as he realized he's hitting exactly where she wants him to......, a frown line settled on his face......"Hey there, sweetheart, I'm out of airtime..." "I'll call you back when I'm recharged," John said.

"All right, dear,". On the other end of the line, the lady replied. "I looooove you." "I love you, too," John responded.

John ended the call after a few seconds... "Mumu," John said, making a flawed grin on his face.... He tossed the phone on the chair and began walking towards the dining room to pick up the plate of food he had purchased from a fast food restaurant; however, he didn't take more than two steps before a loud knock thundered on his door.

He came to a halt and reverted his gaze to the door..., when the knock came again, he moved towards the door. He paused before unlocking the door..., for a brief moment, he just stood there staring at the beauty in front of him..., but when she removed her glasses, he realized it wasn't a beauty sent his way, but one of Charles's many headaches....

Natasha...."Good afternoon..." she greeted. Instead of responding, John moved away from the door and took a few steps towards a chair....

She hissed sadly, silently expressing her displeasure with his impudence.....

"Does Charles happen to be here...?" As she entered the house, she said. "Are you looking for him...?" As he lowers his gaze to her breast, John inquires...

The question caused Natasha's brow to knit. "Isn't it self-evident...?" "The last time I checked...,".

John reflected on the time he asked her out while she was still with Charles and she flatly refused.., he just laughed because he knew Charles would just play her like he had the others before her....., he exhaled before continuing.."

Charles is really not staying here." She sighs, more out of disappointment than dissatisfaction with his second-rate attitude...., she reflected on the times she had asked Charles to take her to his house but he was always making excuses......, but those excuses don't matter anymore because he's been avoiding her calls and when he does answer...his tone is worse than an atrocious August visitor......

"Where does he stay if he doesn't stay here?" She inquired apprehensively.

"How come he never told you...?" John responds with a retort. Natasha frowned as she realized John was deliberately trying to annoy her......

"Could you please tell me where he lives?" She expressed her resentment, which was growing like wildfire inside her... "Call him,". John stated.

Natasha snorted. "I won't be here taking attitude as lunch if he's answering my calls." As he looked at her, John pressed his lips together, his gaze moving from her head to the short red gown she was wearing..., right there, he imagined what her skin would feel like in bed..

Charles had told him weeks ago that she was sweet....., totally sweet in the middle, and he'd love a taste of that sweetness.... He smiled as he moved closer to her.....

"Charles is not present, but I am. "As she raised her face to his, she messed it up.... "What is it about Charles that you don't see within me, tell me, what special about him that i cannot offer you...?"John questioned her  as he felt compelled to take her in his arms, rip her clothes off her, and carry her to his bed......, the couch or even the floor...

As he leaned too close to her, she tossed a strand of her hair backward and took a step backward. "I'm not here for this, John..., I'm here to find Charles...., he hasn't been returning my calls, and I'm concerned..."

“Worried..!” John makes a sneering remark..."About what exactly...?" He asked. When John didn't get a response, he tried to speak, but the words choked in his mouth as another knock came on the door..., he was irritated by the knocks..

Before walking over to the door, he cast a glance at Natasha....Before he could turn down the knob, the knock came again..., hard frown lines encroached on his forehead as he recognized the person standing outside the door...

"Does Charles happen to be here...?" Jane inquired from the walk way. John nibbled on his bottom lip as he walked away from the door and sat in a chair, refusing to give her the dignity of a response.

As soon as Natasha walked into the house, her gaze fell on Jane. For a few moments, both girls just stood there staring at each other..... Jane quickly shifted her gaze away from Natasha and focused it toward John..... "Look," she said to John while cringing at Natasha... "I didn't want to appear unannounced on your doorstep, but the situation was rather urgent and required immediate attention...., is Charles here...?"John sighs and shifts his gaze back to Natasha..."Is he here...?". He threw the question back to Natasha...

Natasha's eyes shifted from John to Jane and back to John, perplexed, before finally settling on Jane......

"Wait...are you the slùt he's been cheating on me with?" Natasha inquired. "Can you repeat your stinking self..." Jane responds right away..

"Has Charles fucked you as well...?" Natasha was perplexed. Jane's face was contorted into a serious frown, and her mouth was set in a hard line...."Look bitch, I don't know who the fùck you are, but I'm not going to take one more word from you....., are you insane.?"

"Does that mean you're a slut..."Natasha shot back..."The whore who is attempting to kidnap my boyfriend..." Jane's deeper feelings of rage were aroused, and she took a step towards Natasha and slammed her fingers into the right side of Natasha's cheek..... As Jane's palm came into contact with Natasha's face, John's eyes widened...The slap resonated in Natasha's face..., as she touched her face..., the heat of the slap swept her into a spiral of rage..., she didn't think, didn't hesitate before furiously slapping Jane back.  

Jane couldn't take it anymore and immediately she shoved Natasha, causing her bag to fall out of her grip....Although John was enjoying the show, he couldn't stand by and watch them turn his house into a wrestling ring..., he jumped in right away with the intention of separating them.

As John tried to separate them, both girls hit and throw sloppy kicks at each other...“Bitch..”As John shoved them apart, Natasha scolded.... John had had enough of their obnoxious behavior, and he decided to do something about it.

He quickly lifted Jane by her legs and dumped her outside, along with Natasha's handbags...

"Congratulations, Charles...," John said angrily as he locked the door to his house... “Whòre....” Natasha yelled while attempting to put on her shoe, .

'Dirty pig,'  Jane screamed at her while heating her with her handbag.. Natasha became enraged and grabbed her own handbag, which she hurled at Jane. After the handbag collided with Jane's body and fell to the floor, Jane quickly kicked it into a corner. Before turning to walk away, she dusted her own body all the way, abusing Natasha....

Natasha took her bag and followed her until they reached the roadside.... "Don't you see yourself in the mirror...?" "You're an old cargo, just take a good look at yourself...?" Natasha screamed...

"I'm curious as to what he saw in you." Something you'll never have, bitch," Jane retorted, her gaze fixed on her... "With your fake eyelashes, she said.." .

They stopped a shuttle moving on their way.  When neither of them succeeded in securing the only seat left in the shuttle, the shuttle driver hurled insults at them in his local dialect before driving away, leaving them to abuse themselves even more...

Both girls stood apart after the humiliating event, eyeing and hissing at each other but not speaking...... Jane inhaled deeply as she re-touched the spot where she had been slapped......., she turned to face Natasha and noticed that she was still smoldering with rage.....

"I apologize for the slap," Jane apologized, allowing herself to be the rational one. Natasha barely gave her a glance before bursting forth with words...

"You will be punished by God..." Jane hissed and averted her gaze, only to return to Natasha a split second later.... "Can we be mature now..., what are we fighting about..., a cheat...?"Natasha's jaw muscle twitched, but she didn't look at Jane..... "Didn't you hear what his friend just said?" Jane remarked... "He messed with the two of us.