
The Assignment

Pains blazed over him; it was jarring, and it was awful, and before he could even think about getting up, the footsteps he is running from grew closer.

When Charles raised his eyebrows in horror as he looked at what was in front of him, he realized right then that it would be pointless for him to try to flee.

He didn't do anything more than lay there, his eyes fixed on the terrifying monster that was peering down on him, and just before the monster was about to attack him, he screamed out loud. It was when he heard the echo of his scream that he woke himself up from his sleep.

When he was finally shocked out of the fantastic dream he had just had.., he looked around him, his heart lurched, and right then his mind swiftly caught up. He breathed deeply as he came to the realization that it was all a dream.

After taking him into custody, those officers shot and murdered the other officers and then knocked him unconscious.  "You're awake.." The sound of the voice caused Charles to hurriedly get out of bed.

He looked at the guy and realized that he was someone he was not familiar with. He wondered what this person could possible be doing in the house of a complete stranger.

He struggled to determine the identity of the man who was standing in front of him clad in a white garment and a yellow robe that was knotted around his waist. As he did so, he gulped heavily .

"Who are you?"

In the midst of pants breathing, Charles managed to inquire while moving a few steps backwards. As far as he is aware, the man in question does not look like he will offer him anything good.

"Where exactly am I, and how did I end up here...?" "So many questions. " The other man responded and moved closer to Charles, but Charles' shout prevented him from proceeding forward. "Don't move any further than you already have." Charles cautioned as beads of sweat began to run down his face.

After looking around, he realized very quickly that the space that separated him from the entrance wasn't as great as he had originally believed it to be. "How did I get here..?"  Charles continues. "I was the one who brought you here." The man responded.

As Charles reflected on the events that took place between he and the officers of the police force, he was overcome with exasperation. "Who exactly are you...?" His question was direct.

"I am known and called prophet Silas." Charles turned his head away from the man in front of him, which was a clear indication that he had no interest in getting to know him. To him, the only thing that matters is figuring out how to get out of this mess he's in.

After searching his pockets for his phone, he sighed, but it was more out of remorse than anything else when he realized that the cops had confiscated his phone when they arrested him. "I am aware that you have a lot of questions." The words of the Prophet Silas are heard.

"I am ready to provide you with the information that you are seeking." "Can you help me get out of this place?" Charles questioned him suddenly as he turned around.

"Can you please tell me where I am?" Charles pleaded.   "I won't stop you from leaving even if it won't do you any good," The prophet said. Charles protruded his chin slightly as a subtle warning that the prophet is spewing bullshit.

"The police are waiting for you outside, and as soon as you leave here, they will take you into custody." Prophet Silas said. The very thought of it caused Charles's eyebrows to furrow. "You have been sleeping.." The words of the Prophet Silas continued as he helps himself to a chair.

"So, I don't think you've been keeping up with the news, they're reporting that you killed four police officers and escaped, one chased after you and you killed him before he could get a hold of you, and they've labeled you as a first-class murderer. I don't think you've been watching the news.

Some people have even referred to you as a terrorist, thus leaving this location would be a very poor choice. "Okay, Just tell me, who the hell are you...?" Charles lost his temper as he worried about the consequences that would befall him if he were to get caught by the police once more.

"As I've mentioned before, my name is Silas, and I'm a prophet." "You were the one..."  Charles stated. "You hired those officers to come and arrest me," he said. The Prophet Silas took a moment to gather himself before responding, "Yes, it is me."

"Why, and what do you expect from me?" "I'd like to save you." "From what to where?"  "The cops?" Charles inquired,  "Not from the police, but from her, from the mermaid called Mamila."

Charles was frozen to the spot by shock; he jerked out of it and became more interested in the talk. "How did you find out?" "I've been watching you, and I know what she's done and how she's made your life tough.

"I can help you reclaim your life." "I don't get it." "Who are you actually, and why do you wish to help me?" Charles asks.

"Because I see something great in you, potentials that I don't want you to bury them. even though your life has been made a living hell."

Charles scoffs as he recalls the events of the past. "Do you know what happened to the last prophet who attempted to assist me?" "He passed away." "His head split from his body," Prophet Silas responded.

Charles swallows a dry lump in his throat, wondering who prophet Silas is. "Look, I'm not sure how you found out these details about me, but I don't think I need your help; I shot the mermaid, and she's dead." Prophet laughed.

"Do you really believe that shooting her with bullets laced with salts will kill her?" Prophet Silas asked and  Charles' eyes widened in surprise. For a brief moment, panic gripped him as he kept pondering who the man in front of him was.

That particular detail is exclusively known to him; how did he.. "You're probably wondering how I knew." Prophet Silas adds his voice. "How long have you been watching me...?" Charles inquired.

"Since you started following her around like a lap dog..." "You knew when I met her on that road the first time." Charles asked.

"You knew when I met her on that road the first time." Charles asked. "Yes I know," he says. "If you knew she was a mermaid, why didn't you warn me?" "Would you have paid attention?" Prophet Silas inquired.

"Did you listen to the madman when he said there would be blood?" Charles gulped. "If she isn't dead, where is she? Is she here?" “No.” Silas, the Prophet, responded.

"She's somewhere far away from here, somewhere even the maps have overlooked." "What about the sea?" Charles inquires fearfully.  "Not the in the sea..., she's on land, a far-away land, a place history has forgotten, a place distant from civilization," 

"Where is it?" "Sahamaradan," said Prophet Silas. "What do you mean?" “Sahamaradan” "Where the heck is that?" . "Sahamaradan is a small settlement in the eastern portion of the country, well known for its never-ending flow of water."

"Please spare me the nasty details." "What is Mamila doing in such a remote location?" Charles interjected. 

"Where these stories not told to you?"  Prophet Silas inquired.  "What stories?" Charles asked.

"The Saham river story is about, how the half-human, half-fish creatures would come out to show off their gorgeous tails, and men would sing of their beauty, women would covet them, and children would call them the glorious future of tomorrow."

When they appear, they offer continuous joy to the inhabitants because it becomes a harvest for fishermen who cast their nets and are rewarded with an abundance of fish." "Those are fairy tales," Charles interjected.

"No one tells the Saham stories anymore." "It's not a story." Silas, the Prophet, stated. "The stories are accurate and true; when the locals saw what they were getting themselves into, they made friends with these half-human, half-fish monsters."

As the people praised and honored these creatures, they fashioned idols in their honor, and whenever the men of Saham desire to go out, they pray to these idols, hoping for solace and favor from these mermaids.

” “Wait.” Charles interrupted. "Are you saying that mermaids are revered there?" "They're not simply worshiped... they're sacred, and these locals regard them as gods."

They're known as the deities of Saham, and Mamila, the mermaid you thought you murdered, is present there.

The wounds you caused on her when you shot her with salt have been treated, and she'll be back on her feet shortly, ready to hunt you down again.

But bear in mind that when she returns, she won't be as kind as she was before; she'll be cruel, more lethal, and more bloodthirsty.." Charles was thinking of Nana at the time. Mamila has already murdered Jasmine. What will happen to Nana if Mamila returns?

"How do you intend to assist me?" "I want to help you get rid of her," Charles said. I want to give you back your life." “How..?” "There is one minor assignment you must complete."

"What task?" "There is a temple, and within the temple are two jars; each jar carries the ashes of an extinguished fire that burnt 80 years ago..., bring me the two jars, and you will be free from Mamila."

"Where exactly is this temple located?" Charles inquired with a sense of wonder. Before responding, Prophet Silas paused for a moment before saying, "The temple is situated in the middle of Sahamaradan." It's the holiest place in their religion. Charles chuckled on hearing what the prophet said.

"Are you for real, Sahamaradan. ." It's not going to be just you. "Oh, I have someone who is willing to venture on some unknown territory with me; where is that person?" Charles asked.

"You can come out.." Prophet Silas said As Charles waited for the other person to come out, he heaved a heavy sigh and was taken aback when he realized that it was his friend John that was emerging from the other room.

“John..” He muttered this astonished before he redirected his sight to prophet Silas."  "He desired to be liberated from the shackles of the snake that has snatched his glory and held him captive," Prophet Silas added. "

“Really!” Charles murmured as he turned his attention back to Silas. "Do they have snakes there as well?" "It's only the ashes"  Prophet Silas declared.

"The ashes contained in those jars hold capabilities that are beyond even your wildest imaginings. Because of these abilities, any power can be conquered, any lost valuable can be retrieved, even stolen destinies can be snatched back, and the demons can be hurled back to hell.

"Are you serious about believing this?" John heaved a sigh in response to Charles' question. "I am trying, but it seems like I don't have a choice.., you are well aware that the pieces of my life are starting to tumble into disarray." John said.

If his men hadn't gotten to me in time to stop my neighbor from killing me, I would already be dead. His men saved my life. I am willing to accept the risk if what he says is accurate.  "This is complete bullshit and trash."   Charles remarked, Returning his attention to Prophet Silas.

"I know it seems ridiculous, but this is our only chance for success." John said, "Don't you want to get rid of Mamila? We're at war with spiritual creatures." "I do" Charles said

"But guess what, Mamila is in Saham, the same location he's telling us to go, he's essentially asking us to go to the devil we're fleeing away from.., isn't that suicide?" "It is." The words of the Prophet Silas are heard.

"I never said that it was going to be simple, but it's the only way to get rid of her for good," the prophet stated.  "Well, thank you, sir." "I do not believe that I will be compelled to be part of this stupidity, thus I will be leaving." Charles responded .

"The cops are out there; are you willing to bet your chances by choosing between freedom and prison?" The Prophet Silas stated. As Charles recalled Mamila's prediction that he would pass away behind bars, he struggled to swallow.

Which of going to jail or traveling to a land where mermaids are worshiped as gods is a greater punishment? He looked at John as he spoke and added, "I'll take my chances." When John remained immobile, he realized that John's mind had already been made up.

He had no intention of being a part of this insanity, and having made that clear, he turned around and was about to go when something in his stomach triggered.

As he began to lower himself to the ground, he let out a groan and instinctively gripped his stomach. "Charles!" John yelled as he ran towards him and raced up to him. Charles moaned in agony as he experienced a sudden onslaught of severe stomach aches.

The Prophet Silas touched his stomach, and as soon as he felt something, he hastily removed his hands from there. Prophet Silas hurriedly entered a room and shouted, "Get him on the chair!" 

Charles was unable to breathe, was unable to walk, and all he could do was lay on the ground as burns blazed over his body. It seemed as if something was stabbing him within, and it was as if his stomach was on the verge of being torn apart.

John was successful in getting him to sit on the chair, and at at that moment, the Prophet Silas returned with a wand and a bottle of water. Charles shouted as he was yanked up from the chair by an unknown force.

Prophet Silas yelled "I silence you." as he sprayed the water over Charles's body. Charles managed to get himself back into the chair, but he did not stop groaning in agony as something continued to move in his stomach.

His stomach was rumbling, it protruded and fell, and it felt as though something was attempting to rip his gut open and leap out.

 Charles was to the point where he could no longer endure the torture, with a force and a strength that he was unaware he possessed, he grabbed hold of his shirt and tore it away from his body.

John's mouth became dry as Charles' stomach which had been flat all along, suddenly started swelling huge and swelled in every corner. However, the stomach would swiftly return to its normal shape once Prophet Silas poured water on it.

"Holy Christ, what is this?" He cried out.

John was totally shocked and his jaw hung open., "You devil from the pit of abyss, I silence your voice." The Prophet Silas yelled while sprinkling the special water on Charles' stomach.