
Serpentine Spirit

It is not possible for God to be partial, and he will never leave his children behind during times of trials, no matter how long it may take. "I am telling you the truth; I did not kill Jasmine." Inspector Daz let out a sigh.

"Let's assume I believe you.., who killed her then?." "I've already told you once, a darkness did, she's trying to test my faith in God," she said.

“Mamila..!” "That's what she's been called..." Nana riposte. "Okay, let's pretend I trust you once again; in that case, where do I find this Mamila..?" Nana recalled that Charles had told her that Mamila had taken over his residence; however, Nana is skeptical that Mamila will continue to reside there in light of recent events.

"I'm not really sure.." 'What do you say?' Inspector Daz lets out an exhalation and relaxes farther into the chair. "When was the last time you made an appointment to see a psychiatrist..?"

"Am not crazy.." The response from Nana was direct. "Well, I don't think your head is functioning well.. " the officer said.

either that or you're doing this intentionally to provoke me, and believe me when I say that I am getting provoked..."


The psychic was content to do nothing more than sit in the wheelchair and stare into space as she waited for Tunde to come back with the oranges she had sent him.

She had lived with her grandchildren, and despite being blind, she could still tell when they are coming to her. From the way their foot steps clanked on the ground, to the smell of their body, but this scent she is perceiving is strong. Footsteps started to reverberate around her. Even though she was blind, she could still tell when they were coming to her.

"Tunde, are you the one?.."

She asked while attempting to rotate the wheelchair around, but as the other person approached, the realization of what she saw caused shivers to run down her spine.

“You..” The psychic remarked as the pungent odor made its way back to her olfactory system.

"You are the serpent; I am able to perceive you. the unprocessed odor of a snake asking, "Have you come for me, or have you not?"

"Hello old hag" Magaretta said. The psychic expressed shivering. "Snake, what do you want, have you come to murder me as your kind have done my predecessor for the previous two hundred years?" " "Don't put on an act as if you had no idea that today would come,"  said Magaretta as she tightened her hold on the wheelchair.

"You horrible old hag, you are always sticking your wretched nose in places where it does not belong," she said. “You are Evil, and every evil needs to be exterminated.” The psychic responded.

"I was not aware that the mantle has been transfered to you until I heard the scream of that mermaid, she was in utter agony as she transcended, then I found out you told the human to use salt on her." These words made the psychic to laugh.

"I just communicated a message to him; she had no intention of releasing him." is his decision, if he choose to act on it. You should leave the humans alone." "The humans come to us,"   Magaretta riposte..

And even the good holy book warns of this, "Be on guard, for the enemy is prowling around looking for a soul to destroy, " she quotes..

Whose fault is it that they didn't listen to the advice of the wise one? Humans are very foolish. The serpent said.  "So are you.." The psychic responded, "So is the mermaid.., a day is coming when these humans, whom you name stupid and foolish, shall revolt with the force of the Holy spirit, and every crawling thing from the dark abyss shall be destroyed."

Every door will be shut, and every knee will bow down in submission to the undeniable truth that "the most high God is God." “Rebel!” Magaretta repeats herself while laughing.

"Has your blindness misguided you, the world is changing...., the beast is taking over, you know why, humans no longer serve the highest; rather, they serve the face of money, and money is the beast workshop. Have your blindness left you deluded?" the serpent asked again..

Jealousy, wickedness, and greediness are sown into every man's heart; even those with a conscience are not excluded from this. Although man created money, man is eager to tear another man apart because of it.

There is no such thing as a fire without smoke. Magaretta laughs as she says, "God still has people, and he's watching.. till that day." the pyschic said.  "People don't believe in that day anymore; instead, they believe in bettering themselves," Margeretta responds

Man is no longer concerned when the rapture will take place. 

  "Even if you take my life, others will continue my work." "Mmm, are you pleading with me to let you live? " "I have no fear of death since it will merely mark the conclusion of my journey here on earth and the beginning of my service to my heavenly father when it comes.

I can't wait to feel complete contentment in his company. abundance of it, for I am going to a land where everything is clean and white as snow, and I shall worship at his feet and I will sing, "Hossana, hossana, hossana in the heavens," when I get there.

May his holy name be praised, and farewell, you old hag. She then proceeded to roll the wheelchair outside to the edge of the balcony after saying that.

She didn't even flinch when she shoved her off the balcony of a building that was three stories tall. The psychic broke her skull when she landed on the ground, which caused her bones to crack and her flesh shattered into pieces as a result of the fall.

immediately, blood began to gush out from her remains and every where was littered with blood and chunks of flesh. her soul exited leaving the rest of her remains to the cold hands of death before people who where observing the scene began to scream oblivious to them a soulless serpent is watching from above. 


For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

*Nana stares coldly at Inspector Daz as he enters the room for a second time, as if the flames that were in her eyes had been doused with ice water.

She isn't used to being in this kind of circumstance, and she feels uneasy because of it. This situation is making her appear even paler. No matter how hard she tries, it seems as though she has simply retreated into an impenetrable sphere, and despite her best efforts, she cannot be reached.

She moves her eyes more slowly, as if they are heavy, as if she is making an effort to move as the thought of what has happened to Jasmine strikes her for a second time.

Inspector Daz gave her a look that suggested he saw something in her eyes that was somewhere between being guilty and innocent.

Nana's breathing became more restricted and shallow as a result of his stare, which was as unpleasant as a chorus-girl corset.

He broke eye contact and motioned for her to drink while pushing a glass of water towards her. He stated in a clear voice as he opened a file in front of him, and Nana heaved a heavy sigh as she wondered what the future had in store for her.

After a moment of hesitation during which she sneaked a glimpse in the direction of the inspector, she finally took the glass in her hands and drank a little amount of the water inside.

Inspector Daz looked at her once again for perhaps the full span of three seconds before the corners of his mouth returned to their customary suppleness and his eyes stopped staring at her.

He lowered his gaze to the file and removed an image from it. Just as he was about to place the picture on the table, he exhaled loudly. The realization that the person in the image is Charles brought a look of utter disbelief to Nana's features.

She stared back at him, confused, wondering why he felt the need to show her Charles's image. "Are you familiar with him?" Inspector Daz questioned while carefully examining her to see if she had committed any involuntary acts of guilt.

She took a quick breath in and then lowered her sight once more to the image. She then picked it up, but she was unable to determine why the picture was being presented to her, so she set it back down on the table. She then took another quick breath.

"What business does he have getting involved in this?" She inquired, pondering to herself whether or not Charles had shown up at the scene where Mamila murdered Jasmine. "We're actively looking for him, and before you tell another lie, you should be aware that we have done some intriguing research into some interesting findings.

We are aware that you have been interacting with him. the officer said.

We are aware that you have been interacting with him. the officer said. "What was it that he did...?" She tried to cut in. 

"Do you have any idea where he could be hiding?" he asked.

"Do you have any idea where he could be hiding?" he asked. "I've been trapped down here, how would I possible know where he is.." Nana almost hissed at the officer's statement.

Inspector Daz's eyes lit up, and it appeared as though he has a sneaking suspicion that she is aware of his whereabouts. "What was it that he did...?" Nana inquired once more with concern.


Inspector Daz retorted by removing another picture from the case file and saying that a few weeks earlier, this deceased was found with his head separated from the rest of his body.

Charles was observed leaving his home just a few hours before he passed away. "That doesn't mean that he killed him," Nana spoke while internally grappling with a number of competing thoughts.

Before taking another image out, Inspector Daz stated, "He's still a suspect," in reference to the individual. "Are you familiar with her.." He then threw the image to her side as an addition. When Nana looked at the person in the image, she was shocked to see that it was a photograph of a murder victim. She felt a cold shudder run down her spine.

When it didn't sound familiar, she turned her head to look at him and said, "No." 

"Priscilla is her name," the officer said. "She was found dead in her flat few hours after she was seen entering Charles' place," said Inspector Daz. 

The very idea that Charles could truly kill someone makes her want to lose it. Right at this moment, it dawned on her that she didn't really know him. Her eyelashes fluttered in amazement.

Despite his stunning looks and what seems to be an almost flawless personality, he is a killer. "And just this morning," Inspector Daz adds as he takes the very last picture from the file. 

"And just this morning," Inspector Daz adds as he takes the very last picture from the file.  he body of this woman was discovered at his home; he was the one who had killed her. "I don't understand why you're telling me this.." Almost immediately, Nana reprimanded . "Because we have grounds to suspect that the two of you are collaborating on this mission,"

"You're kidding me!" "I didn't do anything," she retorted, a trace of annoyance running across her cheeks. "Either you didn't kill your friend, or you just don't want to accept it," he said.

"I didn't kill my friend.."  Exasperated, Nana yelled with anger. 

"Yeah.. you keep saying that, but be rest assured that I will get to the bottom of this case, and trust me, if you're proven guilty I'll escort you to prison myself," he said. The lines on Nana's forehead deepened, but she did not comment further.

It has been requested that you be released from custody. Inspector Daz said.

"Would you like me to put you in touch with anyone?"  He said and placing her phone face down on the table.

"Charles has been calling you," Nana hears just as her thoughts catch up with her immediately. How could she be so foolish? The cops didn't do any investigating; they only observed Charles contacting her and saw the contact photo; therefore, they presumed that she is familiar with him.

She wondered how she could have been so dense as to not have seen and noticed that they where playing on her intelligence. she starred at the officer horribly before scrolling through the list of those who had called her.

After seeing Wilson, she made the decision to give him a call again. Wilson is more likely to help me now than Charles" she thought to herself.


"You have done well" Chief Henshaw shook he hands of Pastor Alfred while dropping the bible on the table.

"However, reports about your foolishness are still making the rounds, and it is imperative that we take action in this regard." The angry statement that Chief Henshaw made caused Pastor Alfred's lips to curve, but he didn't utter a thing. Instead, he reached for a bottle of wine in the refrigerator and picked up two glasses. He then poured wine into both cups and offered Chief Henshaw one of them.

"Chief..., I only went for a deliverance session, and I didn't know it was going to turn out like that." Pastor Alfred said while he observed.

How could you be so stupid? Have you forgotten how we evolved the church into what it is today? You went for a deliverance session that wasn't faked and prepared, is that how we have been running this ministry? Chief Henshaw boiled in anger.

Your careless action had the potential to cost us everything; I put a lot of money into this ministry; think carefully the next time you consider making a mistake of this kind.

Pastor Alfred's blood was boiling over with rage, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he gulped down a few sips of wine and tossed the glass down the table.

Who is she, exactly...? Chief Henshaw questioned b efore he drained half of the glass of wine, . Who is who, exactly...? "Who is the young lady responsible for turning you into a statue of mockery?"

Before giving his response, Pastor Alfred grunted.

I've heard that she's a mermaid, and if that's true, she possesses a level of strength that none of us have ever witnessed before.

"It's like seeing a mermaid in real life.

I'll like to meet her." “Why?” "What does it have to do with you?" Chief Henshaw mumbled incoherently. Pastor Alfred arched his brow as Chief Henshaw drained the glass of wine, and just as Chief Henshaw started to feel uncomfortable, a stoic smile spread across his face.

As Pastor Alfred got closer to Chief Henshaw, who was now suffering from stomach aches and severe agonizing muscular spasms as a result of the wine he had taken, he asked him, "Do you truly realize who you are?"

You are an elderly, pitiful bastard who is greedy and miserable. After Chief Henshaw had endured as much as he could, he collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood as blood poured out of his lips.

"Because you were concentrating so intently on giving me instructions, you failed to see that there was strychnine in your glass."