
Monitoring Spirit

Chizzy came out, changed her clothes and made tea for us while we waited for Benneth and Fred. Ben was the first to come back. He bought rice and banga soup (ofe akwu) with lots of meats and fried fishes and plantain. 

We all ate and chattered away. We were busy with our meal when a knock came and the door opened. Fred walked in with the doctor and we all greeted them.

 Doc: Ander how are you?

 Me: I'm very fine doctor. My mouth was filled. 

Doc: Of course I can see that. We all laughed and he checked my pulse. 

Doc: Do you still feel pain anywhere?

 Me: No. Just my thighs. 

Doc: Its normal. With the injections and drugs you're taking, it'll disappear in a couple of days. You're really a very strong woman.

 Me: Thank you sir. 

Doc: I'll leave you all now. The nurses will come to you soon. 

Me: Okay. Everyone in the room thanked him before he left. That was when I took a closer look at Fred and realized he was carrying a bag. He noticed me staring and frowned his face. 

Fred: It’s wrong to stare I hope you know. 

Me: I'm sorry. 

Fred: Good. So you all didn't tell me there was a food party going on. We all laughed. 

Ben: Join us then. There's still enough in the cooler. 

Chizzy: Yes. We'll have yours later. 

Fred: If you all insist. Chizzy stood up and Fred replaced her. She served him and joined me on the bed while we all chartered away. Fred told us about himself. He was 26, born and raised in California. 

He worked with a telecommunications company there in California and was just home to see his parents who lived at Enugu but somewhere I couldn't remember the name. He said his own house was in TransEkulu and he was just going home from his parents’ house the morning he had hit me. 

I wanted to ask him why he would leave his parents house that early but I thought against it. We all said a thing or two about ourselves and that was how we all became friends. 

Surprisingly, Ben paired him with Chizzy and said they would be perfect together and he laughed, admitting that he liked Chizzy. The conversation flowed so well that we didn't know that it was afternoon till the nurse returned to give me my injections and drugs. And she came in with Daniel. 

He ignored every other person in the room and enveloped me in a warm embrace. I had never received such show of emotion from a male before who isn't related to me so I was shy.....very shy, as all eyes were on us including that of the nurse. 

When he finally released me, it was to look at me with loving eyes. 

Daniel: I'm sorry 

Me: I..... 

Chizzy: I thought you won't say that. That was when he remembered that there were other people in the room. He began talking with them while the nurse gave me my medications and left. 

Daniel: Thank you Fred for bringing her here. So many people would have left her and disappeared. To think that you've even being around all this while, helping the doctors take care of her. 

Fred: I did what every normal human being would do. 

Daniel: Thanks once again. 

Fred: You're welcome. We spent the rest of the day chatting and eating away our lives. They would take turn to help me walk around the room. It became the normal routine; Ben would bring breakfast, Fred would handle lunch while Daniel would take care of dinner. 

At night before they all left, we'll put a call to mummy through Skype and we'll all talk for long. Then when they finally leave, Chizzy and I would help ourselves to some provisions from the cupboard. I experienced so much love and affection like I've never experienced before but one thing kept on bothering me; 

Dera and her mother, they never called or checked on me. I wondered what they were doing, I wonder if they ever missed me, what will they tell the villagers happened to me? But each time I got occupied with such thoughts, Chizzy would knock me out of it. And again, while at the hospital, Daniel and I became official.



I was in the school canteen with Chizzy one afternoon after lecture, munching our meaty meatpie with a can of lacasara when I felt I was being watched.

 Its being two weeks since I left the hospital and resumed school. I had spent three more weeks at home after I was discharged, perfecting myself and learning to walk and talk like I'm royalty (trust Chizzy nau). Daniel had taken us shopping, buying me clothes, I'm sure I wouldn't finish wearing in six months, shoes (combination of heels, nickers, flats and boots), handbags, make up box (I didn't even know they used to exist),deodorants and so many things. 

I was taken to a spa where goodness knows the magic they did with my skin and my entire looks. I became a princess in three weeks. At first, I wasn't comfortable with all that but mummy (Mrs Ogba) and Chizzy always encouraged me. 

While I was being transformed to Jessica Ogba, Chizzy got admission through the supplementary form and we resumed school the next week. Did I say that Fred and Chizzy were now dating? Forgive me. 

Everyone approved of there relationship and they were perfect for each other. He and Daniel took turns to take us out for lunch. Fred had applied for a transfer to one of there companies in Nigeria (I think it was because of Chizzy).

 His transfer was not granted so he had started making plans to start his own company here in Nigeria. Life was so much fun and back to the present, I felt I was being watched. 

Me: Chizzy, look behind me please and see if you'll notice anybody giving me an odd look. 

Chizzy: Why? 

Me: I feel like I'm being watched. Chizzy stylishly looked around before resuming her eating 

Chizzy: I see no one babe. Besides, who wouldn't stare at you, with all these your hotness. She was right. I had started receiving more than enough glances and “hi” from girls who I'm sure were from rich homes. 

It was good to be rich and classy but in all that, I never let it get into my head. I still remembered who I was and I had promised myself that once I graduated from school, I'll take back everything that belonged to me. 

We had finished eating and was about stepping out when four girls walked in and stopped in front of us. I looked up at there faces and was I surprised to see Dera with them?  

Chizzy: And what's the meaning of this? I stood there, staring at each of there faces. I remembered two of the girls. They used to visit Dera back then at home.  

Dera: I'm not here for you. I'm here for my sister. Chizzy scoffed and shook her head. Everyone in the cafe had turned there attention to us. 

Chizzy: Did you just call her your sister? 

Dera: Of course she is my sister who your family took away from us. Chizzy looked at me and smiled. She held my hand and we walked away. We got to the door and she left me and returned to them. 

Chizzy: You're lucky. Very lucky that I'm in a good mood today, if not, I would have beaten you black and blue here and this nitwits you call friends won't do anything about it. Spoilt daughter of Jezebel. 

Dera: Never you call me or my mother names or....

 Chizzy: Or what? What will you do? I've even forgotten that you're a student of this school so watch closely. I'm sure you barely recognized Jessica. That's what love and care can do to someone so stick your fingers into your ass and watch how beautiful her life is now. Stop us any other day and I'll have you locked up. Bi'tch. 

Chizzy approached me and we walked out of the cafe and headed towards school gate. 

Chizzy: That girl! I'll so deal with her. Because we didn't file a case against them right. 

Me: You're angry. Calm down. We got to the bus stand and sat down.  

Me: Chizzy, why are you angry now? She's not worth it. 

Chizzy: I know but a part of me tells me that they're up to something. My instinct can never lie to me. 

Me: I.... 

Stephanie: Excuse me please. Chizzy and I turned to see a girl of our age. She was pretty and average in height. She was dressed in a jean short, jean snicker and a while crop top. Her jean jacket was tied to her waist. She had money written all over her. 

Chizzy: Hi. 

Stephanie: I'm Stephanie, from the department of social sciences. 

Chizzy: I'm Chizzy. This is my sister and best friend, Jessica, we're both studying radiology.