
Chapter Sixteen

“Someone will drive you home” George said to Jennifer.

“Okay, goodnight” She waved.

“Goodnight” They waved back.

When Jennifer got outside, and was led into a car which has obviously being waiting for her and some minutes later, they were back on the road after she had quickly purchased chips for Charles as she smiled.

She had enjoyed Rosemond company so much that she can’t wait to see her again tomorrow.

Her phone vibrated in her bag.

That must be Charles.

“She still doesn’t know how Charles will take the news of coming home only on weekends” She thought as she brought out her phone and it was madam Cash.

Hi madam Cash” Jennifer said into the phone after picking up.

"Jennifer, i have good news for you so come over to my bar now because there’s someone waiting for you.

Madam Cash, I’m sorry i didn’t tell you this but i was planning to actually but i…

This person is ready to pay your Aunt's surgical bills and also sponsor your brother” Madam Cash announced happily.

"What, What are you saying?” Jennifer asked in disbelief.

“I’m serious here Jenny, Madam Cash said.

“Who wants to pay my Aunt's surgical bill and also sponsor my brother’s education?” Jennifer asked still finding everything confusing.

“You need to come now. Let’s discuss”

“Now? I'm on my way home” .

“I’ll be waiting for you” Madam Cash said and dropped the phone while Jennifer sighed.

“Please can you drop me at Bay scope Bar?” Jennifer told the driver.

“Mr George told me to drop you at home” The driver said.

“I know but i really need to get there now and getting a cab might be difficult at this time of the night” Jennifer said while the driver sighed.

“Please, just drop me off and go. My house is close.” Jennifer said.

“Okay but i don’t know the directions” The driver said.

“I’ll direct you” Jennifer said.

“Goodnight and thank you” Jennifer thanked the driver as she alighted from the car, in front of Madam Cash bar but he only nodded and drove out.

The bar was buzzing as usual when she walked in and all eyes fell on her but she was less concerned about that.

She sighted Kingsley Marcus at the VIP section of the bar and quickly removed her gaze as she only went here to see Madam Cash and not for any other business” She thought as she rushed to Madam Cash office.

She got there and knocked.

“Come in Jennifer” Madam Cash said and Jennifer opened the door and walked into the small office..

“Hi madam Cash” She greeted as she took a sit opposite her.

The office was just occupied with three chairs surrounding a middle table, a ceiling fan and a wardrobe.

“So I’m sure you must have been so excited after hearing the news” Madam Cash said but funny enough, she had not been excited but confused and Madam Cash looks like the excited one.

“What’s the deal? You got me confused” Jennifer asked.

“Well, a millionaire just came in and offered to solve all of your problem” Madam Cash smiled.

“A Millionaire?” She asked and George suddenly came to her mind. It’s just been hours and she missed his face already.

“Yes. Kingsley Marcus” Madam Cash announced happily.

“Kingsley Marcus wants to solve my problem, what brought about that?” Jennifer asked. She doesn’t like the man and she could vividly remember the night she spent with him as she was in a haste to leave the next morning.

“Jenny, ain't you happy?” Madam Cash asked.

“I can’t be yet because i don’t know what’s going on? You mean a millionaire suddenly appeared to solve my problem. Why does he want to help me or did you tell him anything?” Jennifer asked.

“Well yes. I did” Madam Cash said.

“Why?” Jennifer asked.

“He wanted to know more about you and i felt there’s nothing wrong in that including your problems”

“Why is he suddenly interested in knowing more about me? And you know how much i hate sharing my problems everyone has responsibilities too”

“He’s a Millionaire and i feel he could be of help too.  I care about you baby girl and that’s why i did that”

“Thanks madam Cash but i don’t need his help” Jennifer said.

“What are you saying Jenny? Isn’t that the reason you’re doing this job?” Madam Cash sounded surprised because she never thought Jennifer would ever reject the offer.

She had given Kingsley the assurance that Jennifer would be so excited and now she rejected him

“Why is he suddenly interested in me? how can he offer to help me without wanting anything in return?. I  can’t accept that huge amount of money from someone all in the name of help. you know i prefer to work for my money” Jennifer said.

“Then you can be his personal whore. That’s work too, you know” Madam Cash said.

“Was it m what he suggested?” Jennifer asked.

“Not really” Madam Cash said and Jennifer laughed.

“Even if he wants to give me all the money in the world, i can never be his personal sex toy!” Jennifer said.

“So, you’re rejecting that sumptuous help?” Madam Cash asked.

“It’s no longer help if you want something in return. I don’t involve myself with such people. Even if he had wanted nothing in return, i still wouldn’t have accepted his help”

“Why? But you really need this money Jennifer” Madam Cash said.

“I really need it but I’m not desperate. ” Jennifer said and Madam Cash sighed.

“Listen Jenny, every other girl would jump at the offer” Madam Cash said.

“I am not every other girl but Jennifer Williams” Jennifer licked her lips.

“But Jenny, this job you’re doing would never fetch you the surgical bills and your brother”

Madam Cash was about saying but Jennifer interrupted

“Well, I now have a job that can pay my Aunt's surgical bill and also help with my brother’s education” Jennifer said smiling happily that she accepted George's job offer, she can’t just wait to get back to the house tomorrow.


“Yes, i now work as a nanny”

“A nanny?” Madam Cash interrupted with an irritated look.

“Yes, I’m Rosemond's nanny George Agia's daughter” Jennifer said proudly.

“George Agia” Madam Cash exclaimed.

“Yes and my pay for two months already covered my Aunt's surgical bills”

My God, are you serious?” Madam Cash asked with her eyes widely opened.

“Yes, I’m sorry i didn’t tell you earlier I just resumed today”

“No, it’s fine” Madam Cash smiled.

”And congratulations on your new job” She added.

“Thanks, i need to go now because i really have to be there early tomorrow morning” Jennifer said as she got on her feet and glanced at the wall clock.

“Whoa, it’s late already” Jennifer said.

“I’m so happy for you Jenny” Madam Cash said getting on her feet .

“Thank you” Jennifer smiled.

“And do tell Mr George to patronize me more often” Madam Caah said, smiling happily.

She knew Agia George is more wealthy than Kingsley Marcus.

“I don’t think he’s the bar going type though” Jennifer shrugged.

“Well thanks for everything Madam Cash, i really appreciate” Jennifer hugged her.

“It’s fine just that I'll miss you around here” Madam Cash said a bit sad. People loved Jennifer and she was the girl always fetching money for her because wealthy people do go for her and Madam Cash always had her huge share. But now, she’s so happy that she has a more decent job although she wasn’t happy with the job initially but she had to do it since nothing else was working out.

“Bye” Jennifer waved before walking out of the office.

Kingsley Marcus sat in the VIP section of Bay scope bar, sipping a quite expensive wine with four bodyguards around him.

He had seen Jennifer go in and he was impatiently waiting for her to come out with Madam Cash.

He had made that offer so she could leave George's mansion as

Sam had told him it seems George has a special liking for Jennifer.

He had made her dine in his personal dining room and that says a lot because George does not allow his workers there and he hates being interrupted while eating according to Sam.

His plans to pull Harold down the mud keeps failing!

So, taking everything he likes should hurt him.

He knows the so called lady would accept his offer, all he needs to do now is aim for George's daughter.

Kingsley laughed out loud, imagining what George's life would be after that.

He so much detest the fact that people love George more than him and George always gets the highest vote in everything.

Kingsley covered the frown on his face with a smile when he saw Jennifer approaching then he wondered why Madam Cash wasn't with her but he discarded the thoughts as he accessed her physique and admired how sexy she looks and he’s going to have a taste of her tonight.

“Someone is coming to sit on that chair” Kingsley said, pointing to a chair opposite him and one of his bodyguards quickly wiped it clean while Jennifer walked past his table without sparing him a glance.

"What just happened here Kingsley said as he turned to confirm if she really walked out of the door.

“What the hell” Kingsley cursed standing up and headed towards Madam Cash office while his bodyguards trailed behind him.

He was close to her office when Madam Cash came out

“What happened? That lady walked past my table without even sparing me a glance”

“Well, she rejected your offer” Madam Cash sighed.

“What?” Kingsley Marcus asked in disbelief.

“Yea,  that lady is not like most ladies. She prefers to work for her own money” Madam Cash said leaving

Kingsley shocked because he never expected her to reject such a huge offer. Who rejects such amount of money to continue being a nanny?

“Do you want anything else? because I have to attend to other customers” Madam Cash said and waited for few seconds but when Kingsley didn't respond, she walked away.

Kingsley was shocked because he had thought every other lady was like Maria but he found something different and interesting

“Let’s move” He said to his bodyguards and they left the bar.

“I’m home” Jennifer announced happily, walking into the living room where she saw her Aunt together with Charles

“Hi mum” Jennifer pecked her Aunt.

“Welcome Jenny” Mrs Simon smiled. She was very excited seeing Jennifer wear such a huge smile It means the day had gone well.

“What took you so long? Is this how you’ll be returning home late?” Charles asked.

“Hey Charlie, my day was good and thanks for asking” Jennifer said rolling her eyes.

“Ohh I’m sorry but i was so worried and i don’t want you returning by this time of the night everyday” Charles said.

“Fine, get me a glass cup of water first, there’s something we all need to discuss” Jenn said sitting on the couch.

“Ok sis” Charles stood up and walked to the kitchen while

Jennifer dropped her bag, removed her shoes, before releasing her hair down her shoulders.

“I’m surprised you’re not asleep yet” She said to her aunt knowing she sleeps early.

“I can’t be asleep knowing you’re not back on your first day of work. So how was it?” Her Aunt asked

“It was perfect mum I can’t wait to go back tomorrow” Jennifer smiled.


“Yes mum”

”I’m so glad you've finally gotten a job that you’re happy about.”

“Me too Mum” Jennifer said feeling nervous because she was yet to tell them about moving in tomorrow to George's house. She doesn’t even know how they’ll take it as questions like who would stand by her Aunt when Charles is in school keeps popping then she hissed because she never thought of that.

Charles served her a chilled glass cup of water and she quickly gulped it down her throat.

“Thanks” She sighed.

“Here, check my bag for your chips” Jennifer said passing her bag to him.

“Thanks sis” Charles smiled, bringing out the chips in instantly as he tore off the seal and began to eat.

“I don’t need to ask how your first day was, i can already tell” Charles said.

“Of course it was awesome but” Jennifer paused.

“What?” Charles and Mrs Simon chorused.

“I'll have to be a live-in nanny and i only get to come home on weekends” Jennifer announced sadly.

“What?” Charles and their Aunt asked.

“Yes, I’m not also comfortable with the idea because no one will stay with you?” Jennifer said worriedly. and they all became silent for some minutes before Charles finally spoke up.

“You’ll be home on weekends right? there’s no problem with that because I’ll start coming back early from school to take care of Aunt. Just go to work and raise money for her surgery, leave the rest to me” Charles said.

“Yeah, go ahead Jenny and don’t worry about me. I’m capable of taking care of myself and Charles is also capable of taking care of me” Mrs Simon assured.

“Will you guys be fine?” Jennifer asked still worried.

“Of course sis. You’re talking like you’ll be gone for years” Charles said.

“This will be the first time I’ll be coming home only on weekends” Jennifer pouted like a little kid.

“Com’on Jenny, we’ll be fine” Mrs Simon assured.

“Okay mum. Charlie, don't think you now have the freedom to bring anyone into the house and end up making them cry” Jennifer glared at him.

“What do you mean?” Charles rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, come with me to my room, you’ll need to help me pack but first take mum to bed while i go freshen up” Jennifer said, picking her shoes and bags before getting up..

“Goodnight Mum” She kissed her Aunt on the cheeks.

“Night Jenny” Mrs Simon said and Charles wheeled her to her room.

Jennifer laid on her bed after after bathing, scribbling the day event into her diary while Charlse helped her pack as

she gisted him some more before they both went to bed .

The next morning Jennifer hurriedly prepared to work along with her luggage and when she arrived, George was about going out.

“Good morning Mr George” Jennifer greeted when she alighted from the car he sent to pick her. He looked all dressed up for work and she never thought he could go to work this early.

“Good morning Mr George” Jennifer greeted again thinking he didn't hear her the first time she greeted. But he just entered his car like he didn't even see her.


“What could be wrong?” Jennifer thought as she walked towards the door then she turned and saw that the car has already left the compound. She’s so sure he must have heard her, he even glanced at her but she could tell he was pissed by something or did one of his workers piss him off? Jennifer thought as she walked into the living room and met Jean.