
Chapter Seventeen

“Good morning Jean” Jennifer greeted.

“Good morning Jennifer” Jean replied smiling.

“Thank God You’re finally here I'll welcome you officially later” Jean said.

“Thank you. But did anyone annoy Mr George?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes, i think so” Jean said.

“Ohh ok” Jennifer nodded slowly.

“He didn’t respond to your greetings right?” Jean asked.

“Yea but how did you know?” Jennifer asked.

“I just guessed” Jean said, already knowing Jennifer was the one who pissed him off because George won’t respond to your greetings when he’s pissed with you so she wondered what Jennifer must have done just within a space of yesterday night and this morning.

“I should go meet Rosemond” Jennifer said.

“Yeah, your luggage will be taken to your room” Jean said.

“Okay, thanks” Jennifer said and started walking to Rosemond's room. She met some workers on the way and greeted them and they all responded nicely that she couldn’t wait to be introduced to them all because Jean had said there will be a formal introduction today.

Jennifer knocked gently when she got to Rosemond's door.

“Who’s there?” Rosemond asked.

“Your nanny” Irene said.

“Irene, Come in” Rosemond said and Irene smiled as she opened the door and walked in .

“Good morning to you” She said to Rosemond who smiled.

“Good morning Miss Jennifer” Rosemond said as she just finished bathing and she had a towel wrapped around her body.

“I’m sorry i wasn’t here early enough to bath you” Jennifer said.

“No, i bath myself. You can only dress me up” Rosemond said.

“Really? Is that in your rules booklet?” Jennifer asked.

“Of course, i think you really need to go through it once more. I knew you can’t take it in at once. They are way too much” Rosemond said.

“You know that too?” Jennifer asked.

“Of course”

“Then why did you make them that much?” Jennifer asked.

“Some nannies do overstep their bounds and that’s why i had to set a boundary” Rosemond said, passing Jennifer her body cream.

“But I’ve not washed my hands” Jennifer said.

“Just apply this on my body but please you should always wash your hands before coming into my room” Rosemond said although she has no problem with Jennifer touching her without washing her hands because she always look neat, just like her dad and Jean.

“Okay” Jennifer said as she took the body cream from Rosemond and started applying it smoothly on the girl’s skin without applying pressure on it because Rosemond's skin felt like diamond beneath her touch .

Her skin glowed more after Jennifer was done so she proceeded to dressing her up and they were done in a matter of minutes.

Rosemond wore her shoes while Jennifer grabbed one of her hair combs.

“Only Jean and my dad touches my hair” Rosemond said.

“Okay” Jennifer said dropping the comb disappointedly because she had wanted to make a very beautiful style for Rosemond. Nevertherless she picked Rosemond's school bag and helped her wear it.

“So we’re set” Jennifer smiled.

“Yeah” Ivory said staring at herself in the mirror with a satisfied look because Jennifer had dressed her up so nicely.

“Come go have your breakfast” Jennifer said, glancing at the wall clock while Rosemond nodded and carried a comb before they both walked out of the room.

Rosemond finished having her breakfast and Jean helped her comb and packed her hair into a simple ponytail then she was set to go.

“Bye Jean” She waved as Jennifer led her to the door.

“Bye Baby” Jean smiled and watched the both of them walked out of the door. Jennifer saw a beautiful Benz parked outside as they stepped out. "Wow" she exclaimed but she has never seen this in the compound maybe It must have been in the garage.

“Is this your car?” She asked Rosemond who nodded.

“It’s beautiful” Jennifer complimented.

“Yeah it is, thanks” Rosemond said.

Jennifer saw the driver was in the car already, the backseat door was opened by a guard who looked so fierce and she wondered where Mr George found all these hard looking men who could scare the hell out of someone!

“Good morning Rosemond” the man greeted in a deep voice that was just as thick as his face.

“Good morning Dominic” Rosemond smiled as she got into the back seat and dropped her school bag beside her .

“Miss Jennifer, ain't you coming?” Rosemond asked.

“What? Am i supposed to go with you?” Jennifer asked.

“Of course” Rosemond said.

“You really need to study the rules booklet” She added.

“Yeah” Jennifer said hoping in beside Rosemond.

The bodyguard closed the car door and Jennifer widened her eyes when he got into the front seat and the driver drove to the gate which opened automatically.

“Is he supposed to go with us?” Jennifer whispered to Rosemond who laughed.

“Yeah, Sam is my personal bodyguard, he goes with me everywhere” Rosemond whispered back.

“And he doesn’t scare you?” Jennifer asked in a whisper.

“No, he actually has a soft side to him. His heart is not as fierce as his face, he’s so nice and loving”

“Really?” Jennifer asked.

“Yes. Hey Sam, meet Miss Jennifer my nanny” Rosemond said.

“Hi Jennifer, i heard all your whispers” He smiled turning to her.

“What?” Jennifer said as she swallowed hard because two things surprised her, the fact that he heard all she whispered and that he smiled. She never pictured him as a smiling man and she must be sincere he looked less fierce now.

“I’m sorry about that, i never meant to say that behind you” Jennifer pleaded.

“It’s fine. So I’m Sam, Rosemond's personal bodyguard” Sam said stretching out his hand effortlessly from the front seat.

“I’m Jennifer, Rosemond's nanny and it's really nice meeting you” Jennifer said accepting his outstretched hand.

"Damn, his hands are strong" Jennifer complained assuring

herself that those hands could easily break objects into two.

“Same here” Sam said.

“I know you do a good job in protecting Rosemond” Jennifer said.

“I’m trying my best because Rosemond is my friend and I’ll ensure sure no harm comes to her” Sam guaranteed.

“He has been my personal bodyguard for three years now and has saved me from being kidnapped multiple times” Rosemond said.

“Wow, really?” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah” Rosemond said and Jennifer could see why George entrusted Rosemond to him but was still worried that George refused responded to her greetings. Even if he was pissed by someone, he should have at least responded to her greetings because she wasn’t the person who annoyed him.

“Meet Dominic as well, my chauffeur” Rosemond said.

“Hi Dominic” Jennifer said.

“Hi Jennifer, welcome to Rosemond's world” he said still focused on driving.

“Thank you” Jennifer smiled.

“We’re almost at my school” Rosemond said excitedly.

“Really?” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah” Rosemond said putting her iPad back into her bag,

carried her school bag as the driver drove into a wide opened gate.

Sam came down to open the door for them and they both alighted then Jennifer marveled at the sight of Rosemond's school.

Looking at it alone will tell you it’s  not for the poor as students alighted from different exotic cars. Securities were everywhere and the students looked well organized as they walked into a passageway.

The structure was amazing and the outer part had left her speechless that she began to wonder what the inner part would do to her.

“Am I supposed to follow you to your class right?” Jennifer asked Rosemond.

“No you don’t have to, Sam will” Rosemond said.

“Ohh okay” Jennifer said and sat back in the car as she watched them leave. She sighed, watching the students admiringly as everyone sure has different childhood.

“Hi” Dominic jolted her out of her thoughts.

“Hey” she responded.

“Do you feel bored?”

“Not really” Jennifer smiled.

“Should i tune in some beats?” He asked and Jennifer shrugged because she’s not much of a music person but not waiting for her consent Dominic started playing a soft music then Jennifer allowed her mind to wander away.

When they got home, she and Sam alighted from the car while Dominic drove into the garage.

“See you later” Sam said, walking away.

“Yeah” Jennifer replied, walking to the door as thoughts of her aunt beclouded her mind. She missed her Aunt and she wondered what she’ll be doing now, probably knitting.

“Hey, you’re back” Jean said to her as she walked into the living room.


“Your luggage has been taken to your room already so come with me let me show you to your room”

“Alright then” Jennifer said anxiously walking behind Jean.

She's willing to accept any room given to her but she loves it when a room is cozy. After they climbed the stairs, Jean stopped by the door right after Rosemond's.

“This is your room” She said handing the key to Jennifer.

“Thank you” Jennifer said and inserted the key into the lock and when the door opened, Jennifer took in a breath before stepping in.

The cozy nature of the room embraced her first and the room was well furnished, the bed spread looked so soft and inviting, then there was a bedside table and a lamp.

The floor was tiled but there’s a colourful round rug placed in the middle. She has a dressing chair and a table with an oval mirror before it. The size of the wardrobe looks just so right for the room and the curtain matched with the color of the center rug together with the wall.

The opened windows allowed rays of sunshine and everything looks just so beautiful.

“I hope you like your room?” Jean asked.

“I totally love it” Jennifer grinned.

“I'm glad you like it also, that’s the door to the bathroom and that’s the door connecting you to Rosemond's room” Jean said.

“Ohh okay”

“Fine then, I’ll leave you now and once you’re fully settled come meet me so I’ll introduce you to others and also show you round the building” Jean said.

“Okay Jean, thanks a lot” Jennifer said

Jean smiled as she walked out of the door while Jennifer walked towards the door adjoining Rosemond's room, she pulled it open and there was Rosemond's room.

"Wow" She exclaimed as she hummed happily and transferred her clothes from the case to the drawer and the closet.

She gathered her toiletries and fresh clothes before heading to the bathroom to wear a more comfortable outfit before going to meet Jean.

Jennifer returned to her room after she was introduced to other workers and also shown half of the whole building.

The building was very large that Jennifer became exhausted tired and told Jean she’ll continue the next day although, she have to admit that all Jean showed her almost made her cry.

She wondered the amount of money used to set up this place and this isn’t the only building Mr George has.

Jean had advised her to go take a nap before Rosemond comes back and that’s exactly what she’s going to do.

She laid on the soft silky bed and stared at the sky-coloured ceiling before exclaiming in happiness

"I'm finally here" 

If she had been told she’ll be here, she would never have believed.

Few days ago she never pictured herself to be a nanny in a millionaire's house. It takes just seconds for things to transform and she's very happy to be here but she misses her family. She had told Charles to call her everyday as she was at the verge of crying when she left them in the morning.

She doesn’t know why she felt so comfortable being here because she's helplessly in love with her new environment.

Jennifer helped Jean in the kitchen after she finished napping.

Jean had insisted on making lunch all by herself but Jennifer had also insisted on helping her. They talked and laughed like they’ve known each other for years.

“Rosemond will be back soon” Jean said glancing at the wall clock in the kitchen.

“Yeah” Jennifer said, knowing Sam already went to pick her.

Lunch is ready and they were starting to dish it out.

Jean called on two maids to take the lunch to their dining room while she started dishing out theirs.

They were setting the dining table when Rosemond walked in.

“I’m back” She said and Jennifer smiled.

“Welcome little” Jean said.

“How was school?” Jennifer asked.

“Great as usual.” Rosemond grinned.

“Come, let’s go get you changed so you can have your lunch” Jennifer said holding Rosemond's wrist.

“I've washed my hands already” Jennifer added and Rosemond smiled as they both started walking up the stairs.

“You’ve been shown to your room right?” Rosemond asked.

“Yes and i love it” Jennifer said.


“Of course, it’s lovely” Jennifer said.

“I’m glad you do”Rosemond said and immediately took off her clothes to bath the moment they got into her room.

She was in the shower while Jennifer prepared what she’ll wear. She helped her select a pink blouse and black mini skirt together with a pink footwear to match with it.

Rosemond stepped out of the bathroom drying her body with towel while Jennifer carried her body cream.

“I don’t use body cream when I’m at home, i use body oil and it’s in my drawer” Rosemond said.

“Ohh ok” Jennifer said as she opened Rosemond's drawer and pulled out the body oil.

They sat in the dining room after Rosemond was done getting changed while Jean started dishing out the meal.

“Aren’t we gonna wait for Mr George?” Jennifer asked.

“He might return in the night” Rosemond answered her.

“Yeah, he doesn’t have a specific time” Jean added.

“Ohh” Jennifer said and they all started eating in silence.

The dining room door suddenly opened and George stepped in but Jennifer couldn’t tell why she suddenly felt nervous.

“Daddy!” Rosemond called excitedly rushing to hug him then

he smiled and pulled his daughter into a warm embrace and  pecked her cheeks.

“How are you?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” Rosemond said, shoving a piece of meat in his mouth.

“You’re dressed up so nicely” George commented.

“Yes, Jennifer did the job” Rosemond said.

“Ohh, go continue your lunch” George said to Rosemond.

“Welcome George, you’re quite early today” Jean said.

“Yes, how are you Jean?” He asked.

“I’m good and how was work” Jean asked.

“Okay” George said.

“Good afternoon Mr George” Jennifer greeted but he refused to answer her instead he replied differently

“I should go change and join you guys” George said, totally ignoring Jennifer and he walked out of the dining room leaving her confused.

“What did i do to him?” She asked Jean because his action  made her lost appetite.

“Sincerely, i don’t know” Jean sighed while Jennifer swallowed hard, trying not to cry.

After dinner Jennifer sat on her dressing chair staring at her reflection in the mirror after putting Rosemond to bed. It’s night already and almost everyone has gone to bed but she wasn't even feeling a bit sleepy. Her eyes lit up when she remembered Jean had shown her George's library earlier.