
Chapter 30

"fried noodles, millet gruel, and red bean cake." Jean described the dishes 

"Ohh okay." George said

"Dad, please have someone bring me some ice cream because my favorite animation is about to begin" Rosemond said.

"All ok" George said.

“Good morning Mr George” Jennifer smiled delightedly.

She was so happy to have resumed and she was more happy to see the face she missed most. She was just walking into the living room and she had seen George ready to leave for work .

“Mr?” George raised a brow.

“Ohh good morning George” Jennifer said and the workers around glanced up in surprise.

“Good how’re you Jenny?” George asked trying not to show his excitement because he was so glad to see her again and damn! She looks more beautiful.

She was putting on a silk top and black tight fitting jeans with her hair packed in a ponytail with tendrils framing her smooth face. No make up but yet she looked stunning and that made his heart yearn for her more.

“How’s Charles?” George asked and Jennifer was surprised that he remembered her brother’s name.

“He’s fine” She said.

“And your mum?” He asked.

“She’s fine too and they both sent their greetings”

“Ohhh okay” George said.

“Rosemond is in her room” He added.

“Okay, i will go see her now” Jennifer smiled.

“Bye” George said.

“Bye and have a nice day” Jennifer said and

George walked out of the door with two bodyguards behind him, smiling because he knows he was going to have a good day.

Jennifer exchanged greetings with Jean in the kitchen and they chatted for some minutes before she finally left for Rosemond's room. She dropped her bag in her room and then walked in through the adjoined door.

“Rosemond, I’m here!” She called happily and 

Rosemond who just finished bathing ran into her arms in excitement.

Jennifer sat in the kitchen with Jean, having just returned from dropping Rosemond off at school and eating her breakfast while conversing with her.

"How is your mother and brother?" Jean inquired.

"They're both fine, they sent greetings to everyone" Jennifer said. 

"I assume Rosemond already got her sweater," Jean speculated.

"I already presented it to her, and she was ecstatic." Jennifer grinned as she said, 

"She'll put it on when she gets home from school because she couldn't stop talking about the sweater" Jean added.

“Really?” Jennifer laughed heartily.

"Yes," says Jean

"But do you know what made her adore it even more?" Jennifer inquired.

“What?” Jean inquired.

"It's the color, because It's her favorite" Jennifer explained and

Jean chuckled.

"Wow, she'd be utterly enamored with it." Jean added

"Yeah, she will" Jennifer was about speaking when she was interrupted by a maid.

"Hello," Jennifer began and the maid nodded making Jennifer wonder what was up with the attitude, as it wasn't the first time this maid had been rude to her.

Who cares, right?

"What are you looking for?" Jean inquired of Nelly.

"Is it forbidden for me to take a glass of water?" Nelly inquired with her voice harsh.

"I never said anything, I merely asked what you wanted," Jean responded angrily.

Jennifer wondered why they both sounded mean to each other until Nelly picked a bottle of water from the fridge and then walked out of the kitchen.

“What’s with her?” Jennifer asked.

“I just don’t trust her” Jean said.

“Really?” Jennifer asked and that made her think of Dominic.

She wondered why Jean wasn’t seeing Dominic the way she was.

Maybe he wasn't that bad but her mind kept suspecting him and

she was still deliberating about warning George about Dominic because he really needs to be more careful.

“I love it!!” Rosemond giggled happily after putting on the beautiful sweater as Mrs Simon had applied some pretty pearl buttons on it.

Jennifer smiled, the sweater fitted Rosemond perfectly and the purple color made her caramel skin stand out. She had made her wear white mini skirt and purple footwear to match.

A white hairband was holding her hair loosely and Jennifer really felt proud of herself to have made Rosemond this beautiful.

She felt like a mother already when the little Rosemond stood in front of her large mirror, checking herself out.

“I need to take some pictures. My phone please” Rosemond grinned and they ended up taking so many beautiful pictures together and they were both smiling as they walked downstairs for lunch.

Rosemond showed off her new sweater to everyone while Jennifer smiled and to Jennifer's delight, George was early enough to join them for lunch.

He so much loved the sweater on Rosemond and he thanked Jennifer also everyone admired the sweater and that made Rosemond showed it off proudly and took more pictures with it.

After supper, George waited in the library for Jennifer. He was so scared that he didn't know how he was going to tell her that he was going to a dinner party that one of his business associates had invited him to and its tomorrow.

He would have gone alone normally, but the dinner party is only for couples, and he doesn't even have a wife.

"Should i enlist the help of one of the maids?" George asked himself but his heart kept screaming Jennifer's name.

Wouldn't he had taken another person if she hadn't started working with him?

After putting Rosemond to sleep, Jennifer gently strolled out of her room into the library, she was dressed in her nightgown which was a more decent one compared to the previous one Charles packed for her.

She wanted to meet George In the library because she yearned for the times they read together in front of the fire.

But when she was descending the stairs, she became aware of how slick the ground was under her feet. Her next step lifted her feet off the ground and lifted her entire body into the air.

She couldn't scream, and the thought that any part of her body may be damaged made her mind tremble.

She accepted her fate and braced herself for the anguish she'd feel when her body collided with the hard earth.

George stepped out of the library after he got tired of waiting because it seems Jennifer wasn't joining him tonight.

"I'm going tell her about the dinner party tomorrow" George said

Jennifer resigned to fate waiting for the pain she was going to feel once her body hits the hard ground and she closed her eyes tightly as she felt her body hit the ground.

It was hard but not as hard as she had expected and she could tell no part of her body was hurt.

She was surprised she could land this safely and she felt the ground breathing.

"The ground is breathing, am i dreaming? Jennifer asked herself as her eyes were still closed but they snapped open the moment she heard the voice she didn’t even think she could hear at that strange moment.

“Are you okay?” George asked that was when Jennifer realised she was in his arms and not on the floor

No wonder she didn't sustain any injury so she sighed in relief still looking into George's eye hence he saved her

She could see in his eyes how worried he was truly looking intensely at her.

“Thank you” She said as he slowly put her down on her feet.

Her feet weren’t stable for a while so she had to hold the stairs rail for support.

“Are you okay?” George asked again and she nodded.

She didn’t know if the result of her heart beating so fast was because George was so near or the fact that she had nearly broken her bones.

“Come have some water to calm your nerves” George said.

“What really happened?” George asked and Jennifer sighed.

She felt better after she had taken water and was now seated in the library with George.

“I was coming to the library after i succeeded in putting Rosemond to bed when i slipped, but how did you catch me? I never expected someone would come to my rescue” Jennifer said and George smiled proudly, even though his heart had been in his throat when he saw her falling and he had ensured that he was fast enough to prevent her body from hitting the ground.

“I was returning to my room when I saw you but i didn’t even know where i got that strength and speed from” George said.

“Thanks anyway, i can’t even imagine what would have happened to me” Jennifer said deeply bothered.

“My stairs is not always that slippery and I specially made it non slippery because of Rosemond.

Did you add some things beneath your footwear or were you walking so fast on the stairs?”

“No, nothing was beneath my footwear but I think it has something to do with the stairs” Jennifer said so sure of what she was saying.

If something slippery was truly beneath her footwear, she would have slipped the moment she walked out of Rosemond's room. George had gone back to the stairs to find what made her slip but he didn't find anything and she was also pushed into the pool the other day, who wants her dead in this house?

She should leave but she haven’t even gotten her aunt's surgery bills.

“I think someone might have mistakenly spilled water on the stairs” George said.

“They should have cleaned it dry knowing it’s going to hurt someone” Jennifer said.

“Of course, I’m going to call them together tomorrow but we aren’t even sure someone truly spilled water or anything slippery on the stairs ” George said.

“Just let it go. ” Jennifer sighed.


“Sure” she shrugged.

“Are you feeling better now?” George asked and she nodded even if she was still shaken by what happened.

“I actually thought you wouldn’t be joining me in the library tonight but as fate would have it” George said completing his statement with a smile and Jennifer found herself smiling too.

“I missed reading in front of the fireplace and all” Jennifer said

“Ohh, I would be sincere, i actually missed reading with you” George said.

“Hmm…I’m flattered” Jennifer said dramatically and they laughed.

“So, I was invited to a dinner party strictly for couples and it’s a must go for me” George said.

“Ohh… don’t worry about leaving Rosemond in my care. I will take good care of her” Jennifer said.

“Of course i know but the party is strictly for couples” George said.

“You said that earlier” Jennifer said not really getting the picture.

“There’s no one to go with me” George said but normally he would have taken one his staffs but he wants Jennifer to go with him this time.

“Oh ok” Jennifer pressed her lips together.

“Yeah” George said expecting her to offer to go with him because other ladies would have jumped at the opportunity but she wasn't even saying anything.

“So what do we do?” Jennifer finally asked.

“I don’t know” George said.

“You can ask one of your workers to go with you” Jennifer said.

“That’s what I'll do” George said.

“Alright then, I promise to take good care of…” but Jennifer didn't complete her statement as she was interrupted by George's question

“Will you go with me?” George cut through her words.

“Please” He added.

“Why?” she asked blushing terribly.

“Because I want you to go with me” George said.

“Who’s going to take care of Rosemond?” Jennifer asked stuttering because a millionaire just asked her to be his date.

She knows it was just for a night but damn she felt tiny gymnasts dancing in her stomach already as felt so honored that George chosed her over hundreds of his female staffs.

“Jennifer, it’s a dinner party and you must have put Rosemond to bed before we leave” George said.

“Okay I will go with you” She said.

“Thank you” George said smiling as he concealed his excitement.

“Yes, no lady can refuse me because I'm George Agia” He boasted to himself.

“So, input your shoe and dress size in here and choose the make up artist you’d like to make you up. ” George said stretching his phone to her.

“No, i don’t need a dress nor shoes because I have lots of them” Jennifer said.

“What?” George asked and Jennifer smiled.

“You’re probably thinking they won’t be beautiful enough for the party. I know a millionaire date has to appear stunning ” Jennifer said.

“Exactly” George said.

“Well, I have beautiful dresses i made for myself that even most females would kill to own. I’m a fashion designer and when it comes to dresses, i rock ” Jennifer boasted and George stared at her in disbelief because he was wowed.

He never knew her to be this boastful and for her to have boasted right now, it means she’s so sure of what she’s saying.

She looked so proud when she mentioned being a fashion designer and that passion showed deeply in her eyes.

“And as for shoes, i have no problem with that too. Do not bother about inviting a make up artist over, i do my make up myself even if i don’t have the best equipment”

“Wow” George smiled. “What of your hair?” he asked again

“Leave that to me” Jennifer smiled and George felt like hugging her.

“Thank you” He said.

“For what exactly?” Jennifer asked.

“For being so different” George said and she smiled.

“So, what day is the party?” She asked.

“On Thursday” George responded.

“I’ll be going home tomorrow” Jennifer said.

“Why?” He asked.

“To pick the dress, shoes and other necessary things” Jennifer said.

“Dont you have them here?” George asked

“No, who would have thought a millionaire would ask me to be his date” Jennifer said and George laughed.

“A millionaire isn’t my name though” He said.

“But it’s the status you hold” Jennifer said and he shrugged.

“So you would go home after dropping Rosemond in school right?”


“I know you would want to spend some time with your mum but please be home before Rosemond arrives from school” George pleaded with a smile

“Of course I will” Jennifer said.

“Si, the time has been far spent” George said glancing at the wall clock.

"We should go to bed then, Good night George" Jennifer said

"Have a lovely night rest Jenny" George responded and they left for their respective rooms.

The next morning when Rosemond was ready for school, she left in the company of Jennifer and co.

“Bye” Jennifer waved at Rosemond as Sam led her to her class.

“Bye Miss Jenny and uncle Mark” Rosemond waved back at them.

They sat back in the car in silence, waiting for Sam until

Mark tuned in some music while they waited for Sam till he arrives.

“Dont you want to pass that street, It’s a shorter route” Sam said to Mark

“Mr George instructed i drop Jennifer at her house after we’ve dropped Rosemond” Mark said.

“Ok” Sam said as they were heading home after dropping Rosemond in school.