
Chapter 25

So sad, she never knew Jennifer was an orphan and she must have gone through a lot.

"What really happened? Was it an accident?" Jean asked sadly.

"No, my mum died years before my dad, she died of cardiac arrest while my dad died when his fashion store crumbled" Jennifer said.

"That's so sad, I'm so sorry about that Jenny, you must have gone through a lot" Jean said close to tears as well.

"Of course" Jennifer smiled sadly. 

"But thankfully it's a phase and we've passed" Jennifer said as she cleaned her tears. 

"But, do You have siblings?" Jean asked.

"Just one, my younger brother. Charles and but we also have our aunt as well too" Jennifer replied smiled.



"I hope she wasn't mean to you guys" Jean asked. 

"Not at all, she's been a great mum to us" Jennifer said.

"Wow, I'm glad" Jean smiled.

"Come on stop the tears" She urged Jennifer who nodded.

"Life has it's ups and downs Jenny but one just have to live with what life has to offer. I'm now your big sister, mother and friend Jennifer and you can confide in me anytime any day okay?" Jean said and Jennifer nodded. 

"Thanks Jean" she sniffed.

"You're most welcome darling" Nola said.

"We should do something about Mr George, I'm afraid those people sending death threats might end up carrying it out" Jennifer said, pushing her food away because she lost her appetite already.

"So what are we going to do?" Nola asked.

"You mean that little boy said so?!" Kingsley thundered.

"Yes boss" Philip, the bodyguard who had approached Charles said

"And he was so serious, not weak as we thought boss" Philip added.

"Shut the hell up are you now afraid of him? Someone you should have killed right on that spot" Kingsley hissed.

"I'm sorry boss" Philip bowed.

"Sorry for yourself and get the hell out of my sight" Kingsley said and Philip bowed before scurrying away while Kingsley paced his room with a fierce look.

"How can that poor thing threaten me?" Like what the hell!

"Now is the time to carry out the real threat" He laughed wickedly.

"About the nanny right?" Maria asked as she was fully made up, applying more lip gloss. She permed her lips together and smiled, satisfied with her look.

Her breast were almost spilling from the scarlet bustier she wore beneath a red mini gown and she wore a red heels to match and her dyed blonde hair was well permed making

her look seductively beautiful.

"Yes the nanny, Dominic told me she's not even prepared to leave that job even after we scared her with the gunshot" Kingsley said as his body hardened at Maria's sight and

he felt like having her right now.

"Ohh, fine then" Maria smiled as she selected a little black purse and grabbed her phone as well.

"How do i look?" She asked Kingsley

"Sexy" Kingsley drawled.

"Don't give me that look, you can't have me now. George is going to first" Maria giggled because

She was going to seduce George as it was part of their second plan.

"Okay okay, just go" Kingsley said, planning to call a sex worker over when she's gone.

"Okay, bye" she grinned as she looked at herself for the last time in the mirror.

"Ohh my God, he won't be able to resist me" She thought excitedly.

I'm finally getting him back. Maria thought as she entered her car and drove straight to George's company. When she arrived the office and entered to see him, she was greeted with a different treatment.

"Get the hell out of my office! You wench" George yelled, chasing the shocked Maria out of his office.

He wondered who allowed her in If it was at his other company, he's very sure his secretary wouldn't have allowed her in.

But here, they still regarded her as his wife.

"George, are you sending me out of your office after everything we've shared?" Maria asked with a trembling voice.

She still couldn't believe George rejected her after all her efforts. He hadn't even spared her a glance including her breasts which he had always loved, looked worthless to him now.

"I can't believe you'd be this cheap. You've actually gotten worst Maria and that guy is doing you no good" George said beating his fingers on his glass table.

"How dare you say I'm cheap" Maria said.

"Because you are and it's so obvious that you came here to seduce me.

Who the hell seduces a man she divorced" George asked flatly.

"I wasn't in my right senses then" Maria said looking down at her feet in fake remorse.

"Well, thank God you have your senses back. Will you kindly leave now or i involve the securities" George said.

"George, please I'm sorry" Maria said trying desperately for tears to flow because she knows George will always fall for her tears then, she'd use her tears to obtain things from him .

"Mrs Marcus" George mocked and Maria swore under her breath

truly regretting her actions.

"Don't try to fake your tears because i will never fall for it again" George said and Maria sniffed pretending to search her purse for a handkerchief.

She deliberately made her car key fall  then bent down to pick it slowly with all the seductive move she can ever think of but George laughed and punched some numbers in his intercom and placed the receiver on his ear.

"Hey you, I have an unwanted person in my office so come lead her out please" He said into the phone and Maria quickly straightened up from her seductive post.

"Okay sir" The receiver responded and George dropped the phone glancing at Maria.

"What a waste, you should have tried all these seductive moves when i haven't gotten over you"

George said pressing his lips together.

"I wasn't trying to seduce you my car key fell down" Maria snapped"

"Well, only a fool would believe that" George said and the door opened with three securities walking in.

"Are you seriously going to allow them lead me out?" Maria asked embarrassed knowing she had completely made a fool of herself and now the little pride she had was gone.

She shouldn't have suggested this in the first place but she didn't know George would be able to resist her.

"You better leave quietly with them because they have no mercy at all. They'll push you out if you last one more minute" George said settling back on his chair and Maria walked out with the securities and the door was shut.

George sighed and stared at the files in front of him about his thoughts went far about Maria what if she had tried this when he hadn't gotten over her then he would have fallen for it and of course accepted her back but thank goodness that it is in the past now.

He doesn't even want anything to do with her again and he had planned to make the court completely deny her access to her daughter but that'll be unfair because no matter how bad she is, she still deserves to see her Rosemond once in a while.

"But did he seriously resist those breasts?" George thought and laughed because those breasts had always made him crazy then.

Well, he should call Sam and ask how the morning went and he really hoped nothing unusual happened again and the agents promised to get back to him tomorrow.

He suddenly smiled, thinking of Jennifer and he doubts if he has ever seen a lady as decent and responsible as she is.

Even the night they spent together, she never dressed like a whore.

She wore a red vest and black shorts and her hair was simply packed in a ponytail with tendrils framing her face.

"Is she the one?" He had confirmed from Madam Cash and the woman had nodded, grinning.

Her body didn't entice him but her beauty and her innocent face had.

"Looks like the CEO is deep in thought" Margaret, his secretary at Agia's cosmetics interrupted his thoughts.

"Ohh Maggie" George called as he sat upright.

"Is anything wrong?" She asked.

"Definitely nothing I'm fine"

"You didn't even move when i walked in and you were so busy staring into space" Margaret said.

"Well yeah i was thinking about something" George finally admitted.

"Ok" Margaret smiled.

Unlike Celline, Margaret was unmarried although engaged and her fiance do come pick her from work everyday.

Margaret's a beautiful young lady, smart and good at what she does.

George was always so lucky about his employees, they're all so good in their respective fields.

"So, do you need anything?" George asked

"Well, you have some letters" Margaret said handing over three envelopes to him.

"Why didn't you check it out for me?" George asked.

"I would have done so but It's highly confidential" Margaret said.

"Ok" George said as he collected the envelopes from her.

"Thanks" He said as he dropped them on his table.

"Do you need coffee?" Margaret asked as she walked to the door.

"No thanks" George said.

"Alright Mr George" Margaret said and finally walked out of the door.

Ohh yes, I have to call Sam" George said


Jennifer yawned as she woke up from her nap and laid on her bed staring at the reflection of the sun on her wall.

"It's a bright afternoon" She murmured feeling too lazy to get on her feet. She knows she should go assist Jean in the kitchen but she's really feeling tired and maybe weak.

She laid still and tried getting more sleep but it wasn't coming so she stared at the ceiling and began to imagine how she wants her future to be.

She saw her fashion house being set up again and everyone was happy and fulfilled but then it's was just an imagination.

Even though she knows the kind of future she wishes for wouldn't be possible, she decided to at least enjoy the imagination so she smiled as her imaginations went on and on. 

"Fairy fairy grant my wish" Jennifer sang and laughed as she remembered when she normally sing that song as a child.

"Enough of the imaginations Jennifer" She cautioned herself and then sat up and her feet searched for her slippers which she wore before rising to her feet.

She walked into the bathroom and splashed some water on her face to get rid of every tiredness

She grabbed a clean towel and wiped her face with it before walking back to her room.

She stood in front of the mirror and made her ponytail more tight.

"I'm very sorry i arrived late chef Jean" Jennifer joked as she entered the kitchen and met Jean preparing lunch already.

"It's fine apprentice Jenny, i knew you were enjoying your nap" Jean said and they both chuckled.

"Of course I enjoyed it." Jennifer said while she washed her hands.

"Thank God you're here, I'm feeling pressed so please continue with the cooking" Jean said.

"Okay" Jennifer replied grabbing a clean apron.

She wore it over her blue satin gown while Jean walked out of the kitchen and Jennifer took over gladly.

Rosemond grinned as Jennifer helped her dress up when she came back from school and also selected her wears for her.

It was a floral jumpsuit which suited Rosemond's caramel skin.

Jennifer made her wear a pink footwear and then tried comb her hair but then she remembered she wasn't allowed to do that so

she gently dropped the comb but Rosemond interrupted,

"I don't need to comb my hair, my ponytail is still in place" Rosemond said.

"Ok" Jennifer nodded.

"You've been smiling since you arrived from school" Jennifer noted.

"Yes because, I'll be nine next month" Rosemond said happily.

"oh dear, happy birthday in advance sweetheart" Jennifer said smiling back at her.

"Thank you" Rosemond said.

"My younger brother also gets excited a month to his birth month" Jennifer said.

"Do you have a younger brother?" Rosemond asked in surprise.

"Of course" Jennifer smiled.

"Is he my age mate and will you bring him over to play with me?" Rosemond excitedly and Jennifer laughed.

"No he's sixteen" Jennifer said.

"Ohh" Rosemond said disappointedly.

"Sorry" Jennifer replied smiling

"How comes you've never spoken about him" Rosemond asked pouting

"Because you never asked" Jennifer said.

"Now I'm asking" Rosemond said.

"His name is Charles Ali and he's in Secondary school" Jennifer said.

"When are you bringing him over?" Rosemond inquired.

"I'm not bringing him over" Jennifer replied

"But why not?" Rosemond asked.

"This is my workplace Rosemond and not some playground" Jennifer explained calmly.

"If you're worried about my Dad, I'm sure he won't be against it" Rosemond said.

"No, Charles can't come here Rosemond, i can't take advantage of the fact that you guys are nice to me and then start inviting every member of my family over" Jennifer said.

"You don't have to invite your parents" Rosemond said and Jennifer felt a stinging pain in her heart.

She didn't know they were dead else she wouldn't have mentioned them.

"Just your brother" Rosemond said and Jennifer sighed.

"Do you want to meet him that badly?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes" Rosemond said.

"You will but one day" Jennifer said.

"By fate" She added inwardly.

"Let's go have lunch" Jennifer said taking Rosemond's tiny hand in hers.

When they were done with lunch, Jennifer packed the leftover fruits on Rosemond's bedside stool as she had taken the fruits before taking her nap.

She covered Rosemond properly before taking the leftover fruits to the kitchen.

They had lunch minutes ago and Rosemond and Jean were now taking their nap and one could see that she's bored then she walked out of the kitchen.

She tried to watch the quiz show that was being displayed on the TV but she had no interest. She stood up from the couch but she still doesn't feel like reading as well.

"Should i go chat with Sam and Mark?" Jennifer thought but she discarded it by checking out the building again then perhaps she'll stop by the pool.

 "Wow" Jennifer grinned on sighting the pool.  

This wasn't the first time she'll be seeing it but it keeps appearing more and more beautiful. The reflection of the sun even made the water sparkle brightly.

Jennifer smiled walking towards it as she passed the room to madam Stephanie's room without even noticing as all her mind was on the pool.

She finally stood in front of the water and as she was about bending to scoop the water in her palm, she heard a startling sound.

 She paused but thought it could be one of the workers, not until she saw a shadow in the water then it occurred to her that someone was behind her and whomever that was, she could tell it was a woman.

She was about turning to find out who the person was but the person grabbed her neck with her cold fingers. Jennifer screamed but the unknown person didn't make her scream for long before pushing her into the water.