
The Beautiful and uGly

Kiishi, a young girl starts this story and we follow her life through a rollercoaster of events; from her not so much of a relationship with handsome head boy, Joshua to her cousin's sudden pregnancy to her walking down the aisle with you know who! Then there is Elizabeth, the oldest child of four siblings who grew up a bit too soon due to a father who is never around and her mother, who is too busy working. The story would not be complete without Joshua who travels to the state after high school to continue with his education. However, oceans cannot stop his heart from longing after his love interest back in Nigeria. This must be a love triangle of some sorts, but is it really?

temOye · 若者
14 Chs

Chapter 11

Joshua had been feeling anxious the whole weekend, restless even, and he did not know why. He had been angry at everyone and with everyone including himself but it was not until Monday came that he had his answer; a new student. And while that ' term ' had never posed a threat to him before, it did now. 

When the new student had swaggered into the assembly hall Joshua knew immediately that there was trouble, he knew that he now had competition. 

Once, he had asked Kiishi why she fancied him, she had replied him while running her hands on his biceps, " I like this very much. I like men who know how to take good care of their bodies. " 

" So it is not my pretty face? " He had asked her. 

" That too but if I want a pretty face I will be with Dare. " She had said drawing a circle around his left nipple with her fingers. 

And since that day he had worked even harder to ensure that she will never need to look elsewhere and she had had no reason to but now? Things were different now he wasn't so sure he had a relationship with Kiishi anymore. When she had laid the terms of their relationship she had told him she would leave him the moment she no longer found him attractive and vice versa. 

This new student he was sure would change the game of things he prayed with all his mind that Kiishi would not find this new boy attractive, he prayed that his pretty face will be enough to keep her, he prayed that Kiishi was not this new student's type of girl but his prayers were in vain. He had seen almost immediately that the new boy found Kiishi attractive, he could see with his own eyes how this new student continued to eye his ' babe. ' 

During lunch break he had been busy and could not talk to Kiishi but he had noticed that Kiishi was admiring this new student. He had to talk to her but he could not because Mrs. Ariyo had entrusted him with something he had to oversee personally and so he had waited until it was closing to talk to Kiishi. He had waited for her beside her bus but he had been distracted when she had entered and so he had missed his opportunity but as he was about to leave he had seen the new student approaching Kiishi's bus, he had also seen the new student sit beside Kiishi. 

Now as he paced around his room he waited for Kiishi to reply his WhatsApp message. He had been imagining all sorts of things since he left school today. He had imagined Kiishi and this new guy exchanging numbers, stealing glances at each other, rubbing each other's thighs and... He was going crazy with all these thoughts. 

' I'm good, missed you in school today too. ' His phone beeped with Kiishi's message and he smiled, atleast she was still texting him.

' want to skip assembly tomorrow? ' he typed.

' As if you have to ask. ' He saw her reply and breathed a sigh of relief, Kiishi was still his.

' Library? ' he typed.

' you sure about this? Mrs. Ariyo may miss you tomorrow. ' His anxiety was back, he couldn't tell if Kiishi was worried about him or if she was just looking for a way to avoid him.

' I have it on good intel that she will not be in school tomorrow. You can't tell anyone though. ' It took five full minutes before he saw a reply from Kiishi.

' sure. Bisola will kill me but I'll make it. ' 

The next day he waited for Kiishi in the library and he was more than happy when she walked into the library, he dragged her to a corner and kissed her. 

" What's the problem? You seem distracted. " He observed when she did not return his kiss.

" Nothing. " She shrugged. 

She did not have to say anything he knew the cause of her distraction, it was the new boy.

" You're ending things with me, right? " He asked trying to keep his voice from sounding scared.

" There's nothing to end Joshua and you know it. " She replied him in a calm voice.

" Let me rephrase, you want to stop seeing me? " This time he could not keep the shakiness from his voice.

" I didn't say anything about endings, you are assuming things. " Kiishi told him.

" Then why are you distracted this morning? " He was scared and he knew he was doing a very bad job at hiding it.

" I'm on my period and we both know what that does to me. " She replied and he felt himself breath, it had only been her period not the new student.

" You sure that's the only thing? " He asked just to be sure. 

" Yes it is. Can we just talk? " Kiishi never wanted to talk so he did not know if this was good or bad.

" Of course, what are you reading this week? " He asked her.

" Sins of a Duke. " She replied as she sat on the chair he he had pulled out for her.

" You're reading romance now? " 

" How do you know it's romance? Have you read it? " Kiishi asked him.

" No but I can tell from the title, any sin a Duke must be committing must be romance. " He replied her.

" Have you thought about what department you will be in after SS 1? " 

" No but I know it will not be engineering. " She said.

" Why? " He asked.

" I hate physics and T.D is why, they are so mind numbing boring. " 

" That is not true, I do both subjects and they are anything but boring. " 

" That's because you're boring, you wouldn't know. " 

" I am boring? " On any other day he would have taken this as a joke, made a joke about it and they would have laughed together, today however was different.

" Joshua, is something wrong? " Kiishi asked.

" Why would anything be wrong? " 

" You're acting up and I have no idea why. " 

" How was your trip back home with Mr. Hunk yesterday? " The moment he asked that question he regretted it, Kiishi was only going to accuse him of being jealous and she would not be wrong.

" It was annoying and his name is Kolapo. " Kiishi had learnt his name from Kolapo himself as he had gotten down from the school bus he had said, " by the way the name is Kolapo. " 

" How annoying? " Joshua was surprised he had not been labelled jealous yet.

" Very, he kept looking at me throughout. " Kiishi said.

" And? "

" And it was uncomfortable. " Joshua did not know how to feel, Kiishi could say something and it could mean another thing.

" Are we safe? " Joshua asked after a few seconds of silence.

" Safe? Were we ever in danger? " Kiishi asked.

" You know what I'm talking about Kiishi. Am I going to lose you to this guy? " 

" I don't know. He's a catch but he makes me feel uneasy whereas with you I'm comfortable. " Joshua did not know if this meant this new student was a challenge she would like to conquer. 

" You would let me know if you're interested in him right? " Joshua asked. 

" Of course. I promised no games. " Kiishi assured him.

" Alright, it's my aunt's sixtieth on Saturday I'm extending an invite. I'll get you the invitation card of course if you're interested. " Joshua told her playing with her hand.

" I don't do old people's parties. " Kiishi told him and they both laughed. 

" Is it really impossible for us to review the terms of our relationship? " 

" We both know that it will be a waste of time. You are leaving this school next year, when you get to the university there will be so many hot girls at your beck and call. " Kiishi gave her reason.

I'm only interested in one hot girl. " He tried to convince her.

" That's what you think. Besides you'll be in the states, we'll be oceans apart. " 

" I get your point, I won't push it anymore but if you ever change your mind... "