

"URHH" I groaned as I fell on my butt for the Tenth time, it could be more I don't really know. My body felt sticky all over because of the sweat covering my entire body.

The amount of times my sweet behind had touched the cold floor I couldn't really count.

"What's that princess, is that Bitching I hear you doing?" a cheerful voice called out.

I groaned externally this time. Looking up I glared at the Ruby eyed male. He was lucky he had his good looks going for him.

"Fuck you too Cyrus" I muttered lowly.

"I heard that" Damn it, It wasn't low enough.

"Come on, up we go" Cyrus reached out his hands for me to grab.

"But I don't wanna" I whined like a little child.

"Ok then I'm calling Seker" The ass! He knew using Seker's name was going to get me upright in an instant. I intensified the glare I had on him.

"I hate you" I said as I took hold of his hand while he lifted me up to my feet.

"Aww, you know you love me" He chuckled.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

It's been almost a week since Cyrus began training me. Cyrus trained me in the physical aspect and Randuff trained me in the mental division.

I'm sure you're wondering why the hell I'm being trained in the mental aspect, or why I'm being trained at all. Well why don't we start from the beginning.

'Flash back......'

"Bethel meet my brothers Cyrus and Randuff, they will be training you from henceforth" I blinked, once, twice then it finally registered in my brain.

"Training me?" I asked immensely confused.

"Yes for two week" was his Curt reply.

"For what exactly?. And besides you do know I leave Jerusalem next week, I'm going back to New York" I replied dumbfounded.

"Well I'm sorry to tell you but there have a been a change of plans Amica Mae. You can't leave Jerusalem just yet" I closed and opened my mouth like a fish. Was he serious. Because he was my boss didn't mean he could control my life so easily we had an agreement on my duration for my stay here. A bloody written and signed document at that.

I gazed at him with heated eyes "What do you mean, why?"

"What I mean Bethel is that you're not leaving Jerusalem until I say so. Not until you're ready" he muttered the last part so I couldn't quite catch what he had said, But the rest I sure did.

I glared at him more openly, now beyond pissed. I wanted to bitch slap that beautiful face he possessed.

"You have no right to tell me what to do"I said through my clinched teeth. Seker glared right back at me, himself being pissed off also. He looked beyond scary with his blazing eyes that turns from there original beautiful golden blue hue to Fiery Silver. It was stunning yet terrifying. But I stood my ground no less.

In the midst of our little argument we failed to notice a voice that has been trying to get out attention.


"Guy's!!" A voice all but yelled out.

"What?!" Seker and I turned and said at the same time clearly startling the person trying to get our attention.

"Geez, chill will you" The Man that had the blonde hair and Ruby eyes exclaimed raising his hands up as if saying 'he didn't do anything'. Since I don't know his name, I think I'll call me Ruby eyes.

I huffed in annoyance and faced another direction. Noticing my hand was still in Seker's own I tried to remove it. Childish I know, but he was clearly acting like an ass-hat. As if sensing what I was about to do, Seker tighten his hold on me. It wasn't to tight to leave a bruise or anything, but enough just to prevent me from getting free from his hold. And deep inside I didn't want him to let go either.

I turned my head back in his direction and once again gave him a glare. But he in turn did the opposite and gave me a wide ass shitting grin. I gave him the stink eye as a response.

"Goodness, you two are like children" A quiet calm voice said. Looking back I realized it was the man with the bun that spoke. His green eyes still as vibrant as the first time I saw it.

"You took the words right out of my mouth bro" Ruby eyes said.

Seker only gave the both of them a Stern look then spoke.

"Cyrus, Randuff" As he called our their names they each gave a sign of acknowledgment, Cyrus gave a sharp grin his Ruby eyes shining with excitement for some reason, Randuff only gave a gruff nod his neatly packed bun moving in the same manner.

"This is Bethel Yohanna George, she is the one I told you about that you both will be training" Seker finished. Again with that word 'training', I really didn't know what I'd be training the hell for.

"Your donum is beautiful brother" Cyrus voiced with a genuine smile gracing his face. 'Donum?' what the heck did that word mean. I'm not dumb I knew he was referring to me but I didn't understand what he had just called me.

"Quite beautiful" Randuff moved his head in agreement. I blushed a little at their words but didn't say anything.

"Ahem" Seker cleared his throat, giving a look that showed he was not impressed with his brothers. Wait is that jealousy I sense. Nah it can't be.

"Amica mea...." Seker wasn't able to finish his words cause he was interrupted by Cyrus.

"Don't worry Seky we can introduce ourselves to Bethel properly" I almost choked on air. Did he just refer to Seker as Seky. Seker looked at Cyrus like he was secretly planning his death. Guess he didn't like the nickname as much.

"As my beloved brother already said, My name is Cyrus the Spirit of war, mortals also refer to me as the god of war" I knew their names sounded incredibly familiar, I was right after all, I remember them from my favorite book when I was little. If he is the spirit of war that makes Randuff the spirit of...

"Light" a voice suddenly spoke up, breaking my train of thought. How on Earth did he..you know what I won't even bother.

"Yes Bethel, I am the spirit of light same as the god of light. You know for a mortal your knowledge is surprisingly vast" Randuff continued. I didn't know if I should feel offended or proud from his statement, so I settled with a small unsure smile.

"Thank you?" I gave a reply. Only it sounded more of a question than an answer.

"She's polite too I like her" Cyrus eyes twinkled.

"She is taking this quite well"

"Why won't she, she has already met me, The angel of death, anyone still sane after knowing about my existence should be able to handle this much" Seker was right I mean I have already met the infamous Grim reaper and I mildly handled it well, I don't really think anything could beat that at the moment.

"True" Cyrus agreed.

"Right about what you said initially about training and what not. Again I ask, what am I training for" I finally spoke up, directing my question to Seker. I was gradually loosing my mind with all that had happened in the last few minutes. From Seker teleporting us from the office to the library then to this basement and finally meeting two ancient gods, I'm pretty sure anyone In my present situation would be going mental gradually by now, just like I was.

The unnaturally tall Angel beside me sighed.

"Amica mea, I would love to tell you I really would but..." I cut him short.

"If you say anything about not being able to go against the fates one more time. I swear on my favorite colors of Skittles, I will punch you in the face" Where on earth did that come from?. So it's true, being frustrated really does bring out buried courage within you.

Seker looked shell shocked. I bet he wasn't expecting that. Cyrus and Randuff also had the same dumbfounded look plastered on their faces.

"Phew, she's definitely a keeper" Cyrus whistle. It seemed like he was the one among the three brothers that didn't have a filter, and was apparently enjoying this.

"She is definitely something" Seker looked down at me like he was stuck in a trans. I blushed. 'what were they even saying? I really didn't know anymore'.

I gazed at him with all seriousness, my blush far forgotten. As if reading what I wanted him to do, he spoke up.

"I'm serious Amica mea but I can't..." he was cut short of his words again, but this time not by me.

"It's because you're in immense danger Bethel" Cyrus blurted out. Immediate silence followed. Definitely didn't have any filter.

I know I prayed for some excitement and fun in my life when I was a little girl, I mean my life was immensely boring so to say. But I didn't ask for this much excitement.