
Start Of A War

The next day as Mi Young woke up she found that Ha Joon and Sung Ho nhad already woken up she got dressed but she couldn't walk on her first try and tried over and over again.

"Why did I let both of them have me what's wrong with me. ouch,ouch,ouch. I'm lucky they didn't decide to have me at the same time, I should be grateful that they took turns instead Please God get rid of my pain I've learnt my lesson." she complained as she tried to walk on her own but came to a conclusion that she wouldn't walk without support so she put her hand on the wall and used them for support.

She only rely on the walls for support until she finally reached her room she found a small box wrapped with silk with a Jasmine flower pattern which showed how expensive it was because silk was hard to find and make in this world.

She crawled towards towards the gift and grabbed it.

"What a lovely pattern I bet Ha Joon get it for me." she said

She slowly opened the box and found a beautiful golden set of jewelry.

"Wwwwooooww!, It's so pretty. Thanks Ha Joon." she said to herself. "I wonder where the boys are, Ha Joon!? Sung Ho !? Where are you?! Sung Ho?!" she called out. "Where are they? Oh the ring I can feel what they feeling. Right? Maybe I can ask buttercup. Buttercup I need your help. Buttercup?" she said.

A few minutes past but no response came from the system.

"Maybe she's busy I can maybe go look for them..... Ouch, No! I'll look for them in the afternoon just after I have my nap." she groaned.

Far away from Mi Young's home Ha Joon and Sung Ho were attending the Meeting Of Kings and Queens.

He had been summoned by the the council of King And Queens for a possible threat which was coming from the Queen of the valley tiger tribe which was known for practicing witchcraft.


The history of witchcraft was as long and old as the goddess of existence Chae-Won. (2.5 billion years ago) at first witchcraft was a gift to her people as a way of having they own way to protect and provide for themselves until she fell in love with an earth Dragon King. Dragons were created to protect the forest and gifted the power of elements which was fire, water, earth, air and finally destruction. The goddess and the Dragon had a son together, years past and the Dragon King was getting old so he turned to witchcraft to gain back his youth but something went wrong and instead of only gaining youth his personality change and became cruel, power hungry went and five times as powerful as he was and went a rampage of conquering and enslaving other elemental dragons.

Chae-Won was heartbroken for all he was causing and decided to end his reign. Since she was a goddess she could not kill or fight because she could destroy the whole universe, so she secretly selected the most powerful of all the the elemental dragons and she chose her son to lead them in defeating the earth dragon she blessed the selected dragons with long lives and powers to effortlessly control the elements. After the defeat of the earth dragon the dragons separated from each other.

The water dragons moved to the oceans, rivers, seas and lakes, the fire dragon moved to volcanic Islands, the earth dragons stayed but some moved to the plains, the air dragons together with the dragons of destruction moved in secret so no one knew where they went and only the goddess knew, for it was her order for them to separate.

After all that she banned witchcraft but some never followed her order.

After years of evaluation came the other beasts like tigers, mermaids,lions etc.

And because of the earth dragon king witchcraft was banned and practicing it was punishable by death.


"You could have found some clothes before teleporting me here." he said

"Oh My God!" said the council as the master of the council gave him some clothings to wear.

"Now that you two are here the meeting can start." he said.

"So, what was so urgent that you had to teleport me here naked." said Ha Joon.

"You're not the only one who got here butt naked in front of a hundred council members." said Sung Ho.

"Shut up!" said Ha Joon

"You don't get to talk me that, understand?" said Sung Ho in a cold tone.

"Or what?" said Ha Joon

"I'll kill you. But unfortunately I can't." said Sung Ho in a disappointed tone.

"But I could and Mi Young wouldn't even find out." he said teasingly

"Why you little..." said Sung Ho frustrated.

"ENOUGH!!! You two set down we have urgent matters on our hands." said the master.

The two sat down in opposite sides.

"We have a huge problems on hand the valley tiger Queen has threatened to start a war if her demands are not taken out. Ha Joon I believe you know what she wants." he said.

"Yes, she wants me to be her mate but I don't want to." he said confidently.

"You do understand that it's the Valley Queen we are talking about right?" he said.

"Look Hyun I don't want a mate and you know that." said Ha Joon.

"But why she's the most want female in four tribes." said Hyun

"Yes and I don't care I don't want a mate." said Ha Joon.

"You do understand that if she attacks your tribe it will be your fault right." said another

"Yes and I'm ready for her." said Sung Ho

"Ha Joon don't you think it could be better if you became The Queens mate you could be much happier." said Sung Ho

"I bet you could like that." said Ha Joon.

"I definitely won't do that she's mine too remember that always." he said

"Wait? Ha Joon you have a mate? Since when? " said all the members.

"It has been almost a year now. Do you now understand why I don't..... what's wrong why are your mouths open." said Ha Joon.

The whole council had their jaws on the floor surprised on how he as a mate. Because they knew how much he hated females.

"Well now that you have confirmed that you have a mate I makes sense that you have a female scent on you." said the council.

"Since it's not allowed for a male to have more than one mate. We'll charge Su-Ho with feeding the council with force information." said a majestic dragon male with bright green hair and eyes.

"Father you're here. What are you doing here?" said Sung Ho.

"Well son I'm also a tribal god too ,remember?" said his father.

"Oh, yeah right, I forgot." said Sung Ho.

"So Su-Ho told us lies but why would she called for a meeting and not come herself?" said Nam-Gil.

"What she called this meeting?" said Ha Joon.

"Yes, are you Ha Joon right? The one who caused the death of my beloved daughter." said Nam-Gil.

"Yes but let's fight about it later right now we are in a trap Su-Ho had tricked as she wants to kill and destroy Mi Young and my tribe I need to go back." said Ha Joon.

"I'm coming with you." said Sung Ho.

"Okay but only because I respect your Dad." said Ha Joon.

The two went to the door to open it but ended up getting an electric shock.

"Ahhhh, the door it electrocuted me." the two gasped and said"Witchcraft!?"