
The Beast Tyrant: Embers of A Beginning

The soul of a creature with a body so strong that even deities couldn't break it is finally dissipating from old wounds. Yet, it will not take death laying down, with it's last ounce of strength the mighty beast grabs a soul with no memories to replace it. Using its power to have the new healthy soul occupy its body was an act which lit the embers of a fire which would forge gods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello, Typically White Guy with a computer here or as I go by here TheWritingTunaCan. Now, before you start to imagine what a tuna can would look like with a pencil or on a keyboard few things to note about the story! 1) As will you see early on this is my first time writing so I apologies, but I'm not J.R.R. Tolkien. So please deal with me and give any advice you can. I would prefer you comment in and helpful way instead of just insults but if that gets in the way of honesty go ahead! 2) I'm writing because: A. I have stories in my head! B. I want to share said stories! C. I need an excuse to be anti-social! 3) Please suggest things you like but keep in mind, this is my story not a fan-fic. So just because you want a scantly clad female or out of character moment for the MC so the ship can sail, like me sink you vessel right now. 4) Just some quick things about the book which don't fit in a dramatic summary. This book will have some cultivation type stuff but I am a "Evil Westerner!" so I not going to attempt true cultivation because I'd just butcher it. Also, a few character will be introduced who have their own story. So if you're like where in the world did that doped guy go! Then there is a good chance they have their own story, you missed a chapter and they are dead! 5) "I have nothing else to say!" - Words That Are a Paradox

TheWritingTunaCan · 幻想
13 Chs

The Beast Is Paid a Social Visit

Two blurs dashed through the forest, weaving through the trees like fish in water. Both the Mad Magician and Beast Kin Emperor where racing up the mountain. An occasional card would land where the Beast Emperor had just stepped, a second later, exploding and destroying whatever was there. Lighting strike or sometimes a mini tornado would be created as The Magician attempted to land a hit on the Beast Emperor. Curses echoed as both men, spiteful at each other, vocally released anger.

'Where on this damn rock is that beast!' The Beast Kin Emperor completely lost on where to go started to complain in his own head. 'This fool of a magician just won't leave me alone, when I was stronger than him, he didn't even utter a word to me. Yet, now he chases me like I'm a treasure chest with legs! It makes no sense, well it makes perfect sense bu- damn it! I'm talking to myself again, I can even hear my mother now say "I told you were crazy" dang it!'

And as The Beast Emperor cursed his mother, the Mad Magician cursed the Beast Emperor's father. 'Damn you! You just had to do it "all natural" didn't you, couldn't play it safe, could you? Now, I have to deal with the cause of that mistake, your son! I hope you're happy in hell.'

As they cursed and sprinted they unknowingly neared the cave of The Beast. Eventually, due to his extraordinary eyesight, The Beast Emperor found what he was looking for, a hundred meters away hidden between bushes. The Beast Kin Emperor quickly ran toward his target, a cave nestled into the side of the mountain, and not willing to let the Emperor escape The Magician followed in close pursuit. As The Beast Emperor approached the cave entrance heat wafted against his face. Like the jaws of a monster, the cave's opening had stalactites and stalagmites as teeth. They both ran through the cave system for a couple of minutes until they reached a large cavern, the very cavern that The Beast lived in.

"Well done, you ran yourself into a dead end. Guess you decided to make it easy on me… Too bad, part of me wished you'd find the creature you were hunting." With a sarcastic tone, The Mad Magician addressed The Emperor.

"Be careful what you wish for…" The Beast Kin Emperor responded still staring at the wall. The Magician was confused for a moment until he noticed two parts of the wall moving and a pair of yellow orbs staring at them. This ancient beast put both men in awe. It seemed refined and noble as it stared at them with what appeared to be profound knowledge.

'Ahhhhhhh! I heard noises and was excited think somebody might be there but ahhhhh! What the hell do I do! I can't speak, I don't know how! I can't roar I could scare them off! Wait wha-' *Clank* While the beast was in the middle of his thought, The Emperor did something that surprised even his pursuer.

A dagger cut through rock like butter and attempted to pierce the skin of The Creature too but failed. The man holding this dagger was none other than The Beast Kin Emperor.

"You don't like the drama of waiting, do you?" The Magician sighed at the anticlimactic situation.

"Huh, I guess I need to put more work in, to collect the blood… Well, I'll deal with you first, looks like The Beast is sealed in the mountain." The Beast Kin Emperor turned toward the Mad Magician as he spoke.

Facing each other, they both ignored the Beast who had yet to make them feel any ill intent from it. However, as they stood there, the Creature had its own thoughts running through his head. During his years of solitude, after he gained the ability to use his vocal cords, his soul was slowly growing stronger allowing him to have access to more of his brain's processing power. That combined with his pure instinct one thought went through the beast head.

'Threating existence, go away.' Though it seemed like a robotic thought, The Creature had yet to create a defining personality due to its lack of experiences. Before either of the two men could react, using all its strength, The Beast opened its mouth, stretched out its tongue curling it around The Beast Kin Emperor. Quickly using its tongue to place The Emperor's head in his jaw, and popped it. The whole action it was reminiscent of a frog catching a fly. Through the hold thing, the beast showed no ill intent but merely acted as if it was simple as grass growing.

'Holy crap! How the heck, am I supposed to get out of this alive. My nemesis for years just got one tapped!' Not daring to move, The Mad Magician stood still.

Sweat trickled down his temple, though the beast did not notice due to the mask he wore. Staring at the limp headless body of the man he was prepared to battle it all with, made him feel like an iron rod replaced his spine. Focusing on the yellow orbs which continued to stare at him, a dreadful silence came over the cavern. Even rats stayed quiet as the tension built. For one of the two staring it was an awkward silence and for the other a near death experience.

Blood freeze and sound dead but no movement was made. After 5 minutes, nothing happened. After 10 minutes, still, nothing happened. Finally, at 30 minutes of silence, the Mad Magician spoke.

"Is there something I can do for you? Or should I just leave?" But there was still no response. Once again the Magician waited a few minutes, due to fear and not wanting to pester the Beast by talking too much. Then a realization hit him, 'Could it? No, it's an ancient beast of course not, but maybe?'.

"Excuse me, sorry for bothering you again but can you talk?" with a hint a nervousness The Magician inquired.

Okay here is another chap! Sorry for no real chapter yesterday. It was Christmas and I still have a horrible cold so I gave myself a break. Please tell me what you think of the chapter! I feel the quality is a bit iffy but maybe thats just the self-bullying part of me talking.

Also before anybody comments about it, I like to use "swearing" as a way to emphasize what the character is saying! Not just use it none stop, but don't worry. If appropriate I will have them swear!

TheWritingTunaCancreators' thoughts