
The Beaches of Jennan

Ashe couldn't remember anything. Except escaping the Shadow Kingdom where she was tortured for a year. She knew she was being hunted by more than just the horsemen. Every time she slipped into the dream world, he was there. The strange beautiful man that called her his. He promised he would come for her. No matter where she was. His violet eyes toying with her behind a satisfied smirk. She had to make her way to the coast. To Jennan, and she knew her memory would be restored. But she was told an evil curse resided there, a Demon. She feared no demon! Join me and Ashe on this adventure to the beaches of Jennan, to hell restore her memory and reveal the beautiful stranger in her dreams!

Ashley_Alldredge · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Shadow King

"YOUR HIGHNESS, PLEASE FORGIVE ME," a defeated and bloodied soldier wailed to the broad man that stood before him. His eyes red with fire, his brow furrowed in his anger. He glared flames at the soldier crumpled at his feet.

"How in the bloody depths of hell could you let her escape?! I want her back, You idiot!!! You're all a bunch of fucking idiots!!", He screamed kicking the man on the ground.

"Leave no stone unturned, I want that woman back where she belongs! FIND HER!!!".

Ah, yes. Intro de Shadow King. The ruler of the northern shadows. Breathtaking and dangerous. He knows the truth about Ashe. He is the one responsible for her memory loss.

He is an evil man, willing to corrupt anyone and anything to get his way.

He withdrew his sword and stuck the metal blade to the man's throat. "If you dont bring her to me with NOT a scratch on her, I will take your fucking head off," he growled. "NOW GO!".

The silver clad, lanky soldier sprang to his feet and ran as swiftly as his feet carried him, deep down into the depths of the kingdom to gather his men. He informed them all of the king's orders and made haste preparing to leave.

They rode out within the hour, making a small pitt stop to see the northern witch coven. He knew a woman there that owed him a favor.

He stopped his men just outside of their lands, and decided to continue with only two men with him. The rest were to stay behind and wait for them to return.

The three men continued down the stone path that led to a large stone wall with an iron gate attached. There was a small panel with a tiny door attached, that creaked open at the sound of the mens horses approaching.

He watched as pretty blue eyes popped up from behind the door.

"May I be of service to you, gentleman?, " she purred. White fangs behind red lips gleamed in the moonlight.

"Ahum, I am Collin. Um, first horsemen for the Shadow Kingdom. I'm here to see Ronjya. She knows me," the soldier announced pulling off his metal helmet to reveal and mischievously handsome face. He slyly grinned at the beautiful face watching him from the small window.

"I'll see if she is up for company. I dont see a reason why she wouldn't be. A few moments please," she replied. The small panel shut and she disappeared. For quite some time. It was almost an hour before she returned to acknowledge the men. They heard a groan escape from the wall as the gate creaked open. Dust and earth filling the air as Colin could make out two figures from the other side.

His mouth dropped open when he was met with the face from before. He slyly moved his eyes over the womans body. Long black waves for hair falling down to her waist, a black v-line dress hugging her curves, exposing her breasts to her belly button, barely covering her nipples.

There was a small purple stone sparkling in her navel as her hips swayed seductively towards Colin. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. He was on fire.

" Excuse me for my lateness, my lord, but please do settle your horses and come in. Ronjya will see you," she spoke softly to the three men, eyeing Colin with a coy, all knowing smile. The handsome, silver haired man with her smiled and pointed to the stable. "Leave your horses here, they will be looked after. And please do follow me," he said as he turned to lead the way inside the coven.

They led the men up stone steps that opened into a lush vineyard and orchard. The stars sparkled above the trees that swayed in the gentle breeze. A small village of quaint houses sat in the middle, candles lighting up the windows.

They were led to a beautiful little cottage in the center, where Ronjya stood in the doorway to greet the men. Her exquisite face lit up at the sight of Colin, her old friend from childhood.

Colin smiled as soon as he saw his redheaded friend. More beautiful than before, with her emerald eyes glowing in the moonlight.

She ran to him hugging his neck with excitement. "I've missed you," she whispered.

"I've missed you too my friend. But I am here in an emergency. I need that favor. "

She looked at Colin with curiosity and smiled.

"What can I do for you?," she asked.

"I have to find a woman to escaped the kingdom. The King is furious and will kill me if I dont find her. I know you can help me."

"Come inside. Just you. The other two can wait at the pub for a pint. Just two houses up. Ask for Gilly," she said as she pulled Colin in, slamming the door shut behind him. The two men made their way to the pub, asking for Gilly through the small peep hole as instructed.

The door opened, and the two men stumbled in , shocked at the sight before them. Women.

Barely clothed, beautiful women everywhere.

They stared and drooled as the women started pouring wine on each other. Rubbing and licking it off.

"Ahum, like what you see gentlemen? Ha ha ha, I'm Gilley," a short young women said standing behind the bar. " Have a seat. I'll get you a pint. Maybe some food? You look hungry," she smiled as she filled up two pints placing it in front of the men. "Becca, stop wasting the wine and get them some food," she barked at the scantily clad brunette woman pouring wine on the breasts of a blonde.

"Aw Gills, we were just having some fun," she said as she ran to the kitchen to get them some food. She returned to the men leaning in seductively placing the food and her breasts in their faces. "Enjoy the food gentlmen, and please do have dessert," she purred.