
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · アニメ·コミックス
72 Chs

The Dance Of Moon and Mist

As they continued forward, the girls couldn't help but notice the strewn remains of the zombies, creating an eerie atmosphere. Rose, who had encountered zombies for the first time, was visibly shaken and turned to Aqua for an explanation. She asked hesitantly, "Aqua, did you do this?"

Aqua reassured her, "No, ma'am. Judging by the wounds, it appears to be the result of the dark breathing technique, which is Sasuke sensei's specialty."

Rose was taken aback, her voice quivering as she inquired further, "Sasuke's ability? Akane, did your father do this?" Akane, still processing the scene, sought Aqua's confirmation, "Aqua, is it possible that my father was responsible for this massacre?"

Aqua's response was grave and laden with hidden knowledge, "There is much more you all don't know, and trust me, you will be shocked beyond belief."

As they made their way, a sudden horde of zombies emerged from the surroundings. Izumi, taking charge, urged the girls to be cautious, and Shikimori, unable to contain her worry, pleaded with Izumi to stay safe. "Please be careful, Izumi-san." she said, her voice tinged with concern.

Akane, her gaze fixed on Aqua, murmured worriedly, "Please be careful, Aqua. I don't want to lose you again. Please be safe." Observing Izumi and Aqua's coordinated efforts, the girls were both terrified and impressed by their resolve. Shikimori's fears mirrored Akane's, her thoughts pleading with Izumi not to be lost.

Meanwhile, Rose, watching Aqua battle the zombies with an unrecognizable ferocity, whispered under her breath, "Sasuke, what have you done to him?"

Aqua, facing a group of five zombies, swiftly combined his Moon Breathing with his formidable demonic martial arts, executing a devastating technique known as "Moon Breathing: Devil's Dance," effectively severing the heads of the approaching zombies.

Meanwhile, Izumi, faced with a cluster of three zombies, deftly eliminated them, utilizing his own technique, the "Mist Breathing: Mist Step," swiftly decapitating the advancing threats. As they fought, the intensity of the battle heightened, and the girls, witnessing their determination and prowess, were filled with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

After the intense battle, Aqua and Izumi managed to decimate the entire group of zombies, their movements swift and merciless. Observing the awe and determination on the faces of the girls, Aqua stated confidently, "We are close. Sasuke sensei is nearby."

Rose, who heard these words, placed a hand over her chest, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Akane, hearing the proximity of her father, turned to Rose and uttered with a teary-eyed expression, "Mother, we will finally see Father." Rose, her voice tinged with emotion, replied, "Yes, my dear. We will be a family again."

Sasuke, chained and tormented in the confines of the mansion, was confronted by a mysterious man. With a defiant tone, Sasuke declared, "You think this is enough to extract information from me? You know very well you can't accomplish anything."

The enigmatic figure responded, "Oh, really, Sasuke? You think I don't know, but I have something more in store for you that you can't even imagine." With a sinister air, he produced an injection and menacingly informed Sasuke, "You will be my personal servant after I inject this into you."

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock as he struggled against his restraints, repeatedly muttering, "No, no, no..." With a cold determination, the man injected the serum into Sasuke, prompting a gut-wrenching scream from him.

As Sasuke glanced at the figure with dread, he managed to ask, "What are my orders, Sir Danzo?" The man, now revealed as Danzo, laughed maniacally, "Hahahaha... Now I want you to hunt."

As Aqua made his way toward the mansion, he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling of uncertainty about what he might encounter there. With every step, the weight of the situation seemed to grow heavier on his shoulders. Unaware of the horrors that awaited him, including the possibility of facing his master, Sasuke, now under the control of a mysterious drug, he steeled his resolve. Meanwhile, Rose's heart raced with fear and shock, realizing that the love of her life, Sasuke, was no longer the same person she knew. She braced herself for what might come next, the fear of the unknown gripping her tightly.

Aqua faced the swarm of almost a hundred zombies, his resolve unwavering. Turning to Izumi, he instructed firmly, "Izumi, get out of here. I will handle this." The girls were taken aback by Aqua's command, and Akane pleaded, "No, please, Aqua, don't do this."

Aqua reassured her, "You don't need to worry, Ms. Kurokawa. If I don't face this alone, then I am not the student who was trained by Sasuke-san." Despite his brave front, Akane couldn't help but feel a surge of fear at the thought of leaving him behind.

Izumi, however, stepped in, assuring her, "Don't worry, he will be fine. Our main priority is to find Sasuke-san. Let's go." Reluctantly, they all left, leaving Aqua to face the horde of zombies alone. Akane's worry for him was palpable, as she couldn't bear the thought of losing him once more.

Aqua stood firmly at the threshold, facing the relentless onslaught of nearly a hundred ravenous zombies. With each swing of his blade, he executed a seamless and precise dance, utilizing his Moon Breathing technique to its full extent. The glint of the moonlight reflected in his eyes as he spun, parried, and struck, each movement a deadly art. 

As the zombies closed in, their moans and groans filled the air, but Aqua remained undeterred. "Come at me," he growled, his voice filled with determination. "You'll find no mercy here."

The creatures lunged and snarled, yet Aqua's swift, precise strikes sent them crashing to the ground, one after another. His blade moved with fluid grace, each strike delivering a swift end to the unrelenting threat.

Aqua's mind was focused, his heart resolute, as he carved through the mass of undead assailants. "Moon Breathing: Crescent Sever!" he roared, unleashing a devastating whirlwind of slashes that left a trail of decapitated zombies in his wake.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Aqua fought with an unwavering resolve, determined to protect those he held dear and fulfill his duty as a warrior. The clash between his blade and the horde of zombies echoed through the mansion, each strike a testament to his unwavering strength and unwavering will.

Breathing heavily, Aqua's mind raced with urgency as he took a moment to regain his composure. "I need to hurry," he muttered to himself, the gravity of the situation sinking in. With determination etched on his face, he strode forward, his steps purposeful and resolute.

As he moved deeper into the mansion, the weight of the task ahead weighed heavily on him. Memories of his training with Sasuke flooded his mind, spurring him onward. With each step, he braced himself for what lay ahead, his resolve unshaken.