
The Moon Elf King

Tigreal, Alucard and the former's troops have been marching for a couple of days. The mystical lake of the Moon God with the capital city of the Moon Elves situated in the middle of the said lake can be seen in the distant horizon. Being too tired, Tigreal and his men decided to put up camp in the Enchanted Forest.

Unbeknownst to Tigreal, the five Imperial Knights who are actually Moskov and Alice's abyssal demon spies have been spying and marching along with his troops for quite some time, thus knowing all his motives and plans regarding how to defeat the demon queen.

Resting in his canopied tent, Tigreal was approached by Moskov, still masquerading in a full set of Moniyan knight armor. He wishes to make up an excuse to leave the camp and return to the camp along with the spies in order to tell Alice everything.

"Excuse me, Captain Tigreal... I would like to go deeper into the forest and look for some mushrooms for our men to eat." said Moskov, keeping his tone as innocent as possible.

"Go ahead, but make sure to return before dusk since we are going to meet Estes at his royal court." Tigreal answered, giving Moskov permission to do what he desires. Turning his back on Tigreal, Moskov smiled in a menacing manner under his helm and left with the other four knights.

As they "hunt for mushrooms", they were suddenly met by Alice deep within the Enchanted Forest. In her wake were dead Moon Elves which she herself had taken the other night. Behind her was an amassed battalion of abyssal demons and undead warriors.

"Lady Alice, what brings you here in the Enchanted Forest?" Moskov questioned the demon queen, his eyes shifting at the ranks of undead legionnaires and demon marksmen which had filled the front rows.

"Oh, I've decided to bring darkness upon the Moon Elves who revere that glowing orb which brings light into the dark hours of the night. And I want you to lead our men into assaulting the Moon Elf capital." said Alice, licking her bloody nails.

"Why me? Can't you do it?" Moskov shakes his head in disbelief upon hearing cowardice in the tone of the demoness' voice.

"Just do what I say!" Alice shouted, her fingers curling up with rage. Moskov had seen through the veils of her false emotions and lies which she had used to cover up the fact that she lost to Estes once.

"Let me guess, Estes kicked your ass?" Moskov laughed as Alice fell silent after hearing his question. "Alright, alright, I'll lead them to battle." Feeling relieved that Moskov will be doing the fighting for her, Alice turned towards her troops and began addressing them.

"Listen, demons and undead warriors! I want you all to attack the Moon Elf capital at night while Estes mourns the sudden disappearance of his young subjects. Kill any Moon Elf you see and show them no mercy! Moskov will be rallying you through the main gate. And one important thing, do not kill Estes. Bring him to me once he has witnessed his kingdom fall into ruin. I wish to kill him myself. Do I make myself clear?"

The troops of darkness simply nodded before hiding in the deeper parts of the Enchanted Forest so as not to be seen by any traveler or hunter. Alice herself fled to the southern mountains where her fortress lies.

As dusk was near, Tigreal and his men decided to continue their march towards the Lake of the Moon God, only to remember that five of his knights "searched for mushrooms". He turned towards Alucard and asked about their whereabouts.

"I have no idea, Tigreal. Maybe they might have gotten lost or whisked away by some mischievous Leonins." said Alucard, causing Tigreal to shake his head in disappointment.

"We don't have much time. Just forget them and move on." After marching for some time, Tigreal and his men had finally reached the Lake of the Moon God where the Moon Elf capital is. As they entered the city, they immediately made their way towards the palace where Estes awaited for their arrival.

"Ah, Sir Tigreal! You've finally made it!" A Moon Elf with pale white eyes and silver flowing hair, said as he stood up from his throne. He wore a light and caped purple set of royal armor that perfectly suited battlemages. On his hand was a scroll where the Code of Moonlight was written. He is none other than Estes, the moon elf king.

"King Estes..." said Tigreal, bowing before the king in reverence. The other knights and Alucard followed suit. They all got up after Estes had made a gesture telling them to do so.

The palace of the Moon Elf king was beautiful and enchanting in appearance. The pillars that held the main court were made of glowing moon crystals and the throne was laden with gold and magical gems. The floors were made of shining marble and a scarlet carpet trailed from the throne up to the main door. A huge, silver crescent moon hung above the throne which symbolized the Moon God.

"Say, you've got quite a nice place here." Alucard commented on how beautiful the palace is. He can't help but stare at his own handsome reflection via one of the moon crystal columns.

"This is not the time for admiring your own face, Alucard." Tigreal reprimanded Alucard, pulling him away from the column. Later on that night, a feast was prepared for Tigreal and his company as per Estes' orders. They all went to the lavishly decorated dining room where a smorgasbord of different delicacies native to the Moonlake met their eyes. Alucard can't help but to sit and eat, forgetting the fact that he joined Tigreal in heeding Estes' royal summons.

"Listen, Tigreal. I requested for your appearance here at my palace to seek the Empire's aid in saving the captive Moon Elves. I fear that they might have been taken by Alice since she once attacked my kingdom." said Estes.

"I see. My men and I will do everything to bring them back." Tigreal replied before eating the last moon dumpling on his plate. Just as the feast had ended, one of the palace's bell towers suddenly rang and one of Estes' men came rushing inside the main hall.

"I need to see his majesty, real quick!" The soldier cried out. His voice and facial expression appeared to be tense which means bad news. Estes however, knew what the sound of the tolling bells meant: War. The latter immediately got up and left the banquet hall.

"Your majesty..." said the soldier upon seeing Estes emerge out of the banquet hall's door. "The city is under attack by some demons and undead archers! We need to act!"

Estes never liked news about wars suddenly breaking out within his kingdom. His reaction? Take up arms and fight. Tigreal hears about this as well, causing him and his men to get up and prepare for battle. Alucard joined them after he had sated his appetite with a full Moonlake meal.

A huge horde of abyss demon warriors and undead archers which had amassed near the main gate of the Moon Elf capital greeted Estes and his royal troops, as well as that of Tigreal's. Ready to defend his people, namely the Moon Elves, Estes gave his first order as the chief commander, namely to have one legion of royal Moon Elf archers fire at the incoming waves of enemies. And so the war begins. All troops deployed.